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Author faces criticism for "Being white in Philly" article

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posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by kimish

Truth be told, the more we are allowed open dialogue about race and the differences, the more we will understand one another. Once we get to understand one another then only will things start to look sunnier for us all. Unfortunately, the Govmn't is doing a good job of preventing any of that from happening. smh.

That right there is the reason they don't want us to have an open dialogue on race. They need to keep us divided so we can't all come together against a common enemy.

So long as we are divided, they can control us through our fear of the "others" whether they be of another political party or race, they want us all at each others throats so we can't work together for our own common good.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by kimish

Truth be told, the more we are allowed open dialogue about race and the differences, the more we will understand one another. Once we get to understand one another then only will things start to look sunnier for us all. Unfortunately, the Govmn't is doing a good job of preventing any of that from happening. smh.

Exactly. And you know why not? Because the conversation would go like this:

[White People]: Hey, black people in the ghettos, get a job!

[Black people]: The only job I can get is at Walmart, and they pay me less than welfare does, and don't give my family any medical benefits. Why should I choose the Walmart slavery job?

[Whites]: Because it's the honorable thing to do!

[Blacks]: Really? You're proud of working for slave wages and miring your family in credit card debt you'll never be able to pay off, while you fill some banker's pockets?

[Whites]: Well, er, no, that does kind of suck. And you know, we are kind of tired of it. you guys have any pitchforks or know how to make a torch?

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:26 PM
I get what you're saying nunya, it's just the lumping of ALL black people into a subgroup, the generalizations. Contrary to rumor, most black people are not poor, or inner city. TPTB loves for everyone to believe that's the case, but it's not.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:31 PM
And to be on topic, personally, I had no problem with Huber's article.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by poloblack
I get what you're saying nunya, it's just the lumping of ALL black people into a subgroup, the generalizations. Contrary to rumor, most black people are not poor, or inner city. TPTB loves for everyone to believe that's the case, but it's not.

Right on man, and I hear you. And that's almost the entire point I think, that it doesn't even take forcing all the white people and all the black people and all the people of any color to live in one certain way and co-mingle in a tension-breeding way, it only takes a few cities with a few very unique demographic issues to spark a manufactured race war at worst, or attention-diverting murder cases at best. In this town the article is about, you have a very weird and artificial situation of a neighborhood of very very poor black people living literally right next door to a neighborhood of middle/upper-middle-class white people, and it has sparked tensions over the years that don't usually happen. It's two communities who feel like they've been wronged in some way and yet lack the social skills to interact with and understand each other.

And that's how it begins. Fear, prejudice, feelings of being wronged by some "other" group, and then being forced up against each other like cattle without the social tools or community bond to keep the lid on things. A powder keg is sparked, and the contagion spreads to cities who don't have this demographic situation yet have been fed resentment for the "others" in small doses over the years, coupled with a downward-spiraling economy that will leave us all divided if we don't stand united.

And that's the root of it all, money. The most important subject intelligent persons can research and expound upon. It's what we've all got in common, because the common man has none of it. Black OR white.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by 00nunya00

Originally posted by poloblack
I get what you're saying nunya, it's just the lumping of ALL black people into a subgroup, the generalizations. Contrary to rumor, most black people are not poor, or inner city. TPTB loves for everyone to believe that's the case, but it's not.

Right on man, and I hear you. And that's almost the entire point I think, that it doesn't even take forcing all the white people and all the black people and all the people of any color to live in one certain way and co-mingle in a tension-breeding way, it only takes a few cities with a few very unique demographic issues to spark a manufactured race war at worst, or attention-diverting murder cases at best. In this town the article is about, you have a very weird and artificial situation of a neighborhood of very very poor black people living literally right next door to a neighborhood of middle/upper-middle-class white people, and it has sparked tensions over the years that don't usually happen. It's two communities who feel like they've been wronged in some way and yet lack the social skills to interact with and understand each other.

And that's how it begins. Fear, prejudice, feelings of being wronged by some "other" group, and then being forced up against each other like cattle without the social tools or community bond to keep the lid on things. A powder keg is sparked, and the contagion spreads to cities who don't have this demographic situation yet have been fed resentment for the "others" in small doses over the years, coupled with a downward-spiraling economy that will leave us all divided if we don't stand united.

