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Ted Cruz Responds To Birther Concerns Floated By Sean Hannity

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posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 07:04 AM
Ted Cruz Responds To Birther Concerns Floated By Sean Hannity (VIDEO)

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wants to be clear: Although he was born in Canada, he is a U.S. citizen. Speaking Monday night on Fox News' "Hannity", Cruz gave some insight into his recent keynote speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference and short time in the Senate so far. Towards the end of the interview, however, host Sean Hannity pointed out that recent buzz around the tea party favorite has gained Cruz some attention as a possible presidential nominee. "Are you eligible to run for president? You were born in Canada," Hannity asked. Cruz attempted to downplay the question and turned to his work "defending the Constitution" in the Senate.

Hannity really shows how much of a hypocrite he is in this interview. How many times did he question if the president was a citizen even though he was born in this country. But if you have a right winger who wasn't even born in this country who only had one American parent like Obama and it's ok you are an American.

Hannity predicted that Democrats might use Cruz's Canadian birthplace against him in the future, saying that he heard "birther cries building on the left."

And how many years has the right been screaming the brither cries. Some say turnabout is fair play.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 08:23 AM
How do you know BO or anyone else was born where they say? All that matters is they had an American parent. Most are too stupid to figure that out, doesn't help with dummies like Sheriff Jo and who ever Hannity was talking about on the left.....

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by buster2010

Well to me, the difference should be obvious, cruz doesnt have a giant black hole for a background.

Cruz doesnt have folks from his college saying they never even saw him, nor does he have a obviously doctored birth certificate, jor was he appointed to the harvard law review without ever so much as writting one paper.

Nor are all attempts of gaining access to anything to do with finding out who he is blocked and those responsible threatened with imprisonment fines etc..

Nor are of cruz old friends terrorists.

Nor are all of his past experience appointments, by powerful people, to a man who has no past.

I would say a lot about the 2 is different.

Cruz is a known quantity, obama, on his 5th year in office, is still a complete mystery to everyone in the country.

His (obama's) rise, nothing short of meteoric, even thiugh he doesnt have a single accomplishment that would show good cause for it. Nor did he do a single thing to deserve a nobel peace prize, nor did he do a single thing to gain sports illustrated one of the most infuential people in sports awards.

Basically, it seems to me, and a lot of others, this guy has had his entire life handed to him, and even the seat of POTUS, even though there is no evidence he could even manage a mcdonalds, not to mention work history or anything.

This is the equivalent, of a random guy off the street getting the nobel in physics, and winning POTUS election, and being appointed to several of the loftiest positions in the country, yet doesnt have a resume, or any work history, or any personal references from a single reliable person, while almost every msm source heralds this guy as the savior of the world.

What the hell is going on, is this guy some kind of jedi or somthing, mind controlling everyone into giving him what he wants? I cannot be the only person who has noticed and thinks these things.

I woild say cruz and obama are in entirely different boats altogether.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by buster2010

I hope he does run in 2016.

It would be a gift to Hillary or whoever runs for the left.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by ParanoidAmerican
How do you know BO or anyone else was born where they say? All that matters is they had an American parent. Most are too stupid to figure that out, doesn't help with dummies like Sheriff Jo and who ever Hannity was talking about on the left.....

...and it's comments like yours that have given me my handle: O.P.O.G.G. (One po'd great granny)!! I hope you don't vote. I am so very sick and tired of people who are too irresponsible to learn about the BASICS of this country, our Constitution, THE DEFINITION OF NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, etc. being responsible for the downward turn this country has taken.

Although the Constitution did not define natural born citizen, we have Vattel's Law of Nations...and we have Minor vs. Happersett, which does define natural born citizen.

Here's an excerpt from an article, by an attorney, concerning this matter:

"... See Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162, 167-68 (1875) (the unanimous U.S. Supreme Court explained that the definition of a “natural-born citizen” is not found in the Constitution and confirmed that “[a]t common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners”)..."

Children born IN A COUNTRY to parents (PLURAL) who were citizens...
There is also a difference between a citizen and a natural born citizen...
There are many many online sites that discuss the natural born citizen issue in great detail...

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 08:14 AM

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