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Game of Thorn? Ebay, the date is odd 22nd March 2013. Not here yet.

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posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 01:42 AM
The date is odd. Is something going to happen?

What is this Game of Thorn that is in the part of ebay, it seems to be a Big Deal.

I don’t get it, what so big about it, who is buying it? WHY?

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by fireyaguns
The date is odd. Is something going to happen?

What is this Game of Thorn that is in the part of ebay, it seems to be a Big Deal.

I don’t get it, what so big about it, who is buying it? WHY?


what is funny about the date? I thought these sort of mags come out during the month of the date? Like last months ended 2 days ago.

What is funny about Game of Thrones? It's a very popular tv show.. the sort of thing you'd see in a magazine for entertainment. Being sold in supposedly mint condition online. after someone has read it. maybe to collectors?

I don't really get it.. what are you concerned with??

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by winofiend

Thanks for you side of the coin. Here is why,,, Ebay Pulse, you can find it at It will tell you the overall most searched items, and you can drill down into different catagories to see what is hot in each.

Why is this Game of Thorn one of the overall most searched items, whats so good about it or bad?

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 01:56 AM
What is so odd about entertainment weekly featuring 2 people from a wildly popular HBO series?

I don't see anything out of the ordinary, perhaps you can elaborate on what you find so odd.

Incredible show!
Season 3 is about to debut the end of March.

edit on 17-3-2013 by Acid_Burn2009 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by fireyaguns

Game of Thrones is an excellent and very popular TV show on HBO. I would imagine the reason for it being hyped at the moment is that it is just about to come back on the air for a new season. Those of us who watch the show have been excited about the upcoming episodes for awhile now.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 02:00 AM
I'm with the others. There's nothing odd about that at all. Apparently you don't really know how magazine issues work do you? Rest assured my friend there's nothing to worry about.

I'd like to know why you think March 22nd,which occurs every so odd?!

Also,this may be the ATS skeptic in me talking but this wouldn't be your ebay ad,would it? Just's really not that far fetched.

edit on 17-3-2013 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-3-2013 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by fireyaguns

The series starts its next season on the 31'st of march. So I'd say they're selling mags on the basis of that.

I can imagine it being slightly less intense than when Lost would come back from season end. The internet would close down for a week at a time back in those days, when torrents of island smoke monster data would flood the intertubes with packets and packets of telly dropping all over the place.

Unlike Lost, Game of Thrones appears to be able to stand on its own instead of leading the viewer further and further into the next season with promises of answers to questions that they themselves made you ask, only to slap you silly at the end with a big fat trout and a smirk that says "What, it's tv. you expected something good? suckers.."

We can all hate Joffrey with the same passion. Unlike Ben, whom we started feeling compassion for as it was revealed that he was an inevitable pawn in a grand scheme that did nothing but mock his sincerity and loyalty.

Plus Lena Heady is ALWAYS good on screen. Paused, unpaused.. and all sorts of in between things..

Dragon eggs, imps (my favourite), tribal horsemen that umm, have beards and hair and arms and things.

Blonds! Oh the blonds...

How can it be anything but popular at this time.. and if it's not, it is now that you've reminded me about it and I have to set my rss up again. Damn, I was doing so well cutting my downloads down...

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 02:10 AM
Being on the ebay top list seems a little much, is there realy a cult thing going on over this?

Alot of people seem hocked on it by the sound of the replies.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 03:01 AM
it really is that good of a show that yes people are hooked on it. Also people are more likely wanting to know how the dragons pan out. Seeing how the whole show was Vague about it. With plenty of boring dialogue scenes of drama between the families.

Then there's the story of kalisi, And her venturing with her dragons. The zombie cliff hanger at the end.
They left the show with just enough fragments to keep people wondering wtf is going on in it.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 03:37 AM
I've heard of it, never seen it, but I don't find anything odd about the Ebay listing or the popularity of the show. It would be the same if The Walking Dead were ended and then soon to be coming back.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 03:45 AM
Nothing strange there

It airs a new series in the UK on 1st April

Can't wait for it, so advertising it in an upcoming magazine is just common sense.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by fireyaguns

You could just go and watch the first episode of Season 1 and find out for yourself you know

It is a brilliant TV series based around a series of fantasy books. As opposed to 99% of the crap that gets aired it stands out as unique and enthralling. Do yourself a favour and go watch it.

EDIT: Oh and it's Game of THRONES - not Thorns. Big difference.

edit on 17/3/2013 by Kryties because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 05:04 AM
Oh man, I wish I had the ignorance of the OP!