And that's the root of it all, money. The most important subject intelligent persons can research and expound upon. It's what we've all got in common, because the common man has none of it. Black OR white.
And there it is bro. Well said, man.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 08:57 AM
A white guy calls for an open dialogue on race relations and gets labeled a racist. Meanwhile Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, QuanellX and all the others can spew as much "bad whitey" as they want and nobody ever says a word.

Imagine that.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by poloblack
I get what you're saying nunya, it's just the lumping of ALL black people into a subgroup, the generalizations. Contrary to rumor, most black people are not poor, or inner city. TPTB loves for everyone to believe that's the case, but it's not.

Great convo by the way, in general! One that needs to be had, and it's a shame to see the original article and sentiment get derailed by generalities and political correctness.

As far as generalizations, the current political climate seems to throw any pro white sentiment into a racist category, while pro black is widely acceptable and encouraged (or pro anything else for that matter). I hope you can see that, I hope you can understand that people are realizing the double standard exists, and speaking up. I hope you can realize that not everyone who does so is some stormfront member, whatever that even implies!

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Credenceskynyrd

Are you saying that white males are such excellent father figures?

Because I know plenty that are scared little boys that ran when they got a girl pregnant.

Being a coward isn't exclusive to any race. It's universal.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 09:15 AM
Anything about whites talking about race or blacks in any truth these days is considered racist by the left.. Nothing will ever change until we can have an honest talk about race in america. But many will not allow this since they will loose the choke hold they have on certain demographics.
edit on 20-3-2013 by Metha-Don because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 09:28 AM
There is one black man that knows how the milk got in the coconut and is not afraid to tell it like it is, possibly, hopefully the next POTUS. Dr. Ben Carson. A level headed,brilliant black man that could change America for the better and make a huge dent in racism. He can not be demonized, he can not be contradicted. He saves children daily and is the black communities best hope for equality. If they push him away, they just don't want equality. He is a great man no matter the color of his skin.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by poloblack
I get what you're saying nunya, it's just the lumping of ALL black people into a subgroup, the generalizations. Contrary to rumor, most black people are not poor, or inner city. TPTB loves for everyone to believe that's the case, but it's not.

There is nothing with that article IMO, even though as per usual it focuses on the almighty stereotype. Yes a third of black Americans live below the poverty line, but what the hell about those 60%+ that never get mentioned except for when the publication is meant for black Americans? I just love how they concentrate on just poor black people and apply that whole swath of generalizations of the whole group. What I'd love to see is someone white walk through a middle to upper class black neighborhood (yes there are those).

People need to realize it's poverty and not race. When your predecessors start off in a country, as slaves, then have laws and legislation directly targeting them to keep them in the same situation there are going to be hurdles to overcome, simple as that. You can't reverse 200+ years of outright bigotry so easily, especially with something as ingrained and touchy as "racism".

Really???? I'm from Chicago and this is BS. Lack of education leads to poverty, if your parents never got an education it directly affects you. Destroy a culture and you put someone behind generations in building wealth/education and failure is certain. Most of the racism we see as minorities is in the corporate structure. It is a subtle racism which is worse than blatant.

A comment from the same article. So true. Not many people want to address the the problems of that past as it effects the future. Now granted, it is a personal choice if you want to further your own education or entering the work force. However i would like to contend that during those times when the foundations of American society and capitalism was being laid down, segments of America were exclusively left out for nothing more than having the wrong skin color. And it's that situation that has contributed heavily to the lack of wealth among black americans.

The core issue is and always has been... money.
edit on 20-3-2013 by cenpuppie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by poloblack
Some people like to insinuate black people started the slave trade, because they damn sure didn't enslave themselves.

No, they enslaved each other and had been doing so for thousands of years previously. Every culture, from the vikings to the ancient kindom of Mali had slaves and slavery. What is disingenuous is pushing the entire issue upon a single group (or descendants of said group) while ignoring the involvement of their own groups in the trade. Do you honestly believe that northern europeans crawled into the jungles of Africa and imprisoned hundreds of thousands of some of the world's greatest warriors and hunters on their own turf? Nope, they sat on ships at the ports and Africans brought other Africans to them for sale.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus
I'm not afraid of discussing race and racism. I notice that a great many people on ATS are, though, and they pop up with a bunch of PC nonsense. How can you deny ignorance if you are entrenched in it and call it enlightenment?

