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I Was a Victim: The Steubenville Rape Case is Not Isolated!!

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posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by TokiTheDestroyer
reply to post by smyleegrl

Yeah, having a judge tell you that men are incapable of being raped messes you up pretty bad.

Although that being said, I have overcome and am married to a gorgeous woman and have a beautiful son.
edit on 3/19/13 by TokiTheDestroyer because: (no reason given)

I'm very sorry to hear what you went through. The sheer ignorance of many about rape astounds me. But sounds like you're a SURVIVOR too! Congratulations on your marriage and your son!

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 11:01 AM
instead of eradicating males only?

Following a simple logic, males and females are equals, so why not exterminating both ?
edit on 19-3-2013 by AnonyWarp because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 11:02 AM
One of the things that I found disgusting about this incident was the number of young people who were there and did not stop it.

One of the lectures I gave my kids was the effects of alcohol based on body weight. If you drink too much, you will die. If one of your friends drinks too much they can pass out. If one of your friends passes out, you need to stay with them to make sure nothing happens. They can choke on their own vomit. Or in this case they can be raped by football players. You have a responsibility to your friends if they are incapacitated. Clearly this girls friends did not know what to do.

+6 more 
posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by luciddream
Steubenville rape victim was dumb. Period.

Just curious; what's it like to go on a forum with around 300,000 members
and prove to everyone you have NO IDEA what you are talking about?

Read the case, there is more than sufficient evidence to show the girl was DRUGGED,
and was setup by a disgruntled boyfreind who is part of the "RAPE CREW" football team.

Yes, I am a male survivor of sexual abuse and it always confounds me how a person can
accuse the VICTIM of being the 'DUMB' victim (as you did) just because they ended up
being victimized.

You dear citizen, need to spend some time with victims to find out how traumatized they are
by their peers whom feel the need to point out what the victim did wrong.

No one whom is victimized sexually needs people with your thought process.
YOU are NOT part of the SOLUTION!!!

Are you from Stuebenville..?

To all my fellow survivors -

Be well !
edit on 19-3-2013 by HumAnnunaki because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by HumAnnunaki

Originally posted by luciddream
Steubenville rape victim was dumb. Period.

Yes, I am a male survivor of sexual abuse and it always confounds me how a person can
accuse the VICTIM of being the 'DUMB' victim (as you did) just becvause they ended up
being victimized.

Be well !

Exactly! I heard horrible words from friends, AND family members all along the same lines....There is no excuse. I ended up moving thousands of miles away to get away from family and friends who I felt utterly betrayed by. To this day I do not speak to my own mother or other family members. The wounds are so deep they will never heal. BUT as Smyleegrl said, I am a survivor!!!

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Starwise

Please be "well" Starwise;

What survivors and victims alike need to understand is that in NO WAY
was the traumatic assault their fault.

The fault lies within those whom believe that their 'selfish' desires are above anothers.

Our world is mostly to fault.

The western side of our planet teaches their young today to dress like prostitutes while
the eastern side wishes to cover their women competely.

Their NEEDS to be a BALANCE.

We teach our children that they should not let anyone without consent to touch their
private areas -

...all the while we should also be teaching them that they have NO right to touch others
without explicit consent.

The above is the original thread regarding the Stuebenville case and the page I linked to
has a recant of my personal story.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 11:53 AM
If over 208,000 assaults are reported every year, that would make over 2 million in just this last decade alone!! Now add that amount over the last 50 years!!!

If this isn't an epidemic, I do not know what is!

My daughter even notices on TV commercials women trying to be all sexy meanwhile the man in the ad is some older gray haired over weight guy....for example Weight Watchers and Nutrisystems commercials!!

Just like this thread is brushed under...The way our culture brushes the facts under the rug is what is very disturbing! I have a friend with a beautiful niece who wants to be an adult film star!!! It is so sad that she feels this way.

We have stupid TV programs that promote this type of behavior. I do agree that the western and eastern world differences are so extreme. We need a balance. Girls in this society are brought up trying to outdo their peers with their sexuality, meanwhile young males are taught what? That is what I am trying to learn, as I raise my own son to respect everyone.....

Why does our society idolize sports stars and actors instead of firemen, teachers, nurses and other wonderful role models? To be heard we need to start small, just us here on this thread could be a start....

If we could help just one person it is worth it. It hurts my heart to speak but I feel compelled. I have accomplished so many things in my life out of spite, but fear it may have been what made me sick. Keeping things bottled up for so long has its own consequences......

edit on 19-3-2013 by Starwise because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-3-2013 by Starwise because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Starwise

You are absolutley right..we [the world] are desperate for change - the RIGHT change!!!

Our children are the future and they need to be protected,
or how will our world be in the very near future..?

I fear for the youth of tommorow.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by HumAnnunaki

Wonderful video and right on the mark!!!!

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by luciddream

Why don't you have some respect?

Male on male rape, and female on male (even rarer) rape is much rarer than rape of women by men.

Female on female rape is also significantly less common.

And the OP never discounted these cases, do you just prefer to start a problem?

