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LA Times - Peril from 'Patriots" (we all need to be 'closely monitored')

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posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Apparently we are all just like Timothy McVeigh.
Apparently belief that the United Nations is bad for America is crazy.
Apparently belief that a One World Order could happen is outlandish.

Worst part of this insane article -

These groups should be closely monitored, with resources adequate to the task, even if it means shifting some homeland security money from the hunt for foreign terrorists.

edit on 3/14/2013 by FlyersFan because: fixed word

They didnt buy a zillion rounds of ammo for nothing! And we the people are not buying zillions of rounds for nothing as well.

And no its not the "small cells" of wack jobs thats scares the hell out of them. It the millions of John and Jane Doe out there that got them pissing down their leg. Its armed soccer moms stoping by the gun shop after picking up Jonny and Sally from practice.

edit on 15-3-2013 by Logarock because: n

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Agreed on all points and the story I presented was to highlight that each of us, regardless of "sides" experience what you and I have described. In this case, as you have stated about their "constitutional rights", both the author of the piece and the OP have their opportunity.

One though has a wider audience of "faithful" followers who will take this information and run with it. Allow it to fester in their minds and formulate predetermined conclusions without any supporting facts or evidence. It could probably be said that a large portions of LA Times readers have now formulated their views based on this opinion piece. A piece that poorly defines "anti-government" or outright paints with a broad brush of what some groups actually believe. Lumping in as a whole, anyone that opposes the president as such.

I would like to think you agree with the following:

We have moved from a society where the free exchange of ideas is now constrained to the promotion of ideology. Where one side is pitted against the other in hopes of bleeding off stragglers to their cause. We are all for one thing when "our" guy is in command but against it when the others' guy is in a seat of power. I could chalk it up to party politics but in reality, it is human, It is human to identify oneself with others of like mind to feel accepted and welcome. Where you know your views won't be challenged because your views are that of the whole. In my mind, such occurs on a broad scale. Rich v. Poor. Right v. Left. Democrat v Republicans, etc etc.

This is all exemplified within this opinion presented. One group; the one with the brokerage to levy the claim, is imploring the public to seek more governmental insight upon free people because they don't like the way they think. I take exception to that, regardless of the view point; or any one who sides with it. It is counter-intuitive to the nature of a free people.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Hefficide

When things get as they currently are, where a segment of the population forsakes the democratic process and simply states that they will rebel against the nation, period? Well that sort of rhetoric and ultimatum does have consequences. Since this hyperbole began I have been told to "get the Hell out of America" no less than four or five times, along with some vague threats about how I'll be the first one they target when the shooting starts.

And I am not even against gun ownership.

The hyperbole is simply to the point where anyone not screaming for insurrection and murder of the Executive is seen as being a traitor.

Sorry to be the voice of reason here. But mobs are never right. And much of America currently is behaving like a mob.

There are some calling for insurrection and the like. However it seems clear that all that certain in the government have to do is go after 2nd amendment restrictions and the sheep get startled.....large large numbers of them.

Now the executive has made moves, filled "orders" and said some things......and so when people react it must have something to do with him being bark skinned as on poster hit on? How about the executive has become the biggest pusher for 2nd amendment restrictions so he gets the heat comming from the constitutionalists. He has no right to hide behind or use his elected office as a sheild then. But I havent seen any mobs yet.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 06:59 AM
I seriously believe its time that the government be monitored and be made accountable by the PEOPLE , because they cannot be trusted with the safety and welfare of this nation due to the fact of their affiliation with known enemies of this country and its infiltration and coercion with such enemies.

Washington is long overdue for an Enema

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 07:19 AM
first off, "god" didn't give you any "rights"....he's a mythical being....a group of living human men gave you rights. second, how about all those people that excersized their rights at the ballot box? i guess their rights don't count.
third, when you organize into an armed militia, wargaming to overthrow the government, guess are going to be noticed.
and by the way, we are not all born equal, it's a nice thought to aspire to, but, the reality is we're not.

edit on 15-3-2013 by jimmyx because: error in quote

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by SPECULUM
I seriously believe its time that the government be monitored and be made accountable by the PEOPLE , because they cannot be trusted with the safety and welfare of this nation due to the fact of their affiliation with known enemies of this country and its infiltration and coercion with such enemies.

