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Chemtrail Flu -- Do you have it?

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posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by MagicWand67

Thousands of people across the globe are not mistaken. The excuses of more air traffic these days are simply ridiculous.

You are ABSOLUTELY right...the thousands more people who are now flying across the globe are not making any excuses about the FACT they like to use a plane when flying...

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by SPECULUM

Too bad for you. You need different doctors.
I do not and cannot take Cymbalta, btw. I take something that helps, exercise, stretch, and take pain killers when all else fails.

The word of someone online making a case against a known medical condition is hardly evidence enough to do all my research over again. You should try researching sometime. You know, real medical studies. Not stuff like deep breathing, colonics, de-toxing, putting sticky pads on your feet, taking silver, drinking vinegar or any of the other stuff you find on the web that masquerades as "health".

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 10:28 AM

This is a common tactic and misconception by the skeptics. You take the most extreme or outlandish theory ever proposed and run with it like that is the one and only theory. Actually most people discussing the issues with chemtrails think it has to do with weather modification. The idea of chemtrails having negative health impacts on people are a secondary result of these pollutants and not the main purpose.
reply to post by MagicWand67

Well, let's look to the top of the page for a moment, shall we?
"Chemtrail Flu--Do you have it?"
Looks like the claim is negative health impacts.

Not my health, either.

And geo-engineering is not actually considered weather modification,per se. That would be cloud-seeding and attempts made to stop hurricanes, stop rain, and other weather modification attempts.
Geo-engineering, which is a much broader field of study than using planes to do something, is about climate.
But this thread is about "chemtrails" causing "flu".

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by MagicWand67

Thousands of people across the globe are not mistaken. The excuses of more air traffic these days are simply ridiculous.

More air traffic is rediculous you say....

Here is another one for you..

Around half of the UK adult population currently travels by plane each year. Since 1990, the number of passengers taking flights has increased by 130%, from 104 million passengers to 238 million today.

Not rediculous but fact..

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 11:49 AM
It's amazing how some of you debunkers latch onto these threads within minutes. Desperate to say Chemtrails don't exist, like you're filling some void in your poor, insecure ego's.

You basically take the craziest thing a "Chemtrailer" says and use that to say chemtrails don't exist... this IS your main defense, and it blows.

Anyone who's looked into it, has figured out that BOTH Chemtrails and Contrails are happening.

Simply search the US Patent Database for a few of these numbers and use common sense as to who's owns the patent and the chances of it being used.









US5038664 HAARP patent

US5003186 - Important (Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding)








US4686605 HAARP patent









US3899144 - Important (Powder Contrail)
















..the debunkers use of "patents prove nothing" is really all they say.... their logic of WHY they prove nothing, is the opposite of common sense.
edit on 18-3-2013 by dplum517 because: typo

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 12:12 PM
12 great examples of why patents prove nothing. Included are a device to hold dog ears out of their food bowl, a decoy coat, and a high five machine.

Anything can get a patent. That doesn't mean that it was done, or that it will be built.

Some more fun ones. This one includes "Method of Swinging on a Swing", and a patent for a comb-over.

So yeah, having a patent doesn't prove a damn thing, except you had it patented. Some businesses get patents for future products, in case they decide to go ahead with them, they're already protected.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 12:29 PM
Here I am to ask my silly yet never answered question for chemtrailers: Why don't they just spray at night, when "trails" would not be an issue?

I don't expect any answers, as I've asked this question hundreds of times.

I am quite healthy, but then again I get the flu shot every year, so perhaps one flawed conspiracy has saved me from the effects of the other...

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by usernameconspiracy

I don't get a flu shot every year, and am under contrails all day, every day, and never get sick. Don't know why, don't care why, but about once every 5-10 years, I get the flu (usually a mild case of it), and about twice yearly, during season change, I get a mild cold due to sinus problems.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by dplum517

Contrails happen.
"Chemtrails" are imaginary.
Patents are only words and pictures on paper. Always have been, always will be.
My ego is fine; thanks for asking.
Hardly minutes...this thread is several days old.
Did I forget anything?...
Oh, yes.
It's not just the "craziest" things that "chemtrail" believers say, it's everything they say.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by dplum517

Hello old pal, long time no see.

