posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by bb23108
I agree with what you said, if I understood it well enough after a long day at work.
And I would also like to give you a warm thank you for helping
me out. The cards are only a tool I use, the 'seeing' doesn't come from the cards, they help, but I have also used dowsing and rune stones before,
until I felt most comfortable with cards.
And another thing might interest you is that my grandmother was an expert on tarot cards, she is one of the people I learned from, and my brother is
good at it too, but my mom never cared to use them. She would get visions in dreams instead. So it runs in my family, on my mother's side. I just
thought this might interest you. Sorry for rambling on, here is your card:
Upright: Speed, action, air travel, movement, swift change
Luckily no bad news for you today either, your day will be fine, but hectic. The star card got stuck in my hand in reversed, there's a person (not on
this thread, but in your family) who strongly disagrees with you about your beliefs. Have a nice day