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COMET ISON- The Nostradamus Comet At The Time Of The True Mayan Calendar End Date Of 12/16/13

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posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 08:01 AM

Another day, another prophecy!

Prepare to die!

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 08:29 AM
The original was a failure, so they have to "recalculate", throw in a few more ancient predictions and Presto!, we have a whole new Dooms Day. Never mind Nostradamus, whose predictions can be translated to fit just about anything, it's for sure this time. Here's an open challenge to anyone who thinks this is real: Give away everything you own. I mean, really, you don't need all that stuff and you could make others very happy for the last year of their lives. Go give your car to a homeless person or family. Go tell your boss you'll be in on days you feel like working and if that's not ok, well, shove it. If we're going to include the Bible in all this, you must believe, so you don't need all those worldly goods anyway, huh? Fact is, No one is going to do it, because deep down, you know this is crap, but will come up with a dozen excuses why you can't.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Carreau

I stand corrected.
My bad.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by SophiaEveLee

Not argueing that the calendar didn't start on 4 Ahau is the Tzolkin date and 8 Kumku is the Haab date or August 11, -3113 in the Gregorian calendar.

What I am pointing out is you don't start counting the Long count calendar year at 0 (just like we don't start counting our Gregorian calendar at 0 but instead we start it at year 1). Thus, the Mayan Code has now been cracked!

2013 Comets: Year Of The God's Return

["It is my belief that The Mayan date was calculated wrong.
The Mayan's have never been wrong in their cosmic calculations and it is possible that we as the human race have calculated 'their' calendar wrong.
While we have knowingly through out history adjusted the Gregorian calendar,
the Mayan Calendar stands unchallenged.

The Maya's have three distinctive main calendars on which they based their cosmic calculations.
Of the three calendars, the one I would like to call into attention is the Maya two hundred and sixty day sacred “Round Calendar”, also known as the 'Tzolk'in”.
The 260 day calendar is in reference to the “human gestation” period; or in layman's terms -
This is the incubation length a woman carries her seeded child before giving birth.

The ZERO year.

After all, it is speculated that it was the great Maya nation that gifted mankind the zero number for advanced calculations.

This calendar, I believe, is the clue in which the Maya count is to be started.

We, as humans, tend to start counting with the number 'one' - when the Maya are clearing referencing the start of a life cycle count with the zero number.
If we are to count their calendar starting with zero as the number they referenced as a starting point; that number being the year of 3114 B.C.
Then by using their calculated method, we need to actually 'ADD' a year to which we've counted changing the date from 12/21/2012, to – 12/21/2013.

It is possible the Maya named their calendar the “Round Calendar” as a clue as to be not mistaken..?

So – it is possible that 'our' count to the infamous Mayan calendar is off by a calculation of one!?!"]

I posted this the day before the recent Russian Comet event.

This ties the date and the five comets in to prophecy of religion.

It's a 'two part' extensively written expose with many links explaining what is going on
regarding ALL present day 'earth happenings', prophecy's in Religion and the Comets.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by DarknStormy

The great star for seven days will burn, The cloud will cause two suns to appear: The big mastiff all night will howl, When the great pontiff changes countries.

This is the perehelion between Ison and Encke and the 'Mastiff' is our hollow moon vibrating and the "pontiff changing countries" is our Sun flipping poles!

During the bearded star's appearance, The three great princes will be made enemies: Hit from the sky, peace earth trembling, Pau, Tiber overflowing, serpent on the brink placed.

The three great princes will be made enemies" is is in reference to the three comets
"Earth trembling" is a reference to Earthquakes.
""Tiber overflowing" is a reference to Tsunamis.
""Hit from the sky" is in reference to what just happened in Russia. (expect more - much more)

**Now Rome also does play a significant role in revelation and one only has too read to understand that Rome or the Black Pope is going to move on Jerusalem and declare himself God etc.. So the scenario is very real, But is comet Ison the bearded star or simply a one off comet? Who knows.. But with that many cities also sit on 7 hills. So it is only an assupmtion that the Black Pope is actually a pope from the Vatican.**

b]The Black Pope is Nemesis - Jerusalem is Earth and the 'seven hills' are our seven continents.
edit on 22-3-2013 by HumAnnunaki because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by GreenGlassDoor
The Mayan calendar end has become the herpes of conspiracies. Just when you think it is over there is another outbreak.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

And exactly like herpes there is no cure.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by HumAnnunaki

While we have knowingly through out history adjusted the Gregorian calendar,
the Mayan Calendar stands unchallenged.

