My interest was in biology and astronomy, the Drake Equation, the Fermi Paradox. I studied all that stuff when I was around 7 or 8 years old. I read
books on UFOs (possibly as an answer to the Fermi Paradox), sci-fi and SETI. I was reading college level texts in middle school and comprehending,
surprisingly, most of it.
Then I heard about a astrophysicist and professor emeritus Peter Sturrock of Stanford and
his interest in reopening scientific examination of the UFO phenomena. I bought
his book The UFO Enigma: A New Review of the Physical Evidence and read the report which has commonly become known in UFO circles as
The Sturrock Report and I became interested in applying the scientific
method to the UFO field by separating out cases which had something which could be scientifically examined.
If you have not read The Sturrock Report and are interested in a scientific investigation of the phenomena then you seriously need to read it. It's
well worth it.
My country's ancient history, is all about it... But I don't follow modern theories, or ufo "priests", I stick with what my ancestors left us as a
My interest in UFO's started after seeing TV shows about them years ago but never fully got into it till I found a book a couple years later on
UFO's at a book sale, the part that really interested me about it though was that they could outperform any aircrafts of our time and the mysteries
that surround the subject.