I'd love to be able to re-start the whole series fresh and re-live all the awesomeness. Game of Thrones (Thrones, not Thorn...) was simply the best media (including movies here) of the last 5 years. It has it all, dwarf sex.. I mean c'mon! Pervy brothers, beheadings! All in a great setting, awesome attention to set design and fashion.

Honestly, if you like proper adult content (as in a story for adults), then this series has it all. The acting is pretty much top notch, and by the end of the first season you will be wishing to cause a painful death to a child. Argh.. flipping Joffrey....

But one step better? That's the books. I've been hanging for the next book for what seems like an eternity! Number one best guilty pleasure I've ever had.. almost!

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by Kryties

Damn right! When the last season ended, I remember seeing someone post "330 days until the next season" and I almost considered cryogenic freezing! But it's almost back, I can't wait!

(edit for the op)
Hooked? Yup, it's that good mate! So long as your ok with the darkest of themes and depravity!

But I mean, this has been all over the net for ages! Have you not heard people saying things like "King in the North" or "Winters coming"?

edit on 17-3-2013 by Qumulys because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

*gasp* Did you just say boring dialogue scenes? The family posturing and positioning with rivals for the throne is wonderfully done. Also, in the books the dragons are pretty much a distant story line in the books, although they do gather more pace down the road. It's actually good I think that they are being reasonably faithful to the books instead of adding in special effect dragons just for the heck of it.
It's like you can barely hear a marching drum way off over a hill, but the suspense of waiting for it to crest the hill and the uncertain agitation and fraying of the characters is the centre piece of this wonderful set of books. George R R Martin knows we hunger for the dragons, but there is so much more to play out yet.

Honestly, I'm a little worried as more special effects may be added, that it may turn all sloppy and stupid like.. I don't know.. Power Rangers, no more like that Merlin show.
But the show has been given a pretty reasonable set of parameters to work with and the production so far has been artistic, mature and faithfully as good as it gets.
edit on 17-3-2013 by Qumulys because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by fireyaguns

Being on the ebay top list seems a little much, is there realy a cult thing going on over this?

Alot of people seem hocked on it by the sound of the replies.

You could say it has a "cult following," in that the book series always hit the best-seller lists the moment each volume was released. The reason why it is so frequently searched on e-bay is because that issue was printed with several different covers. Fans want to collect them all, boosting the magazine's sales. They do the same thing with other popular series, like Star Trek. Next week will probably have four different covers for Mad Men.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 08:34 AM
Very odd and very strange. There must be something going on. Why this show? Why now?

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by ZetaRediculian
Very odd and very strange. There must be something going on. Why this show? Why now?

South park hasn't made any new episodes for a while, Supernatural is taking forever for the episodes to be released.

True blood and all those other shows are crap.

Pretty much Supernatural and Game of thrones are the only decent fantasy series out there. People are freaking out because its just been reruns and crap people don't like to watch on TV for a while now.

People are dying to know what will happen with the zombies. And the dragons. Everything else in the show was just a filler, at least in my oppinion the main story line is boring. All the diologue is boring. Sometimes its interesting but its mostly just a lot of rabble rabble rabble rabble blah blah blah im a dwarf and i have a sense of humor.

If the show did not have the Wall, the big ice wall. Or the story with the kalisi, No one would watch it. Period. People are only wondering what their interpritation of zombie apolcalypse is, and wtf the dragons are doing? And why are they in the show? If there was no dragons the show would of been cancled a while ago. KInda pisses me off too when i watch episodes that don't show that side of the story. Just boring dribble about betrayal this betrayal that. Repeat garbage. The acting is *okay* they play their part and they do a decent job. But all to often they are soft spoken, and you miss a couple things they say. Ontop of that, It kinda makes you sleepy. Just listening to them ramble on about absolutely nothing.

The dragon and zombie story better be good. Otherwise im predicting this show will go belly up if the plot isn't any good.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by fireyaguns

Game of Thrones. Not game of thorn. It is one of the most popular shows on TV. Thats it. Thats all.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 05:58 PM
Game of Thrones is so popular because its...Well...Fantastic.

Its not a "cult" its based on a series of Novels called "A song of ice and fire" and the Third season is probably the peak of the book series (and thus the best season) - Its what season(s) 1 and 2 have been building up to.

-OP, you REALLY need to watch the show. Pick up the DVD's or uh...find season 1 and clear out a weekend to sit down and watch. Its nothing short of amazing (and very close to the Novels- WORD FOR WORD in many parts)-

Imagine a Fantasy style Soap Opera about Kingdoms vying for power during a power vaccume. N Character is "safe" and everyone has "real" motivations (not a ton of clear cut good/evil) with a plot that is just...Well...Watch it. Its "smart" television.

-The only thing close is the Walking dead- But GOT is probably better.

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