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Originally posted by clairvoyantrose
Originally posted by richard42smith
reply to post by TauCetixeta
It's good that your fear is gone, but you're never going to have four-stranded DNA.
Close-minded low vibrational vessels like yourself definitely aren't going to activate four-stranded DNA that's for sure.
Quadruple helices that intertwine four, rather than two, DNA strands have been researched for decades. They have been made synthetically in the lab, but were seen only as curiosities as there was no evidence that they formed naturally. Now they have been identified in human cancer cells.
Originally posted by Arbitrageur
reply to post by sarahlm
If this is science, please link to the scientific paper or papers.
If there's no scientific paper, it's probably not science. Most scientific findings these days are published in peer-reviewed journals.
I swear, next time I hear a debunker glibly state "accepted facts" without doing his own thinking, I'm gonna flip. I have news for you, Bedlam. We are not in orbit AROUND the sun; we're being dragged behind it just like the debris you mention. Look at for more technical info and watch this video if you're simply interested in how this can be:
Originally posted by Bedlam
Originally posted by Afterthought
reply to post by minor007
I see your point. I just figured that there would be some kind of energy present that could affect the planets because the Oort Cloud gives birth to comets and contains methane.
We're not moving through the Oort, the Oort moves along with us, like the planets. It's the leftover crap from the formation of the solar system, and it's in orbit around the Sun just like we are. The Oort cloud isn't energy, it's debris.
Originally posted by Bedlam
reply to post by RadicalRebel
That's not splitting hairs, it's just wrong.
Second line.
PAUL A. LaVIOLETTE, PH.D, received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins, his MBA from the University of Chicago, and PhD from Portland State University
Originally posted by clairvoyantrose
Close-minded low vibrational vessels like yourself definitely aren't going to activate four-stranded DNA that's for sure.
Originally posted by TauCetixeta
Yes he will. He will change his mind when the truth is revealed.
He is just slow to change. That is completely normal.
Originally posted by clairvoyantrose
Sadly -- some people are actually so conditioned that they cannot physically/spiritually/meta-physically comprehend the change.. There is going to be a cataclysmic point where those who are ready may go, but there needs to be a balance.. some people do have to stay on this plane of existence and negative as that may sound. Ying and yang of things.
Originally posted by Arbitrageur
reply to post by sarahlm
If this is science, please link to the scientific paper or papers.
If there's no scientific paper, it's probably not science. Most scientific findings these days are published in peer-reviewed journals.
Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are
reply to post by DJW001
Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by jordanAKbramsen
Your nutjob source doesn't even quote the original hoax accurately. As has been pointed out, Alexia Dimitria should actually be Alexey Dimitriev. Neither exists.
I see the ATS Urban Legend that this person does not exist has spread far and wide. He actually does exist:
Russian scientist: The solar system is moving into a new energy “zone” that is transforming the magnetic fields of the planets
by TotallyFEDup88
started 12/20/2011 @ 11:32 PM
Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are
Originally posted by Pauligirl
Like Phage said–the "Russian scientist" has never been found to exist.
Alexei Dmitriev has never been found to exist? Who has found that he has never existed? Is Lawrence E. Joseph at Huffington Post a liar when he says he met with him:
Dr. Alexei Dmitriev, the esteemed Russian space physicist whom I visited in Akademgorodok, a clandestine scientific research city outside of Novosibirsk, Siberia. In my recent book, Apocalypse 2012: An Investigation into Civilization's End, I detailed Dmitriev's conclusions, based on his team's analysis of Voyager data...
Is this story fabricated?
A strong, highly-tilted interstellar magnetic field near the Solar System
M. Opher, F. Alouani Bibi, G. Toth, J. D. Richardson, V. V. Izmodenov & T. I. Gombosi
Why do I even bother trying to backtrack to the subject of the thread? OK, I'll do it:
Are you saying the Solar System is not passing through this "Interstellar Fluff"? We won't argue semantics, Fluff, Energy Could, whatever.
Your argument is thus:
1) We are not passing through an "Energy Cloud".
2) There is no Energy Cloud
3) If there was, it's called Interstellar Fluff
4) And even if we are passing through this "Fluff", Dmitriev's information should be disregarded, since it was cited by a "pseudoscientist" at
5) And besides that, Dmitriev doesn't even exist in the first place.
So what are we left with. Just a gaggle of people standing around scratching their heads wondering what just happened...
edit on 12/23/2011 by this_is_who_we_are because: gaggle
Originally posted by xecoybh
reply to post by this_is_who_we_are
Not fabricated, he exists. You are correct.
Alexey Nikolaevich Dmitriev
profile in Russian, bad google translation
State Public Scientific-Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
His original site at the
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy SB RAS
630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
Ac. Koptyug Ave, 3
is no longer online, but Wayback Machine from has a copy, under google translate on 29-12-2011 by xecoybh because: (no reason given) on 6/19/2012 by this_is_who_we_are because: link
Originally posted by Bedlam
Originally posted by RadicalRebel
For anyone who cant use google there is a ton of info out there on this and it is real science not sci-fi
It's a few extra atoms of hydrogen or helium per cubic meter.
We do not know whether the interstellar cloud complex flowing past the sun is a homogeneous structure. On the basis of more distant interstellar clouds, it's quite possible that the Local Interstellar Cloud contains relatively small structures (perhaps 100 to 10,000 AU across) with very high densities (more than 1,000 particles per cubic centimeter). If our solar system should pass through such a dense cloud fragment, the dimensions of the heliosphere would change dramatically.
We are not in orbit AROUND the sun; we're being dragged behind it just like the debris you mention. Look at for more technical info and watch this video if you're simply interested in how this can be:
Unless, of course, they challenge the established preconceptions of our understanding of science and the nature of reality. That sh#t usually gets swept under the rug at best, if not publicly shunned by the scientific community simply for its uncomfortable implications and not its factual merit. Especially if it includes the forbidden word "spirituality".
The inner ones disappear in the 30 degree cone of illumination of the Sun, they do not pass behind it as claimed by academia.
Also, the gravity-driven model (the one you're using) does not adequately explain the formation of stars and planets. Here, this might shed some light (and help understand why the sun moves like a charged particle in relation to the center of our galaxy)
Originally posted by stereologist They are not swept under the table or considered uncomfortable by science.
Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by RadicalRebel
That's not science. Those are inventions. The issue is not science but politics, or law,or something other than science.