posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 09:55 PM
Admin's- Please repost this to the correct forum, if necessary. Also, If you can, please direct this to the proper people, if this thread's ideas
are found to be useful.
I have noticed that across several forums, several topics are getting re posted or re hashed and posted. I want to propose a "fix" to this. What if
ATS were to change their forums to be more of a "wikipedia" base, where the main topic for instance, Sasquatch, were to be laid out as a "wiki"
page. Users can submit information, and admins can check the links provided for the evidence/facts, and if they are deemed worthy to be used as
evidence, they will be posted on the "wiki" page for that topic. And each topic, would have it's own continual updating discussion forum, where
instead of the older posts coming first, the newer ones would come first as to keep the ideas flowing instead of the page becoming stagnant after page
4 or so. Also, each topic, would be under a general heading as they are now (Cryptzoology for example). Also, for any information/facts/evidence that
is posted to the wiki page, links will be provided at the bottom of the page, so that any user can do their own research, or review research. All
members would also be encouraged to include more evidence, and also to dispute any evidence if deemed necessary. This would create a sort of "checks
and balances" type system. Also, Any member that provides new information on any subject, and gets posted onto the wiki page, gets credit for doing
so. Any other thoughts, ideas, suggestions?