Washington is long overdue for an Enema

so? you want an armed violent overthrow of this government? because that is what your post is saying

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000

He makes absolutely no qualms about the hatred for anything white.

I'm really glad to see this video. This top-level kook "decloaking" his hate-group puts this evil right in the open for every one to see.

I can't help but wonder if obama or the extreme left will come forward to defend these people -- it would be fascinating to see Der Furher justify this trash talk about killing white babies.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 09:18 AM
I think the Federal Government needs to be closely monitored! Just as it is the peoples' solemn duty to monitor their government, but so too is it the media's. The author of this article needs to get their priorities in check, because they are, or were a vital check and balance. Although, that seems to have gone by the way side lately?

Now, don't get me wrong. There are extremist elements within the United States, but the article explicitly calls out one particular group instead of mentioning all of them. We got the Neo Nazis, La Raza, Islamic Terrorists, Extremist Christian Groups, Street Gangs, Black Nationalists, Organized Crime, and quite a few other potentially dangerous groups. Yet, only one group gets highlighted while the others are given a pass? Just more one-sided bunk, and the typical mainstream media indocrination. They would want you to worry about one group, but not worry about the other ones that could be potentially dangerous as well? I guess those other groups do not fall into the political leanings of the LA Times? I can find one good use for this article? Toilet paper!
edit on 15-3-2013 by Jakes51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 09:51 AM
The Southern Poverty Law Center....creates hate groups out of thin air by constantly expanding the definition of hate. The need to keep themselves in business and having the first Mulatto President in our history has given them a new focus. Pretty simple.

They attack anyone who supports protecting our borders or anyone who opposes Immigration reform in any way.

Boom! You are a bad guy in their eyes.

Support Israel? You're just a radical Zionist (all the while SPLC borders on anti Semitism).

Oppose the use of Govt. Drones and surveillance of Americans. You're an extremist because you're not in lock step with the current administration.

I'm not surprised to see that they have found a happy lap dog within the LA Times...

Our Nation's richest "civil rights org."

As of October 2008, the group's net assets were $170,240,129. Chief Counsel Morris Dees was paid $273,132 and the President and CEO, Richard Cohen, was paid $290,193. Total revenue in 2007 was $44,727,257 and program expenses were $20,804,536. In other words, they raised twice as much they spent. Fund-raising and administrative expenses were $9 million, leaving $14 million to be put into the center's vast assets. [18]

According to a March of 2007 article in Harpers Magazine by Ken Silverstein, the SPLC combats mostly impotent groups like the Nazis and the Klu Klux Klan; raising obscene amounts of money by hyping fears about their power and influence. Hence, they have become the nation's richest "civil rights" organization. In 1978, when their treasury held less than $10 million, Mr. Dees vowed they would stop fund-raising and live off interest when they hit $55 million. A decade later, the goal was upped to $100 million. The group's newsletter promised that this amount would allow it "to cease the costly and often unreliable task of fund raising."[19]

SPLC is a tax-exempt, charitable organization incorporated in 1971 under tax code 501(c)(3). In the fiscal year ending in 2009, the group's assets totaled at $189.7 million dollars. Approximately 68% of our total expenses were spent on program services in 2009. [20]

SPLC the hypocrites. If you're a Christian of traditional beliefs shame on you. Muslim? its ok to have "extreme" views.

“For a second year in a row, the radical right in America expanded explosively in 2010, driven by resentment over the changing racial demographics of the country, frustration over the government’s handling of the economy, and the mainstreaming of conspiracy theories and other demonizing propaganda aimed at various minorities,” SPLC claims. On a list of over 1,000 organizations labeled “hate groups,” 17 “anti-gay” are singled out, the majority of which being Christian and conservative in nature.

However! Double standard alert!!

“To call the Family Research Council a hate group is unacceptable,” Schwartz said. “It’s inaccurate. It’s using the phrase in an ideological way.”

