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Anonymous Has Picked Up Operation Inaction - Begins April 1, 2013!

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posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 10:11 AM
Are you kidding me? This is doomed to failure! Starting on April the 1st, most people, as already highlighted on here, will think it's an April Fool's joke.

If everyone stocked up on groceries there will be an increase in revenues. They will be using electricity and gas in their own homes that the Utility Companies will collect on.

Most people need to go to work or risk being made unemployed. Are people on social security going to not pick up that cheque for the month too?

They need to make the action simpler so everyone can take part, no silly 'Corporate V for Vendetta...yours for $5' masks. Wearing a white or coloured arm-band to signify they've had enough, is enough. People will ask questions as to the significance of the arm-band and either wear one themselves or carry on as they were.

edit on 19-3-2013 by Tykonos because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 10:16 AM
Good idea in theory, but would never happen.

You have to take into consideration that most of the normal population is living
payday to payday, so in order for them to 'stock up' for a extra month they would have
to magically come up with twice their income in one payday, or some how magically
manage to save the same amount between now and then.

So, say people do this, now they are not only back in the same situation they were
because only 1/10th of the population actually did this, and they are behind on their bills
and without a job , because no employer is going to put up with them not showing up for work
for a month, and they are out of a house if they rent, landlord is not going to say, oh you were part
of the do nothing strike, well thats ok, you can catch up when you can... they are going to evict them
and get someone else who can pay the rent. If you own, your bank is now mad at you because you are
late on your payments and is probably starting the foreclosure process, sure you may be able to avoid it, but
its going to cost a lot more in the long run.

The stores that you didnt shop at, noticed the down turn in the sales, so they fired .. oops i mean
laid off 1/4 of their employee's that were working, so now you have more unemployed and looking for
jobs come may 1st.

The mfg's didnt sell as much and they laid off part of their work force as well, so you have a double whammy
that just keeps going down the line with layoff's.

in the end, the unemployment line just doubled, the economy took a major hit and the u.s. moves further down
the list of ratings and is further put into crisis.

Sadly at a time like we live in now, a idea like this would just end up causing the next great depression.
Not enough people are in a position where they could afford to do something like this, it would be a all or
nothing type situation, it would have to work and bring change, or within a short time America would find its self
in a depression that would make the 1930s look like a walk in the park.

As much as i would love to see a change happen, this is not the way. The chaos this would create would
damage the u.s. for many generations.
edit on 19-3-2013 by severdsoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 10:33 AM
I would get fired from work...

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Tykonos
Are you kidding me? This is doomed to failure! Starting on April the 1st, most people, as already highlighted on here, will think it's an April Fool's joke.

If everyone stocked up on groceries there will be an increase in revenues. They will be using electricity and gas in their own homes that the Utility Companies will collect on.

Most people need to go to work or risk being made unemployed. Are people on social security going to not pick up that cheque for the month too?

They need to make the action simpler so everyone can take part, no silly 'Corporate V for Vendetta...yours for $5' masks. Wearing a white or coloured arm-band to signify they've had enough, is enough. People will ask questions as to the significance of the arm-band and either wear one themselves or carry on as they were.

edit on 19-3-2013 by Tykonos because: (no reason given)

No mask wearing on the organizers part, I can guarantee it. They are all normal people trying to help others. This is as simple as it comes. No meetings to attend. No party dues. No secret handshake. Just staying home and quietly making their voices heard through INACTION. Anyone who wants to make it complicated is doing just that. Complicating it! LOL!

I hope as many of you will participate in what ever way you can. Peace and love to you!

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by severdsoul
Good idea in theory, but would never happen.

You have to take into consideration that most of the normal population is living
payday to payday, so in order for them to 'stock up' for a extra month they would have
to magically come up with twice their income in one payday, or some how magically
manage to save the same amount between now and then.

So, say people do this, now they are not only back in the same situation they were
because only 1/10th of the population actually did this, and they are behind on their bills
and without a job , because no employer is going to put up with them not showing up for work
for a month, and they are out of a house if they rent, landlord is not going to say, oh you were part
of the do nothing strike, well thats ok, you can catch up when you can... they are going to evict them
and get someone else who can pay the rent. If you own, your bank is now mad at you because you are
late on your payments and is probably starting the foreclosure process, sure you may be able to avoid it, but
its going to cost a lot more in the long run.

The stores that you didnt shop at, noticed the down turn in the sales, so they fired .. oops i mean
laid off 1/4 of their employee's that were working, so now you have more unemployed and looking for
jobs come may 1st.

The mfg's didnt sell as much and they laid off part of their work force as well, so you have a double whammy
that just keeps going down the line with layoff's.

in the end, the unemployment line just doubled, the economy took a major hit and the u.s. moves further down
the list of ratings and is further put into crisis.