"Let justice be done, or the heavens fall." That means justice for everybody, all races and both genders.

When we are not allowed to call it like we see it, then we know that we are living in a society that supresses truth.

When white people are not allowed to discuss things like this, yet other races are, is that not racism? When there is a double standard for speech and behavior, based on skin color, is that not racism?

Wake up, America!
edit on 19-3-2013 by FissionSurplus because: spelling

You didn't hear? All of the benefits of being a member of a society were conferred upon you when you were bornwhite. If you can't cash that in for something valuable, then you're an undesirable whiner.


posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by poloblack
Some people like to insinuate black people started the slave trade, because they damn sure didn't enslave themselves.

No, they enslaved each other and had been doing so for thousands of years previously. Every culture, from the vikings to the ancient kindom of Mali had slaves and slavery. What is disingenuous is pushing the entire issue upon a single group (or descendants of said group) while ignoring the involvement of their own groups in the trade. Do you honestly believe that northern europeans crawled into the jungles of Africa and imprisoned hundreds of thousands of some of the world's greatest warriors and hunters on their own turf? Nope, they sat on ships at the ports and Africans brought other Africans to them for sale.
I already said that, HOWEVER, the Europeans came back and enslaved them ALL. And I'm well aware other cultures enslaved each other, but the African slave trade was a different breed of cat. No one refers to people with Viking ancestry as sons of former slaves, or Irish or any other race. Blacks are thought of by many, to this day, to be no more than sons of former slaves. I've even heard blacks being referred to as the slave race, and not just by white people.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by poloblack

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by poloblack
Some people like to insinuate black people started the slave trade, because they damn sure didn't enslave themselves.

No, they enslaved each other and had been doing so for thousands of years previously. Every culture, from the vikings to the ancient kindom of Mali had slaves and slavery. What is disingenuous is pushing the entire issue upon a single group (or descendants of said group) while ignoring the involvement of their own groups in the trade. Do you honestly believe that northern europeans crawled into the jungles of Africa and imprisoned hundreds of thousands of some of the world's greatest warriors and hunters on their own turf? Nope, they sat on ships at the ports and Africans brought other Africans to them for sale.
I already said that, HOWEVER, the Europeans came back and enslaved them ALL. And I'm well aware other cultures enslaved each other, but the African slave trade was a different breed of cat. No one refers to people with Viking ancestry as sons of former slaves, or Irish or any other race. Blacks are thought of by many, to this day, to be no more than sons of former slaves. I've even heard blacks being referred to as the slave race, and not just by white people.

Enslaved them all? All Africans were slaves? Even those enslaving other Africans? The only difference of the African slave trade to the New World was volume. African and Arab traders took shiploads of slaves from place to place long before the discovery of the new world.

Why are Africans still considered slaves or descendents of slaves? Perhaps that has more to do with the perpetual victimhood that our PC culture has and pushes upon them.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by cenpuppie

Originally posted by poloblack
I get what you're saying nunya, it's just the lumping of ALL black people into a subgroup, the generalizations. Contrary to rumor, most black people are not poor, or inner city. TPTB loves for everyone to believe that's the case, but it's not.

There is nothing with that article IMO, even though as per usual it focuses on the almighty stereotype. Yes a third of black Americans live below the poverty line, but what the hell about those 60%+ that never get mentioned except for when the publication is meant for black Americans? I just love how they concentrate on just poor black people and apply that whole swath of generalizations of the whole group. What I'd love to see is someone white walk through a middle to upper class black neighborhood (yes there are those).

People need to realize it's poverty and not race. When your predecessors start off in a country, as slaves, then have laws and legislation directly targeting them to keep them in the same situation there are going to be hurdles to overcome, simple as that. You can't reverse 200+ years of outright bigotry so easily, especially with something as ingrained and touchy as "racism".

Really???? I'm from Chicago and this is BS. Lack of education leads to poverty, if your parents never got an education it directly affects you. Destroy a culture and you put someone behind generations in building wealth/education and failure is certain. Most of the racism we see as minorities is in the corporate structure. It is a subtle racism which is worse than blatant.

A comment from the same article. So true. Not many people want to address the the problems of that past as it effects the future. Now granted, it is a personal choice if you want to further your own education or entering the work force. However i would like to contend that during those times when the foundations of American society and capitalism was being laid down, segments of America were exclusively left out for nothing more than having the wrong skin color. And it's that situation that has contributed heavily to the lack of wealth among black americans.