The Gregorian calendar does something the Mayans did not - it tracks the time it takes for the Earth to go around the Sun. The Gregorian calendar has not been adjusted.

The claim that the Tzolk'in is based on the length of human gestation is incorrect. That is 280 days vs 260 days for the calender. One of several ideas is that the calendar might, be based on the length of time from last missed period to birth. There are other ideas which are more likely for the origin.

After all, it is speculated that it was the great Maya nation that gifted mankind the zero number for advanced calculations.

Other cultures also developed zero. Zero was a concept developed a long time ago.

We, as humans, tend to start counting with the number 'one' - when the Maya are clearing referencing the start of a life cycle count with the zero number.

Any evidence for that?

If we are to count their calendar starting with zero as the number they referenced as a starting point; that number being the year of 3114 B.C.
Then by using their calculated method, we need to actually 'ADD' a year to which we've counted changing the date from 12/21/2012, to – 12/21/2013.

Huge logical error here. Where did 3114BC come from? It came from the GMT correlation. The connection between the calendars was used to determine that date.

So – it is possible that 'our' count to the infamous Mayan calendar is off by a calculation of one!?!"]

No. You made a big mistake.

I posted this the day before the recent Russian Comet event.

This ties the date and the five comets in to prophecy of religion.

A non sequitur.

It's a 'two part' extensively written expose with many links explaining what is going on
regarding ALL present day 'earth happenings', prophecy's in Religion and the Comets.

Thanks for the warning. Part 1 has been pretty bad. I hope it doesn't get much worse.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by HumAnnunaki

Thanks for the warning. Part 2 was way worse than part 1.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Bring me your links. Mine our in my 'thread'.
Be sure not to "skim" read.

Thank you in advance.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by HumAnnunaki

Why should I go read the other thread when your posts were so bad in this thread?

Ask me what you need to correct your mistakes and I will help out.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 09:59 PM
Actually no, the Mayans are not credited for inventing zero as a number.

Zero and The Americas

The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar developed in south-central Mexico and Central America required the use of zero as a place-holder within its vigesimal (base-20) positional numeral system. Many different glyphs, including this partial quatrefoil——were used as a zero symbol for these Long Count dates, the earliest of which (on Stela 2 at Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas) has a date of 36 BC.[24] Since the eight earliest Long Count dates appear outside the Maya homeland,[25] it is assumed that the use of zero in the Americas predated the Maya and was possibly the invention of the Olmecs. Many of the earliest Long Count dates were found within the Olmec heartland, although the Olmec civilization ended by the 4th century BC, several centuries before the earliest known Long Count dates. Although zero became an integral part of Maya numerals, it did not influence Old World numeral systems. Quipu, a knotted cord device, used in the Inca Empire and its predecessor societies in the Andean region to record accounting and other digital data, is encoded in a base ten positional system. Zero is represented by the absence of a knot in the appropriate position.

So the use of the zero in the Americas predated the Maya and was possibley the invention of the Olmecs.

The ancient greeks and romans knew about zero, but the greeks debated about it, asking how nothing could be something.

Zero in most cultures was used as a place holder, and it wasn't until about the 12th century that western worlds adopted the arabic numbering system that included zero as a number, something that they (the arabics) introduced between 500 AD to 800 AD.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by stereologist

While we have knowingly through out history adjusted the Gregorian calendar,
the Mayan Calendar stands unchallenged.

The Gregorian calendar does something the Mayans did not - it tracks the time it takes for the Earth to go around the Sun. The Gregorian calendar has not been adjusted.

The claim that the Tzolk'in is based on the length of human gestation is incorrect. That is 280 days vs 260 days for the calender. One of several ideas is that the calendar might, be based on the length of time from last missed period to birth. There are other ideas which are more likely for the origin.

We, as humans, tend to start counting with the number 'one' - when the Maya are clearing referencing the start of a life cycle count with the zero number.

Any evidence for that?

Huge logical error here. Where did 3114BC come from? It came from the GMT correlation. The connection between the calendars was used to determine that date.

So – it is possible that 'our' count to the infamous Mayan calendar is off by a calculation of one!?!"]

No. You made a big mistake.