Sadly at a time like we live in now, a idea like this would just end up causing the next great depression.
Not enough people are in a position where they could afford to do something like this, it would be a all or
nothing type situation, it would have to work and bring change, or within a short time America would find its self
in a depression that would make the 1930s look like a walk in the park.

As much as i would love to see a change happen, this is not the way. The chaos this would create would
damage the u.s. for many generations.
edit on 19-3-2013 by severdsoul because: (no reason given)

I agree. We need to have at least 1/2 of the population of the USA to participate for it to work. Your point about generational damage is interesting. Just what has been happening all these years? I know that if things do not change in this country (or world for that matter), my children's future is pretty dang bleak and quite frankly scares the heck out of me.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by triplereiki
reply to post by Mianeye

some here may think action isnt good because of so much to lose....What about those people who played by the "rules", did their jobs, gave their money, and STILL lost their jobs and homes?

IF and only if folks by the millions took part as well as removed money from the banks at the same time, ya better believe someone will start listening. Otherwise how do you fire exttortionists, thieves, liars, decievers in our leadership (etc) groups? Let alone punish them (as we would be punished ) for their crimes, and not doing the jobs they were hired for by us?

Folks should consider yes there will be losses, but how many more losses along with freedom are you willing to lose for not being active in something like this?
edit on 19-3-2013 by triplereiki because: typo

Peace and love to you friend

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 05:48 PM
Neat idea but no body cares. Sorry but it is true. At least the masses don't care, they are way too busy with consuming and greed caring only about themselves. Tell these types of people that the government is evil and you should stand up and fight with us for freedom for all of humanity! Do you know what the everyday Joe will say? He will say are you crazy? He has a mortgage, 3 kids, a wife who needs clothes and shoes, his boss is pushing him harder but Joe really wants that $2 raise so he works. Rinse and repeat. Most people are so far gone into the system that they see no other way, that is just the way life is to them. Thinking outside the box to the average no body means wearing two different color socks. Plus it would be a good excuse to fire up the drones and open the doors to the F.E.M.A. Camps, "oh you don't want to work or consume? Then we raid your house and lock you up. Next!"

Also this does not look like an official Anonymous video. No intro logo and the user who uploaded it became a member on March 7 2013..... So it's either a fake or a troll. IMO

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Agent008
Neat idea but no body cares. Sorry but it is true. At least the masses don't care, they are way too busy with consuming and greed caring only about themselves. Tell these types of people that the government is evil and you should stand up and fight with us for freedom for all of humanity! Do you know what the everyday Joe will say? He will say are you crazy? He has a mortgage, 3 kids, a wife who needs clothes and shoes, his boss is pushing him harder but Joe really wants that $2 raise so he works. Rinse and repeat. Most people are so far gone into the system that they see no other way, that is just the way life is to them. Thinking outside the box to the average no body means wearing two different color socks. Plus it would be a good excuse to fire up the drones and open the doors to the F.E.M.A. Camps, "oh you don't want to work or consume? Then we raid your house and lock you up. Next!"

Also this does not look like an official Anonymous video. No intro logo and the user who uploaded it became a member on March 7 2013..... So it's either a fake or a troll. IMO

It's not an Anonymous video. Operation Inaction created their own video and Anonymous then made one themselves with pretty much the same information. If you do a youtube search you'll see them both.

Here's the one Anonymous did.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by peaceful1oflove

Small problems here. Lose your job, house, starve, become dirty, unshaven, and ohh yea lose your kids for keeping them from school. Sounds nice in theory, but the average person can't and won't do this. There are protocols built into the system already to prevent this.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by Philippines

And, an ill-conceived psyop at that. So, the computer geek Assange wanting to free information in the name of truth bit didn't work. Proven psyop in my mind since they have released no information of any merit and was contrived to make the West look good and Putin/Berlusconi look gay. So, take the movie V and mix in Fight, Anonymous. These script writers are so bad.

Why are they doing it? So, there is no cyberspace anonymity. Why shred the second amendment when you also can destroy the first.

It doesn't take much to convince a population where the average IQ is slightly above mentally retarded levels.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 02:04 AM
Let me explain why this will not work, you've got people like me who will follow it, and then you got people like my mom, brother, cousin, sister, her boyfriend, my aunts and uncles that want government to help them. They think the government are super heroes and no matter how many times I have tried to talk them into changing there minds they simply will not and they simply remain sheep. You will always have sheep in this world and because of technology that THEY have provided for us they will always have the control they so desire, just look at how we use THERE internet. Hell THEY are probably monitering this thread and that facebook and youtube page as I am typing this up and laughing at anon for attempting this. They know it will fail and I know it will fail. Look at how bad OWS failed. I rest my case.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by neobludragon

Although I don't believe it will work its not necessarily true. Operation Inaction comes from an event long ago people used to lower gas prices. Masses of people wouldn't purchase gas on said day. It worked then, people just wish it would work now. I'd post a link, but I'm at work on my phone so I can't. Be happy to post one later.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 02:38 AM
nothing will change, never.