Among the Muslim groups that escaped being named in the report as an anti-gay hate group, like the conservative FRC, is the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), which is outspoken in its condemnation of homosexual lifestyles. Its website calls same-sex relationships a “deviation” from Allah’s laws and refers to homosexuality as “ignorance.”

“There are divine laws for faith groups to adhere to and accept,” said Naeem Baig, ICNA vice president.

Baig said religious groups of any faith should not be labeled hate groups for their beliefs unless they actually promote violence or hate.

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) has also been unequivocal in its moral rejection of homosexuality, yet it too was not to be found in SPLC’s report. In a 2006 Religion News Service story, Muzammil Siddiqi, a former president of ISNA who later served on its board of directors, said, “Homosexuality is a moral disorder. It is a moral disease, a sin and corruption . . . No person is born homosexual, just like no one is born a thief, a liar or murderer. People acquire these evil habits due to a lack of proper guidance and education.”

The Fiqh Council, an ISNA affiliate, advocates a similar viewpoint. Dr. Jamal Badawi, who serves on its executive council, called gay lifestyles “strange and contradictory” and lamented the West’s acceptance of homosexuality as a “setback and decline” in the world’s moral standards, according to an article on

Southern Poverty Law Center has no credibility whatsoever and is purely driven by a specific agenda!!

They are naming anyone who doesn’t agree with them as a hate group,” Lafferty said. “This is how they deal with their enemies – they scare them.”

Sounds familiar regarding Obama's forever cry that everyone hates him. The GOP hates him, You're either with him or you're against him. Their is no middle ground any more. Pretty Sad!!

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by jcarpenter

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000

He makes absolutely no qualms about the hatred for anything white.

I'm really glad to see this video. This top-level kook "decloaking" his hate-group puts this evil right in the open for every one to see.

I can't help but wonder if obama or the extreme left will come forward to defend these people -- it would be fascinating to see Der Furher justify this trash talk about killing white babies.

I seriously doubt that you will see anyone approve of the message in this video, other than like-minded racist. The man in the video clearly has mental issues and I think that everyone pretty much agrees that we should probably keep an eye on him and his followers.

On the other hand, I think you will probably find that many gun owning americans do in fact agree with the girl in this video;

I happen to agree with the opinion issued by SPLC. The same way I would be watching the racist in the first video, I'd also be watching these anti-government extremist who feel the need to arm themselves to the teeth in preparation for some final overthrow of our government. IMO, you'd have to be a fool to not pay attention to either of those threats.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 10:45 AM
Did anyone take the poll on the L.A. times article linked?

I did.

Here are the results:

Your take?

Should we worry about "patriot" groups?



4%(187 yes votes)

96%(3,995 no votes)

So basically no one but the OP in the OP/ED seems to be worried about the Patriots, in fact, it looks like the reading public seems to back the Patriots!

edit on 15-3-2013 by SunnyDee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by SunnyDee

I'm glad you were brave enough to take it.
I'm always cautious about those kinds of things.
You never know what info-mining is going on.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

You just hit yes or no on that poll. It does not ask for your facebook id or twitter account or whatever they always want these days. It was anonymous as far as I can see.

Go ahead and vote, 96% of others did with our viewpoint.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 11:14 AM
People need to remember that "Patriot" is a positive word. Just ask Bush2. If you weren't a patriot of america and everything it stood for and did in the name of freedom and the constitution, then you were not one of us! Remember the Bush erea after 2001?

Now Patriotism is bad? Stand up and be proud to be a patriot, people! And don't let the word and meaning become a negative. Seriously, use it a lot and make it a positive all the time.

We are being played, but if we realize we are being played we can end that particular game.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 02:43 PM
Do none of these anti-gun folks understand that some of us need our guns for groceries!?

That's right.. where are the hunting advocates? I know my hunting can potentially feed my family for a year... (nice fat elk, plump deer, some antelope salami, roast grouse... mmmm) all acquired with the use of a firearm (that is if bow season is unsuccessful.)