The core issue is and always has been... money.
edit on 20-3-2013 by cenpuppie because: (no reason given)
Did you bother to read my post where I said that I saw NO PROBLEM with Huber's article?? That's what I thought. You didn't.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by poloblack

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by poloblack
Some people like to insinuate black people started the slave trade, because they damn sure didn't enslave themselves.

No, they enslaved each other and had been doing so for thousands of years previously. Every culture, from the vikings to the ancient kindom of Mali had slaves and slavery. What is disingenuous is pushing the entire issue upon a single group (or descendants of said group) while ignoring the involvement of their own groups in the trade. Do you honestly believe that northern europeans crawled into the jungles of Africa and imprisoned hundreds of thousands of some of the world's greatest warriors and hunters on their own turf? Nope, they sat on ships at the ports and Africans brought other Africans to them for sale.
I already said that, HOWEVER, the Europeans came back and enslaved them ALL. And I'm well aware other cultures enslaved each other, but the African slave trade was a different breed of cat. No one refers to people with Viking ancestry as sons of former slaves, or Irish or any other race. Blacks are thought of by many, to this day, to be no more than sons of former slaves. I've even heard blacks being referred to as the slave race, and not just by white people.

Enslaved them all? All Africans were slaves? Even those enslaving other Africans? The only difference of the African slave trade to the New World was volume. African and Arab traders took shiploads of slaves from place to place long before the discovery of the new world.

Why are Africans still considered slaves or descendents of slaves? Perhaps that has more to do with the perpetual victimhood that our PC culture has and pushes upon them.
Again with the generalizations. I have black, Cherokee and white blood. I'm a descendant of everyone sir, so the last part of your post means nothing to me. And hell yeah, the Europeans and others enslaved most of Africa.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by cenpuppie

Originally posted by poloblack
I get what you're saying nunya, it's just the lumping of ALL black people into a subgroup, the generalizations. Contrary to rumor, most black people are not poor, or inner city. TPTB loves for everyone to believe that's the case, but it's not.

There is nothing with that article IMO, even though as per usual it focuses on the almighty stereotype. Yes a third of black Americans live below the poverty line, but what the hell about those 60%+ that never get mentioned except for when the publication is meant for black Americans? I just love how they concentrate on just poor black people and apply that whole swath of generalizations of the whole group. What I'd love to see is someone white walk through a middle to upper class black neighborhood (yes there are those).

People need to realize it's poverty and not race. When your predecessors start off in a country, as slaves, then have laws and legislation directly targeting them to keep them in the same situation there are going to be hurdles to overcome, simple as that. You can't reverse 200+ years of outright bigotry so easily, especially with something as ingrained and touchy as "racism".

Really???? I'm from Chicago and this is BS. Lack of education leads to poverty, if your parents never got an education it directly affects you. Destroy a culture and you put someone behind generations in building wealth/education and failure is certain. Most of the racism we see as minorities is in the corporate structure. It is a subtle racism which is worse than blatant.

A comment from the same article. So true. Not many people want to address the the problems of that past as it effects the future. Now granted, it is a personal choice if you want to further your own education or entering the work force. However i would like to contend that during those times when the foundations of American society and capitalism was being laid down, segments of America were exclusively left out for nothing more than having the wrong skin color. And it's that situation that has contributed heavily to the lack of wealth among black americans.

The core issue is and always has been... money.
edit on 20-3-2013 by cenpuppie because: (no reason given)
You got that right my man

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by jimmiec
There is one black man that knows how the milk got in the coconut and is not afraid to tell it like it is, possibly, hopefully the next POTUS. Dr. Ben Carson. A level headed,brilliant black man that could change America for the better and make a huge dent in racism. He can not be demonized, he can not be contradicted. He saves children daily and is the black communities best hope for equality. If they push him away, they just don't want equality. He is a great man no matter the color of his skin.
That really gets on my friggin nerves when people talk about 'black leaders' of the 'black community'. Black people don't need ''black leaders''. This isn't the 60s and there damn sure aren't any MLKs around. Instead of looking for someone to lead, self suffiency should be instilled. I don't see people yapping about ''white leaders'' in the ''white communities''. That sh!+ sounds stupid and divisive. And Ben Carson will NEVER be POTUS my friend. Believe that.

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