This link lists patents of novel flight techniques.
The only real antigravity patent among them was Wallace's in 1971. Wallace's work goes back to 1966, as far as I'm aware.
The remainder of the patents were thrust producing devices.
I am going to try to explain the physics behind real antigravity. Perhaps it would be easier for me to simply paste links for your inspection. I'll
do that anyway at the bottom, as it may open some doors for your exploration.
Real antigravity is a means of nullifying the interaction of mass with the gravitational field. It also has the effect of nullifying inertial mass,
and bends light. The antigravity field is actually an artificially produced closed circulating gravitational field. This is superimposed upon the
ambient gravity field, with the result that the ambient gravitational flux flows completely around and outside of the enclosed mass. Thus it cannot
interact at all with matter enclosed, and both the inertial and gravitational mass is nullified.
When inertial mass is nullified, it becomes very easy to obtain very high accellerations, at low energy expenditures, with little or no G-forces to
the vehicle or the persons in it. Thus, if a vehicle has totally nullified mass, it will not be damaged by high speed collisions. A 40,000 ton vehicle
becomes lighter than a hair. You could try to ram that vehicle at high speed into a twig or a person, and they would not feel it or be harmed. The
vehicle would just bounce off, and go in another direction, with no impact force. So not only is the transportation much faster, it's inherantly
safer, and the collision problem is solved. Ram things all you want, no damage at all.
This is accomplished by spinning mass combined with forced precession of mass. The antigravity theory behind this goes back to Einstein's theory on
gravity-like fields that are generated around a spinning mass.
There have been several recent experiments that demonstrated real antigravity phenomena. Most mainstream institutionalized physicists are aware that
in 1992, an experiment at Tampere University was reported by Podkletnov, and a gravity shielding effect was claimed. A torroidal shaped type II
superconductor disk was suspended
via the Meissner effect by a constant vertical magnetic field, and was rapidly rotated by a time varying horizontal magnetic field. Masses located in
a cylindrical spacial geometry above the rotating disk were found to lose up to 2% of their weight.
The following links have a more substantial explanation of real antigravity with abundant references.
Post subject: Spin Aligned Nuclei, The Gravitomagnetic Field
Post subject: Ah ha! Antigravity!
So what really happens is this. Imagine a sphere of solid matter spinning on a vertical axis. in 1947, Einstien predicted that such would generate
gravitation-like forces: in a equatorial region circular fields, and parallel to the spin axis forces point in the outward direction in a conical
field. These forces were a consequence of relativistic physics.
Wallace in his patent calls this the magnetogravitic force. In his patented device, an air jet causes a brass disk mounted on ball bearings to spin. A
paramagnetic structure focused that gravity-like force upon a thermistor. The specific heat of the thermistor changes measurably.
He theorized that a time varying magnetogravitic force field would generate an electrogravitic force field. Now this last step is what leads to useful
antigravitic fields for flight.
What happened in the Podkletnov experiment was a demonstration of this latter step. A superconducting disk supported on a magnetic field is made to
spin. Within that is a rotating magnetic field, which is made to rotate with the superposition of a 3 phase magnetic field. If you look into what
happens in a superconductor which is exposed to magnetic fields, it generates currents in thin layers on the surface which precisely balance and
nullify the magnetic field, which causes the magnetic field to be rejected from passing through the body of the superconducting material.
The currents are generated in the configuration given by the right hand rule. Close your right hand into a fist with the thumb pointing up. The
fingers are the direction of the positron current flow, and the thumb is the direction of the magnetic field generated by that current. A positron
doesn't really have to exist, but it makes the concept easier to understand.
So there has to be some mass spinning. If a static magnetic field tried to enter a superconductor, currents in the superconductor will block it from
entering. The circulation of the electron current is the spinning mass. If the magnetic field is rotating, then the axis of the electron current is
forced to precess. This is what Wallace called the electrogravitic force field, which is what Podkletnov demonstrated.
It's really the spinning mass and the precession of the spinning mass that generated the antigravity effect. The changing electric and magnetic
fields are just a means of getting a handle upon the matter to make it do this.
So here's how a disk shaped antigravity vehicle might be constructed. You make a circular array of loops, the sum of which is conformed to the skin
of the vehicle. The skin itself, could be formed of aluminum, and have currents pass through it, but separated into pie shaped segments. Then you need
to attach tiles to it made of paramagnetic materials, to boost the effect. This is conveniently accomplished with layers of bismuth and aluminum, hot
pressed together. Bismuth has a low melting point. It has one of the highest paramagnetic values known. Aluminum is diamagnetic.
There are actually many materials that can be used which could be evaluated based upon their magnetogravitic permability.
So you have a high speed switching power supply electronically controlled in your vehicle. The current is sequentially turned on to pass through each
of the pie shaped segments, so the effect is that there is a high speed rotating magnetic field passing over and though the skin of the vehicle. This
causes the mass spin precession of the materials in the skin but also throughout the volume enclosed. Almost all matter is either paramagnetic or
diamagnetic, even water, bone and skin. They will all participate in generating the gravitoelectric field, because they will spin precess.
Accordingly, the antigravity field will be generated, and the vehicle and its contents will become massless. Then any small push will cause
One of the side effects of the rotating magnetic field is the ionization of the atmosphere near the skin, which result in the glow effect we have
heard about by many witnesses.
Recently another physicist has rediscovered this. Fran DeAquino conducted an experiment in which he made a 112 pound iron ball levitate
electrogravitially. He demonstrated negative mass also. This is a link to his site:
Experiments prove DeAquino correct:
Therefore, I believe we do have theory and hard proof of antigravity principles which is completely harmonious with eyewitness evidence of UFOs. It is
even probable that the USA and other countries have had such back engineered craft for as much as 56 years.
Whether some of the UFOs are alien piloted, I will leave unaddressed for now.
Larry Schamber