reply to post by sacgamer25
Your thread reveals a great deal of insight into the nature of the female. Consider what you said about the female being wisdom. In the Gnostic
tradition, wisdom is what Enoch was hinting at here:
Enoch One
5.6 In those days, you will transform your name into an eternal curse to all
the righteous. And they will curse you sinners forever.
5.7 For the chosen; there will be light, joy, and peace, and they will inherit
the earth. But for you, the impious, there will be a curse.
5.8 When wisdom is given to the chosen they will all live, and will not
again do wrong, either through forgetfulness, or through pride. But those
who possess wisdom will be humble.
5.9 They will not again do wrong, and they will not be judged in all the
days of their life, and they will not die of wrath or anger. But they will
complete the number of the days of their life. And their life will grow in
peace, and the years of their joy will increase in gladness and eternal peace;
all the days of their life.
Again, read this from Enoch:
32.6 And the Holy Angel Raphael, who was with me, answered me and
said to me: "This is the Tree of Wisdom, from which your ancient father
and ancient mother, who were before you, ate and learnt wisdom; and their
eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they were
driven from the garden."
Again, read this:
37.1 The second vision that he saw, the vision of wisdom, which Enoch,
the son of Jared, the son of Malalel, the son of Cainan, the son of Enosh,
the son of Seth, the son of Adam, saw.
37.2 And this is the beginning of the words of wisdom, which I raised my
voice to speak, and say. “To those who dwell on dry ground: - Hear, you
men of old, and see, those who come after; the words of the Holy One,
which I will speak, in front of the Lord of Spirits.”
37.3 “It would have been better to have said these things before, but from
those who come after, we will not withhold the beginning of wisdom.”
37.4 Until now, there has not been given, by the Lord of Spirits, such
wisdom as I have received. In accordance with my insight, in accordance
with the wish of the Lord of Spirits: by whom the lot of eternal life has
been given to me.
37.5 And the three parables were imparted to me and I raised my voice, and
said to those who dwell on the dry ground: -
There are mysteries revealed in this. Do you see it?
When the community of the righteous appears and the sinners are judged
for their sins and are driven from the face of the dry ground.
38.2 And when the Righteous One appears, in front of the chosen
righteous, whose works are weighed by the Lord of Spirits. And when
light appears to the righteous and chosen who dwell on the dry ground.
Where will be the dwelling of the sinners? And where will be the restingplace of those who denied the Lord of Spirits? It would have been better
for them, if they had not been born.
Where is salvation found? In belief of the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is the missing component of the trinity. Father, Son and Mother. Spirit
was involved into the material so that the Son could be raised. She is a good mother.
Connect this to
Involution and Evolution. What is baptism? Immersion into the
waters of life.
Amni - Waters of Life
Amnio - Bowl that catches the blood of the sacrificial lamb.
Amnion - Sack that holds the waters of life in the female womb.
Amniotic Fluid - Waters of life in the womb.
Amnesia - Condition of the waters in the material world. FORGETFULNESS.
Amnesty - Forgiveness of sin.
The shepherd pulls the wool over our eyes (Amnesia). He then sheers the wool away (Sin removed). He then washes it white as snow (Amnesty). He then
gives it back as a new Robe (Body) and Crown (Mind).
Revelation 6
9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had
maintained. 10 They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge
our blood?” 11 Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants,
their brothers and sisters,[e] were killed just as they had been.
The question is, are we serving? Works show our faith. Faith is our belief. Belief comes from hearing the word and overcoming the beast by the
sacrifice. Sacrifice is what we do here, but the water cleanses the temple (Body). Christ is that living water.
Revelation 1
Revelation 1:7
7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of
him. Even so, Amen.
Cloud is the word nephelē. It also derives the word Nephilim, a cloud of evil spirits covering the people. This usage was shown in the book of Enoch
1 to describe the Evil Beings that corrupted Mankind. The cloud was the same as the one in Jude 1 and Enoch to describe Jesus coming in the clouds
with an army of angels to rescue mankind.
When it says Jesus is coming in the clouds, why do the people mourn? For the first century generation that pierced Christ, the answer is obvious. For
the rest of us, we realize that our sin was paid by the one that comes to remove the covering from us. The word Cloud denotes a complete covering that
shrouds the land from the light. Clouds also defuse light to keep the earth protected. The Earth is our womb. There are many analogies in this
symbolism when we see the connection. Faith is not fact because we cannot see beyond the veil.
Christ will reveal all things to us. The cloud will finally be lifted and we will remember. This is the hope.
edit on 18-3-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)