posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 07:42 PM
Back in November, I received an "infraction" for running a red light here in Sarasota, FL. I was mailed a photo of my license plate with the date,
time and my speed as I recklessly careened through the intersection (I was going 3mph). I fought the citation by filing an affidavit stating that,
because an emergency vehicle was approaching, I had no choice but to go through the red light to make room. The Sarasota PD was kind enough to write
back explaining that since no emergency vehicle was seen "on the tape" and none of the other cars at the intersection (heading north, not taking a
right turn) moved, my affidavit was denied. So, tomorrow I have a pretrial conference hearing. I'll update accordingly.
Back to my point: some company in Arizona sent me the infraction notice and wanted me to pay $158 with no points on my license. If I fight the ticket,
the fee goes up to $264 with points. I had experienced something similar in Arkansas when I was ticketed for "imprudent driving" and informed if I
challenged the ticket, the fee would increase.
My question: why the hell aren't people more pissed off about this? It is clearly a shake-down but who dares say anything to that effect?
Feel free to comment, wish me luck, or rant.