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"God" made the decision to sever that relationship because he could have put that tree anywhere, but he put it in the one place they could reach it. How is that our fault?
"Declaring independence will result in evil because apart from Me, you can only draw upon yourself."
So independence is the seed of evil, apparently. This, in itself, gave me pause. How often has our species seized its independence and found prosperity as a result?
"Relationships are never about power, and one way to avoid the will to power is to choose to limit oneself - to serve."
How about you married folks out there? Or parents? Does this sound like your relationship, or a relationship you'd like to have? Servant and master? My relationships have never been about serving, but sharing. There's a difference.
Originally posted by AfterInfinity
"To begin with, that you can't grasp the wonder of my nature is rather a good thing. Who wants to worship a God who can be fully comprehended, eh? Not much mystery in that."
Originally posted by AfterInfinity
"Submission is not about authority and it is not obedience; it is all about relationships of love and respect."
Originally posted by AfterInfinity
"The world is broken because in Eden you abandoned relationship with us to assert your own independence."
Originally posted by AfterInfinity
"Being my follower is not trying to 'be like Jesus', it means for your independence to be killed."
Originally posted by AfterInfinity
Um...? I'm not sure where to begin with that one. Incestuous relationships bring spiritual fulfillment? Independence is Satanic? Submission is not about love, but we are all encouraged to submit to the will of the highest of high? We're supposed to serve, rather than share? I don't know. Maybe I'm just dumb.
The two main views I see is "All is One" meaning that ego makes individuality, preferences, desires, conflict and we should release all individuality to be as one - to go back to the source and let all take care of everything. Releasing our will/personality to become "one" with All/God.
The other view is "The One is All" meaning "The One" is to source and all individuals are connected to it as divine beings each able to have different experiences and add "flavor/personality" to all.
We're being persecuted for being imperfect. I think there's plenty of reason to be upset. And if this deity doesn't exist, we're still worshipping what we think is perfection, when we know nothing about perfection. We are doing our best to resist who we are because we're terrified of the risks it entails.
So again - is independence a curse, or
a cure? The Bible says it's a curse. I say
it's a cure. What do you think?
i don't get it. How are we being persecuted?
What are we resisting and because of what risk?
i am not giving up independence, i have the backing of Almighty on my side.
If the Bible is fully accurate, I am going to hell. No doubt about that. Why? Because I have established by independence.
I have chosen a
different destiny than decreed by the
god of the Bible. And if I have not chosen a different destiny, then the
Bible is a lie, for it has promised us free
We are resisting our flaws because we are afraid of the
pain that comes of being imperfect.
Because we are taught those flaws are
bad. But they're not bad, anymore
than an imperfection in a statue is bad.
It gives us flavor, character, appreciation, value. It makes us
You depend on your god for
emotional security. If I had the time
and resources, I could come up with
an entire book of case studies proving
the likelihood that your god is a
psychological trick used for stabilizing your psyche. Nothing more. This
means that every miracle is your own
to make. Your only obstacle is your
imagination and your determination. That's what I call independence.
But that's not all "God" does and you know it. He is a lot more controlling than a government and a government is already controlling enough. He even tells you what foods you can and cannot put in your body (In Leviticus of the bible).
Independence is not a bad thing in itself. It depends on what your intentions are and does it make you a better person or the opposite.
you can't choose a 'different' destiny. You make choices and the destiny thats already written comes true.
You are still free as you don't know what that destiny is.
thats very true and i agree.
But who is asking perfection?? If you think its God then, i don't agree.
We don't have flaws. We are just unique and we better appreciate it and not want to be like others, an idol, a celebrity, that elusive exact shape,weight and height etc.
you don't have to prove. I know GOD is a very beneficial psychological 'trick'. So good that a theist is likely to live 10 years more.
It doesn't however prove that God is not real as you claim.
The miracle happens because humans have been created with that 'need' to know that someone is higher than them.
A simple example is that you have a sense of justice and when you watch injustice and see the victim suffer and the criminal walk away you can't cope with it. If there is no God then life is just unjust and cruel. Thats very depressing for sure.
Thats the price to pay to have an illusion of complete independence.
Originally posted by logical7
reply to post by arpgme
Is eating selected foods so much interfering with your independence? Is eating whatever you want the only expression of your independence?
Yes, eating selected foods is interfering with one's independence as food choices are one's preferences. No, it is not the "only" expressions" of "independence" but it is ONE expression and that shows that it is not all about "loving your neighbor" it is control.
That's not how Christians interpret it. If they were so fond of spiritual independence, they would have learned to create their own miracles instead of becoming complacent.
In other words, free will is the result of
ignorance? So what's the point of
living at all? You're not living, you are
simply manifesting. A preexisting idea
is manifesting itself through you,
regardless of what you desire. Or is our desire matched to the preexisting
idea for compatibility purposes?
Such manipulation reeks of arrogance.
To toy with sentience in such a
manner is horrid.
It has been made clear, time and time again, that perfection is part of what entitles the Judaic god to the position to which the human species has exalted it. As such, those who admire that quality tend to emulate it - or at least, they emulate the rendition that has been handed down through generations.
A species that is always wanting will
never know perfection, because
perfection is to be content.
It doesn't prove that a conscious all-
powerful ruler is as real as you claim,
either. Rather, it proves that our
thoughts and beliefs have a very real
effect on our biology. This has been a
substantial case for a while now.
No, humans have a fear of being
That's because of the values we have
come to uphold in today's world.
Money pays more than kindness.
God is Perfect, so He is God. Who said that we have to reach that level? Thats blasphemous!! And Impossible!
yes happiness is in contentment, it not aboùt seeking perfection, its about discovering our own potentials and everyone has ùnique ones. Its about making a rainbow by individual colours not an assembly line of God obeying colourless humanoids.
no it doesn't prove existence of God. But if you believe that believing in God is an evolutionary fault and if it helps us live longer then it will stay. Right?
No, humans have a fear of being
again, what?? What happened to survival of fittest?
Your reply doesnt even answer what i asked, how you cope that injustice can happen and there would be no justice done, do you hope that it will change? How?
I think it's blasphemous to forbid your child from ever attempting to surpass you. The greatest legacy you can have is to give the world something better than yourself.
That's why
spirituality is losing its grip. No one cares. They are too distracted by our
material mastery. Our independence
has established a new line of miracles,
and your deity is no longer needed. That's what I mean.
you take the analogy too far, a human son can surpass his human father.
God is not a man in clouds who's creation can be better.
You have to get an idea of God or you just make assumptions and hold them true and judge everything by your own too. You are just playing with your own thoughts and feel how right you are!!
you mean materialism is taking hold and independence is the cause. Well then the prediction of God will also come true. The nation which does that will get destroyed. Its not God who does it directly, its a natural consequence.
As simple as spilling gas on a hay stack and lighting a match to it, the factors leading to downfall of a civilization are just a lot more complex but the cause is striving towards 'absolute independence' through Godlessness.
Humans have a law to obey just like any living being.
If a deer seeks independence to go to party in a lion's den then it would be a great party at least for the lions.
Animals know their limits instintively, humans have the brains to learn them and the choice to ignore them but then they can't avoid the consequences too.
What you demand as 'independence' can be simply put as "freedom to choose anything even if it harms self or others"
if you don't want that then you have to obey some rules and thats what God's law is.
You may think you know better but its likely just arrogance.