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Listen to Bradley Manning Explain Everything in Leaked Audio

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posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 12:23 AM
“The US government and its military has carefully ensured that people hear about Manning from the government, but do not hear from Manning himself. It is way past time for Manning’s voice to be heard,” commented Guardian columnist Glenn Greenwald.

The previously unreleased audio sheds light on Manning's motivation for leaking thousands of government documents.

full audio here...

Below is an edited clip of Manning describing his reaction to a 2007 video that he eventually gave to WikiLeaks. The footage shows American soldiers killing civilians in Baghdad, including two Reuters journalists. This audio clip is not the full version

Anyone naive enough to think we're the "good" guys, should really open up their minds and do some thorough research. Our country is not what it was.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 12:47 AM
Generally speaking, criminals do not act kindly when they’re exposed for what they are... Particularly war criminals. The people running this horror show will get what’s coming to them, eventually, in one way or another. Unfortunately, they’ll probably try to bring a lot of innocent people down with them. Perhaps even an entire nation?

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by BlindBastards
...Unfortunately, they’ll probably try to bring a lot of innocent people down with them. Perhaps even an entire nation?

Yes, they will bring down an entire nation. There is no doubt about it in my mind.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by cornucopia

Anyone naive enough to think we're the "good" guys, should really open up their minds and do some thorough research. Our country is not what it was.

This former marine tells some stories that are pretty frightening. He talks about some of the barbaric practices that are going on over there, including raiding houses and then terrorizing the families. He also speaks of killing by stabbing being rewarded with extra days on their pass when they return home. Its worth the nine minutes for sure.

I thought this video kind of confirms some of Mr. Manning's concerns and motivations for blowing the whistle.

edit on 17-3-2013 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 12:53 PM
The judge had already said that he was not going to allow Manning's defense team to offer up his reasoning for what he did, which is just insane in my mind. They are out to make an example out of him. Whether you believe he was wrong or right, it is obvious that the government and military were highly embarassed, and the orders to prosecute him to the fullest extent possible likely came from the top echelons of government. I know H. Clinton was probably pushing for making an example out of him, as just listening to her talk on the subject makes it obvious. It is a real shame too.

Despite the fact that Manning was actually upholding his oath of enlistment, he is still punished. And for those who do not understand how he was upholding his oath, the oath one swears when entering the armed forces calls for the protection of the Constitution and the government of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Any order that is unlawful is also not to be obeyed, but mainly the fact that some of what was released showed that the military and government were lying to the American people is why he should not be made an example of. Of course the government will want to do that, because they constantly overstep their bounds, and even though they did the same thing by lying to the people and were exposed, they can get away with making an example out of Manning.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 12:55 PM
Free speech and information are far more damaging to a government than guns can ever be. Give the man a medal and lock up the murderers..

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 02:15 PM
Oh he's "aiding the enemy" alright. Aiding the general populace with truth and knowledge. The people of other nations know exactly what US soldiers are like because they have to live through it every day. The real enemy to their war mongering agenda is the tax payers who pay for their illegal wars, should they stop paying for it.
edit on 17/3/2013 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 06:29 PM
If not in this way, then how are folks supposed to keep their employers, politicians, businesses and neighbors in check? If Americans do not stand up and protect this young man, then how do they expect their world to get any better in the future?

People make mistakes, it should not be impossible to repent for them in public without destroying their own lives, whether they be military or otherwise.

Wiki is the only outlet that this young man had available that had any worthwhile effect. It is wrong for sure to give important info about the gov that you serve, but that is what the gov itself would call collateral damage. Until there becomes some more effective and available outlet for keeping each other in check in situations like this, we will have to stand together and protect people like this young man and accept the consequences of his actions as unavoidable side effects of doing the right thing.

He will do his time with honor, and knew the consequences of his actions before he took them. I am sad to say that it will take many more sacrifices of this sort before we can relearn how to have an honorable government, military, business world and neighborhood.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 07:03 PM
Having paid some attention to what all is going on, and having served in the US military, there are a few things that can be stated on Private Manning:

If he had only related to what he saw, and had it been a few items, then this would have been a railroad job by the US government. But beyond that, looking at everything there are way too many questions that are not answered, nor is the government wanting to answer them or the US military.

Dealing with any classified information, is typically a 2 person job, espeically when it comes to an NCO, there has to be a need to know and another person present. These rules came into being after the Walker spy case where military secrets were leaked to the USSR. Some one in the chain of command knew about his activities and chose to ignore it, and even after he was suspected of leaking information, he was left in a position to where he could continue to take and leak more classified information to the world.

But did he go beyond what would have been considered enough, the answer is yes. He did not just limit his activities to what could be considered breaches in the Geneva Convention, or even the rules of conduct in a miliary action, the reality is that he also is accused of leaking diplomatic information as well, and that he should not have done. There is where he crossed the line.

The laws are very clear cut, and unfortunately, as bad as it is, he is going to pay the penalty for his actions, there is no way around it. And he is also being used as a message to the rest of those who would do the exact same thing.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
Free speech and information are far more damaging to a government than guns can ever be. Give the man a medal and lock up the murderers..

thank you

truth is truth and shall be known..

thank you God...

thank YOU

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by sdcigarpig

* * * *
The laws are very clear cut, and unfortunately, as bad as it is, he is going to pay the penalty for his actions, there is no way around it. And he is also being used as a message to the rest of those who would do the exact same thing.

There is always "a way around it" but the way is reserved for the few who are well-connected and rich enough to reap its benefits. That, sir, is what is sad but true about this situation. The vultures in power will just use Manning as the scapegoat to cover their own weighty sins. The speaks strongly of the evil which resides at the heart of it all.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by dubiousone

Not really, in this case, even the rich and powerful will fall if they release and give out what is considered classified information. But in any case I still think that someone up the chain of command knew and suspected, that they are not wanting to take the hit and are using him as a scapegoat.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by sdcigarpig

oh many people know...

heck this kind of stuff is trained into our brothers and sisters...

its a cult of personality with many of these military people...

they train them up to kill other Humans...

it's crazy, lol

I pray karma is real...

just wake up Humans..


posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 11:52 PM
Mr. Manning should have kept his mouth shut

There are thousands of others that have seen the same thing,

You can't beat the system.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Zarniwoop
Mr. Manning should have kept his mouth shut

There are thousands of others that have seen the same thing,

You can't beat the system.


nobody should keep their mouth shut..

and we are beating the system, watch and see

plus, how much do you get paid to say such things?

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