ALL the links are in my thread INCLUDING this one:

As far as the numbwer ZERO goes, "Erictheawful" has already pointed out, it is supposed
that the Olmecs passed down their knowledge which I refer to in my Link.

As far as you asking for evidence of "we as humans count with number one"..
When I went to school, we counted with one first.

Do you know anyone who celebrated their zero birthday?
I don't...I only know people whom celebrated their first birthday and on!?!

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by HumAnnunaki

As far as you asking for evidence of "we as humans count with number one"..
When I went to school, we counted with one first.

That is a use of what are known as the natural numbers, or counting numbers. Add 0 to the natural numbers and you get the whole numbers.

Do you know anyone who celebrated their zero birthday?
I don't...I only know people whom celebrated their first birthday and on!?!

But you do see why you goofed with the starting date, right?

A date is selected as being known in two calendars. That is used to create a correlation between calendars. From there you can determine any date. The long count begins before there is a Mayan civilization. Thus it is possible that the Mayans began a calendar not at the start, but in the middle. Or the Mayans adopted a calendar from someone else.

As erictheaweful has pointed out, more than 1 culture invented zero. It was well entrenched in the Old World before the Old met the New.

Whether or not the Mayans began counting at 0 has no effect on the correlation between the Gregorian calendar and the long count. The most important part of the long count is to give a distinct date to repeating dates from cyclical calendars such as the Tzolk'in.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Yes, I understand and agree what you are saying.

What I am saying is that the calendar calculaution was started
with the number one and should have been calculated using the
number zero first - thus adding to the equation, which then would
end the calendar in year 2013.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by HumAnnunaki

Yes, the Olmecs passed it down to the Mayans (it's assumed).

However, neither they, nor the Mayans are responsible for the number zero for all of mankind.

The concept of zero was working through many cultures over a long period. As stated, the ancient greeks had it figured out, but could not decide if they should use it because they debated if nothing could be something.

The Mesapitamians had a zero, long, long before the Mayans, but they used it as a place holder.

If we were to look at zero as the number that we use today, that credit goes to the arabics, because it's their numbering system that we use today, and they had no contact with the Mayans.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by HumAnnunaki

Yes, I understand and agree what you are saying.

What I am saying is that the calendar calculaution was started
with the number one and should have been calculated using the
number zero first - thus adding to the equation, which then would
end the calendar in year 2013.

I'm not explaining it well I guess. You're completely missing the point.

Go to this link and see how the GMT was worked out.
Notice that all of the dates are ones like 1521AD, and 741AD. The connection between the 2 calendars is based on recent dates. After the correlation is worked out it is possible to extrapolate into the past to see when the long count began.

That is problem one corrected. Now onto a new problem. The long count is a count of days. Once a day number is determined it is possible to determine other day numbers by counting by days.

So if the start is August 11, 3114 BC and you want to insert a new time unit you add just 1 day, not a year.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 11:37 PM
Hmmm? Could the addition of the "Leap Year" thrown our calendar off a whole year? Could this year really be 2012?

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Phantasm

Leap years are accounted for in calendars and the correlation between calendars.

The purpose of leap days is to keep a calendar based on motion around the Sun matched up with fast the Earth spins on its axis. The time of one divided by the time of another is not a simple number.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 04:56 PM

Thanksss for all your "precious" time... ATS folks
[fingers crossed]
to some only!

HOWEVER a bad news wanted to share with ye all "intelligents"...

Now if the ice melts those volcanoes up there will erupt and we then have the real apocalypse.



Sun twentieth of Taurus the earth will tremble very mightily
It will ruin the great theater filled:
To darken and trouble air, sky and land,
Then the infidel will call upon God and saints.


NASA: As 2013 unfolds, the comet is still very far away—near the orbit of Jupiter. That’s why it looks like a speck. “But for an object at such extreme distance, it is actually very bright," says Battams.




Comet nuclei are energetic orbital dark matter. Their tail is a beta decay shower of protons and electrons and not sublimed gas. The fact NASA and the media spew 1950′s ideas that a comet is a dirty snowball is ABSURD. Comets have been known to emit x-rays and plasma rays and have also exploded with the force of a Nuclear bomb.

edit on 23-3-2013 by SophiaEveLee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by SophiaEveLee

You should check out James McCannys work if you are interested in that comet theory.. Apparently he has been on to this for a long time

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