Simply because , why does it have to change ?

The system is perfect, most people here would be too afraid to do a thing about the " the bad government", so they just complain, rant, and whine, but in the end, nothing happen

Because people just want someone to take responsabilities for thems, and because they're scared to move toward a difficult task like a Revolution, they just sit here, Armchair rebels.

I know, im one of them.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Isittruee

Yes it worked then because there weren't computers and social media. They have dumbed us down so we wouldn't rise against them.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by peaceful1oflove
This is NOT an April Fool's Day joke. In order to make progress you have to be willing to risk something. What are YOU willing to do?

Since Anonymous is the enemy, I plan to pay a little extra on my bills, ride the bus and train to work and put in some extra hours and do some food shopping on that day.
edit on 20-3-2013 by Junkheap because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Junkheap

Originally posted by peaceful1oflove
This is NOT an April Fool's Day joke. In order to make progress you have to be willing to risk something. What are YOU willing to do?

Since Anonymous is the enemy, I plan to pay a little extra on my bills, ride the bus and train to work and put in some extra hours and do some food shopping on that day.
edit on 20-3-2013 by Junkheap because: (no reason given)

Alrighty then! LoL!

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by neobludragon
reply to post by Isittruee

Yes it worked then because there weren't computers and social media. They have dumbed us down so we wouldn't rise against them.

Ironic isn't it? The internet, the most condensed storage unit of knowledge ever devised, dumbs people down. Don't blame the internet, blame the user who doesn't know how to use it. Just a case in point in how most people just aren't that bright.

As far as Anonymous is concerned, yes, it's a very good idea. People are so shortsighted though that can't see how it could possibly work. If 100% of the workforce, regular working stiffs, stopped pumping money in and out of the economy, the economy as we now know it would die. It's just that simple. If America isn't the largest economy in the world, it's damn close. You think the rest of the world wouldn't take notice? Oh, they would notice. And after a week or so in seeing how people can still live good lives without paying bills, they would follow suit.

Let's start with the jobs. No one, anywhere, works anymore. Factories are closed, grocery stores, gas stations, everything.......shut down. You get hungry, what do you do? Walk into a store and take what you need. If you're smart you'll also take fertilizer, potting soil, seeds and whatever else you need to grow your own food. You need gas? Have someone turn the pumps on to where pumps dispense the gas without payment. It's easy to do. You need electricity or gas to keep warm or cool? Override whatever system you're on. If 100,000 people do this long enough, the people in charge of the utility companies will stop trying to undo what people are doing. Getting free utilities. Customers outnumber the people who charge them for things 1,000 to one. At least.

At this point the ball will be rolling. People will start to see that they really do control their own destiny and quality of life. Also at this point, it's realistic to assume the military will be called in to "restore order". Again though, average citizens outnumber the military personnel 1,000 to one. At least. Things might be hectic at first with people stockpiling everything they can get their hands on to make sure they're set for awhile, but after people start seeing that that way of life isn't bad and sustainable as long as the majority look after each other, people will start living a more communal style of life. People will adapt to the change.

The thing is though, as realistic as it is, it will probably never happen. It would have to get to the point where people are so fed up with the people in charge, that they just can't feel they can go on that way anymore. The change we're talking about is pretty radical, so the reason for it would have to be just as radical which is why all this SEEMS unrealistic. Something would have to happen in order to shake people out of their complacency. A 60% unemployment rate might just do the trick because then you would have a majority of people on the same page. And that's what it would take. The vast majority wanting the same thing: The current power structure out and a new and better way of life in.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 08:05 AM
Hello OP and everyone!
I do love this idea, but I don't believe that you can unify the 'haves' and the 'have nots'.
While many people are suffering....many are not. They are comfortable with their lives.
The people who are NOT suffering, really cannot relate to those of us who are. They just don't get it.
I don't see them identifying with this cause....or supporting it.
If only the poor, downtrodden folks take up this action, they will also be the ones who suffer the consequences.

When I was much younger, my father stated: "Everyone is equal....some are just more equal than others."
I thought he was cynical....and wrong. Now he is gone, and I agree with his statement.

United we stand? No....we do not. Divided we fall? Seems to be the way.
If you can find a way to unite the thinking/feeling of the haves AND the have nots....then perhaps we wouldn't have anything to protest.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 08:18 AM
LoL on it beginning on April Fool's day....

I think that says all that needs to be said about this plan...

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