The logic of why I, for one, say patents prove nothing is simply that you can patent anything you like. The patent proves that someone had a thought and tried to protect it, nothing more than that.

If you use the patent as a lead to uncover further evidence that is a good and useful outcome. as far as I am aware no-one has yet done this. That's why patents, by themselves as listed above, prove nothing.

Be well

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by stars15k
reply to post by dplum517

Contrails happen.
"Chemtrails" are imaginary.
Patents are only words and pictures on paper. Always have been, always will be.
My ego is fine; thanks for asking.
Hardly minutes...this thread is several days old.
Did I forget anything?...
Oh, yes.
It's not just the "craziest" things that "chemtrail" believers say, it's everything they say.

The craziest of all things is the folks that believe nothing in the sky can harm or kill them and that no one would ever dump or spray noxious deadly chemicals from airplanes....Its shear insanity to discount and to go further as to argue the point. even on a micro level account. humans consume pounds of toxic dirt a year, mostly from what falls from the sky. you hear these crazies talk about how none of these contrail can even reach the ground,but if that's the case, where the hell does sleet, rain, snow, and hail come from and from what altitude?

and what about them there down drafts?..... just as the mantle is in perpetual subduction so is the winds and the gulf steams, constantly over running themselves pushing and pulling with gravity being their destination until something else moves it along.

so with that being said....yes, we are being poisoned by our government at every turn and from every altitude and anyone that begs to differ is a loon
edit on 18-3-2013 by SPECULUM because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by dplum517
It's amazing how some of you debunkers latch onto these threads within minutes. Desperate to say Chemtrails don't exist, like you're filling some void in your poor, insecure ego's.

got any actual evidence, or is snide pop-psychiatry as far as it goes??

You basically take the craziest thing a "Chemtrailer" says and use that to say chemtrails don't exist... this IS your main defense, and it blows.

nope - we basically look at all the so called "evidence" and point out why it is nonsense.

The weird theories why chemtrails exist - they are your problem, and the fact that you are all now gravitating to geoengineering, still with no actual evidence, is indicative that you really don't have any idea.

Anyone who's looked into it, has figured out that BOTH Chemtrails and Contrails are happening.

nope - I've looked into it - I see no evidence that "chemtrails are happening"

Simply search the US Patent Database for a few of these numbers and use common sense as to who's owns the patent and the chances of it being used.



.....the debunkers use of "patents prove nothing" is really all they say.... their logic of WHY they prove nothing, is the opposite of common sense.

No =- we did the patents already - clearly you have forgotten why they prove nothing - so here's a reminder of the last time you trotted out this list and couldn't actually back up why they are relevant.

edit on 18-3-2013 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by SPECULUM
The craziest of all things is the folks that believe nothing in the sky can harm or kill them and that no one would ever dump or spray noxious deadly chemicals from airplanes....

who beleives that??

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by SPECULUM

The craziest of all things is the folks that believe nothing in the sky can harm or kill them and that no one would ever dump or spray noxious deadly chemicals from airplanes...

I agree absolutely with your opinion on that. Who has said this and on which thread?

.Its shear insanity to discount and to go further as to argue the point. even on a micro level account. humans consume pounds of toxic dirt a year, mostly from what falls from the sky. you hear these crazies talk about how none of these contrail can even reach the ground,but if that's the case, where the hell does sleet, rain, snow, and hail come from and from what altitude?

Sleet rain and snow fall from about 3-10,000ft, less than half the height that contrails form at. They aren't the same types of clouds. You do know that different clouds form at different heights, yes?

so with that being said....yes, we are being poisoned by our government at every turn and from every altitude and anyone that begs to differ is a loon
edit on 18-3-2013 by SPECULUM because: (no reason given)

And if you stopped chasing a fantasy problem you might be better placed to do something about the real problems of pollution etc.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by SPECULUM

The craziest of all things is the folks that believe nothing in the sky can harm or kill them and that no one would ever dump or spray noxious deadly chemicals from airplanes....Its shear insanity to discount and to go further as to argue the point. even on a micro level account. humans consume pounds of toxic dirt a year, mostly from what falls from the sky. you hear these crazies talk about how none of these contrail can even reach the ground,but if that's the case, where the hell does sleet, rain, snow, and hail come from and from what altitude?