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 12:30 PM

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Wildbob77

I hate when people say "I hope they learn from this experience"

What the hell! They didn't crash their dads car or get caught stealing a candy bar, they raped a girl.

It should have been known to be wrong without the experience. They, and their parents deserve public execution.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

Without males, human species would eventually die off. Sure you have sperm banks and even cloning, but over time sperm would run out. Degradation would set in on the clone and then you would have to look at other methods maybe transfer your Consciousness to machines to survive. But the end result would be a dying race. It would take eons but the end result is the same.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

Thanks to the invention MEN invented. what is the ratio of Men vd Women inventions? 1000:1?

Even if men cause violence, they are most likely to die from it as well.
edit on 3/19/2013 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 12:53 PM


posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Starwise

Starwise and others on this thread, what you have endured and overcome is in my mind a testament to the beauty and strength of the human soul, thank you for speaking up and shedding light on a topic that has universal significance to humans everywhere. Starwise, you mentioned balance in your post. This is my long, but sincere response:

I think rape has a lot to do with power and control. I don't deny the sexual aspect of it, but I think often the sex is just a means to induce humiliation and shame. It sends the clear message "I am stronger than you, I can make you do something you don't want to...I am in control"

Whether it is a man raping(or beating) a woman, a woman raping(or beating) a man or a man raping(or beating) another man, the effects are the same. So to get to the root of it, we need to understand why some people have this overwhelming need to be in control and have power over others. They violate a persons free will which is what I find most disturbing. It takes away their personal and IMO god given sovereignty and reduces them to an object, often leaving them stripped of their humanity.

As long as the sun has risen and set humans have been engaged in these power struggles. At some point, men discovered they were physically superior to women(as well as physically weaker men) and could use this to their advantage. I suspect this is perhaps one way how matriarchal societies fell to patriarchal ones. Once man seized his power and was aware of it they have been in the drivers seat ever since.

Women, realizing physically they were no match for the brute force of men, adapted their own ways of seizing power and they used the only tools they were allowed to have, their bodies and their minds. This was not something that women wanted to do, it was a survival strategy. Less dominant men also learned these strategies of control, so manipulation is not isolated just to women, though it became more often used by them. Now when men in todays world complain about women being manipulative, or using their good looks to get what they want, they need to understand....this is a hold over from the times when it was the only way women had to assert themselves in a male controlled society. I am not making excuses for this behavior in our current society, just showing why I think it still exists.

These power struggles have left deep wounds on both men and women, and they need to stop. There is a terrible imbalance of power and I am not referring to just the male dominance variety, women have also fell into the trap of craving power over men. We as humans should have overcome this obsession for power by now, but yet it seems even in the year 2013 we are just as power hungry as we were in ancient times. I ask myself often, is this lust for control really in our nature and insurmountable? Or is this desire one that can be overcome?

I don't know, but I believe that it can be overcome, when we realize that seeking to force others to bend to our will is not the solution, whether by physical force or mental/emotional manipulation. No man or woman should have their free will removed, everyone's personal bodily sovereignty must be respected and we need to teach our children this is true. Then and only then will harmony be possible and these terrible acts be a thing of the past.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 01:02 PM
Unfortunately, this type of thing, rape, date rape, etc. has been going on forever, and a lot.
The media treated this like it's rare, it's not.

Another thing about the way the media treated this, with details I'm sure the girl didn't want to be international news, is that now women will go back to not reporting these incidents.

It was like that when I was growing up - rapes went unreported. Some girls were lucky enough to have older, big brothers, or big male friends that would "take care" of the problem person. That assault would also go unreported or else the rape would be known about.

We do need to educate our younger generation about the risks of drinking too much, leaving a drink unattended, or having someone else pour your drink.
They're not going to "not" drink just because we tell them not too, so we have to educate them about the ways of the world.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

I guess it would be the same way, if men perfected a in vitro fertilization system to grow babies, then if all females die off it would not be a problem. Men will probably be more sane and less territorial if there is no females to protect!

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 01:04 PM
1. im pretty sure they reported the woman was drugged, 2. i hope those guys get killed in jail. not just killed dead, but maimed. yes its sick to some people, but guess what, i pray i dont have a daughter, because every boyfriend will be HAVING to meet with me prior to going out, say thats controlling flame me i dont care, ill be sitting on my recliner with a beer and my .45 and ill be cordial and introduce myself. if i feel hes a little punk like those kids, she wont be going out with him. knowledge is power experience is everything


posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 01:09 PM
and if she had friends there that didnt know what to do, call STATE police not the local throw it under the rug cops, thats your friends life at stake, they couldve killed her.
im NOT a COP CALLER by any means, but ill tell you what if i was a female in that situation, or a guy in that situation someone shouldve called the cops. there is nothing right about not doing so, and there is nothing right about what those little *&^#@$% did to this woman/girl. i watched all the vids, saw the pics, it was appauling and i hope justice gets served, wether vigilante or state/fed it doesnt look like the state/fed is working since juvy is a slap on the wrist, hopefully someone with a brain #@!$@ these kids up hard. real hard. theyre scumbags. and they think they can get away with it cuz theyre goot at chasing a ball. $#%^ that

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