Do people not understand that many places in this fine country would be overrun with predators were there not men with guns culling their numbers?

Do they not understand for the same reason above men with guns protect their steak dinner?!

Guns are not just for protecting your homes, they are also for protecting your food supply! They are also for protecting the livelihoods of ranchers and farmers all over this beautiful landscape.

Even the UK (one of the most anti-gun countries in the world) allows farmers and some civilians to have guns for this very reason..

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 03:31 PM
If people use a gun to forward an agenda in the US (eg: feds), are they considered patriots automatically?

Certainly, the use of guns by any individual is likely to try to improve his or her outcome/issue. Take Cho Sueng(sp?).

I would agree that many people feel that purchasing of a gun in the US in and of itself is a patriotic act, since this furthers the freedom required by others to purchase same equipment so that they too can act in fear in a similar fashion.
edit on 15-3-2013 by sensibleSenseless because: spell chg

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 06:47 PM
lol I did the poll to see what the percentages looked like. I think it was like 5,000 votes and 96% of them said "no" to the article.

This dude needs to see a doctor and get evaluated.

Looks like they are trying really really hard to persuade people into thinking like they want. But what I have noticed is that those who use the internet for news are more aware of what really is going on, while those who just watch the news on TV or read the paper are the ones more likely to believe everything they are told.

High five to the internet!

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by SPECULUM
I seriously believe its time that the government be monitored and be made accountable by the PEOPLE , because they cannot be trusted with the safety and welfare of this nation due to the fact of their affiliation with known enemies of this country and its infiltration and coercion with such enemies.

Washington is long overdue for an Enema

so? you want an armed violent overthrow of this government? because that is what your post is saying

Hmmmm never thought of it that way, but hey, whatever works

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I wonder if Gabby Giffords is someone who needs to be closely monitored?
Photo Gabby Giffords with AR15 This picture is on facebook ... so I can't verify or anything ....

Gabby's Giffords' explanation of the cropped photo of her holding an AR15.

Posted on March 15, 2013 by Robert Farago
Gun Grabber Gabby Giffords on New AR-15 Photos

Cropped photos (above) can be mis-leading so these images might reveal more on Gabby's motives for seemingly enjoying the handling of automatic weapons. Her husband might have the same desires. Perhaps he wanted to share his newly purchased (used) AR15 with his wife......

Please read the entire article - its truly enlightening as regards Gabby and Mark's true feelings about guns.

In our last post on former astronaut and professional husband Mark Kelly, we remained unconvinced that the gun control advocate bought an AR-15 to show how easy it is to buy an AR-15 (as claimed). Since then, we published a cropped photo of Mr. Kelly’s wife Gabrielle Giffords cradling an AR-15. Yesterday, the former Congresswoman and spree killer survivor turned gun control advocate published a non-cropped version of the original image, a bonus image and an “explanation” for the event on Facebook. [Full text and additional image after the jump] Team Giffords is going with we never wanted to ban AR-15s only “more strongly regulate them.” So Ms. Giffords joins her husband in our estimation: she’s a hypocrite, coward and “secret” gun lover. If she wrote this . . .

Here are two photos of me that a conservative blog has dug up. I remember both of these days fondly. The first is at the Tucson Police Department firing range. They invited me to test rifles and tasers that they bought with federal funds, which I helped secure. The second was in Afghanistan while I was visiting with our troops serving abroad. My work as Southern Arizona’s Congresswoman frequently put me in close contact with some of the world’s most powerful and deadly weapons – supporting police departments, advocating for the Border Patrol, standing up for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and supporting my constituents’ and my own Second Amendment rights.

edit on 15-3-2013 by POXUSA because: txt

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by SPECULUM
I seriously believe its time that the government be monitored and be made accountable by the PEOPLE , because they cannot be trusted with the safety and welfare of this nation due to the fact of their affiliation with known enemies of this country and its infiltration and coercion with such enemies.

Washington is long overdue for an Enema

so? you want an armed violent overthrow of this government? because that is what your post is saying

Did you see anything in that post that implies violence?
edit on 15-3-2013 by yourmaker because: (no reason given)

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