and what about them there down drafts?..... just as the mantle is in perpetual subduction so is the winds and the gulf steams, constantly over running themselves pushing and pulling with gravity being their destination until something else moves it along.

so with that being said....yes, we are being poisoned by our government at every turn and from every altitude and anyone that begs to differ is a loon
edit on 18-3-2013 by SPECULUM because: (no reason given)

Perhaps, but you are missing the really big picture.
What you breathe in is air, like the atmosphere, but "chemtrail" believers seem to think toxic stuff only comes down to earth level from above, when the reverse is true. Hail alone comes from very high up, but as nothing has been claimed (so far) that hail are magic chemical bullets, the rest of the precipitation comes down....from lower clouds. If you had been paying attention, you would know by now that contrails are a cirrus cloud type. These do not produce precipitation.
And while there are downdrafts, there are also updrafts. And something called the "jet stream" which is a pretty strong wind and kind of would negate most drafts, whether up or down.
It's not a matter of what is supposed to be falling either. Whether lead, aluminum, barium, or the purest water, it's the size of particle falling that matters. It's something called "terminal velocity", and the smaller the particle, the longer it will take to fall. An ant's terminal velocity is reached after only 2 inches ; something the size of a particle in a supposed "chemtrail" is barely pulled by gravity at all. And even then, it is diluted by the rest of the atmosphere. See the big picture now?
You really need to take a breath. The chance you are breathing in something dropped/spread/sprayed by an airplane leaving a trail is very, very remote.
Is it the government? Well, since the government is the body in the US that regulates emissions from all sources, yeah, I suppose so. Do I like it? No, who does? That's just nuts.
But is there any proof at all that anyone is doing anything in the upper atmosphere even remotely like the storied "chemtrail?"
Which makes worrying about it even dumber.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by dplum517

What's amazing is how many times you have ignored any position other than your own.

NOBODY on this site that I have seen denies that chemtrails "might" exist. What we have been saying, time, after time, after time, is that the white puffy clouds you keep seeing form behind the airplanes look a lot like contrails. They act a lot like contrail. They even smell and taste like contrails. Yet you keep claiming that they "HAVE" to be chemtrails. Until someone can provide the lab results as to what is inside that cloud looking thing, anyone with common sense will say, it's probably a contrail.

Knowing it's probably a contrail, what do your patents have to do with anything? Oh yea, they mean it's possible that somewhere, sometime, someone, might spray something, our of some apparatus like your patent shows. Nowhere in the list of patents, is a timeline for when this program was implemented, or how long it has been happening.

So in conclusion, could chemtrails exist? perhaps. Does that prove that those lines in the sky that look a whole lot like contrail are something other than contrails? nope.

Enjoy the ride on the logic train. It's been bringing people to the correct conclusion for decades.

Edit to add:
There is more evidence that Bigfoot exists then chemtrails. Think about that.

edit on 19-3-2013 by network dude because: Bigfoot doesn't believe in you or chemtrails.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by SPECULUM

humans consume pounds of toxic dirt a year, mostly from what falls from the sky.

One really has to wonder
Is your name Alice?

you hear these crazies talk about how none of these contrail can even reach the ground,but if that's the case, where the hell does sleet, rain, snow, and hail come from and from what altitude?

Good questions, why not research and educate yourself. Why ask a board where you feel disinfo is being spread?

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by SPECULUM

you hear these crazies talk about how none of these contrail can even reach the ground,but if that's the case, where the hell does sleet, rain, snow, and hail come from and from what altitude?

Here is a good place to start if you want to learn....,

A load of info ...Enjoy...

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by SPECULUM

and what about them there down drafts?..... just as the mantle is in perpetual subduction so is the winds and the gulf steams, constantly over running themselves pushing and pulling with gravity being their destination until something else moves it along.

Can you please provide a link to where you found this intriguing theory?

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by SPECULUM

The craziest of all things is the folks that believe nothing in the sky can harm or kill them and that no one would ever dump or spray noxious deadly chemicals from airplanes....Its shear insanity to discount and to go further as to argue the point.

I am pretty sure that your not going to find many people that believe nothing in the sky can harm them, well maybe one...and he lives in a bubble...

And as far as believing the government is spraying the population, only chemtrail believers think that.

That is why you see folks that don't believe the government is spraying them... they use common sense...

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