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The left lane is for PASSING you idiot!

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posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 07:12 PM
I live in Maryland, that's how the people drive. The left lane to Marylanders is just another lane for them to drive in. I'm not even kidding either, I've driven in other states where most people will drive in the right lane and pass in the left, but here in Maryland they just don't care.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Krazysh0t
I live in Maryland, that's how the people drive. The left lane to Marylanders is just another lane for them to drive in. I'm not even kidding either, I've driven in other states where most people will drive in the right lane and pass in the left, but here in Maryland they just don't care.

I hear stories like that and it's then that I wish I had a cruddy old car with a battering ram. I don't think I need to tell anyone what I'd do with it.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

What I find funny is that there were 40 mph winds that day ... she was just exercising proper caution... weather was a factor .... yet no one else seems to care and act as if it happened on a nice sunny ride to work .... not a windy blustery day ...

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Biigs

Well Played Sir....

Well Played.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
Get yourself one of these.

That sticker is made of pure awesome and win!

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 08:13 PM
I was taught from a "young" age the following conditions for a freeway:

If there are three lanes:
1. The right lane is for "normal" driving, driving when conditions are hazardous (or your car is), and for slower traffic. I tend to stay in this lane only if I suspect my car might go out, or if I'm only going to be on a freeway for a short time. Mostly, the speed limit in this lane is a variable - it could be as low as 45mph, and as high as 80 (I've seen plenty of people do this).

2, The middle lane is a "duration" lane, or "fair weather" lane (local term for it). I use this lane when I know I'm going to be on the freeway for a while (such as on a trip up north). My reasoning for doing this is that I'm leaving the right lane to those coming on the freeway, and the left lane for some moron that can't stand going 75mph in a 70 zone.

3. The dreaded left lane. Although I sometimes drive well within the "limit" in the fast lane, someone always want's to go faster, so I don't use the lane at all (Unless the freeway is ending, and I need to make a Michigan left from it). In my lifetime, I've only used the lane about 5 times, and each time I went back to the middle after passing the car I intended to.

And, I also own a bumper sticker, which reads "I set your speed limit, not the other way around". In other words, while the driver in front may not be driving correctly or fast enough, tailgating will not get them to budge - if you tailgate, whatever happens is your responsibility, because you were behind them (so, if you follow too close, and the driver in front puts on the brakes to avoid a cute innocent squirrel that "crossed" the road, and you hit them - Guess who gets the ticket? HINT: It isn't the guy in front, as you were tailgating).

What's funnier is how some of Michigan's roads have what I like to call "blow-past" lanes - These lanes are usually on the right, and are a combination of a right-turn lane and a straight "merge with traffic" lane. Normally, there isn't a problem using them...until a couple "smart people" (in my area, there's a few repeat offenders) decide to rev their engines, give the finger to those of us in the correct lane, and zoom off around the traffic - essentially cutting in line - it never fails that a couple times a week, someone has to play "chicken" where those lanes merge. I've seen more accidents at these sections than on the freeway.


posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 08:16 PM
After driving most of my life in the New York and Phillie areas, I finally moved to Louisiana for various reasons. I was amazed to find out that folks down here simply did not know what I meant when I'd mention the "fast lane". They'd say, "What does that mean"? I'd explain that the left lane was for passing and moving along. They just didn't get it. As far as the good folks here, the left lane is just as handy for a nice, slow Sunday drive as any other lane.
We always own chargers or mustangs and my cars don't like that.
Not a speed hound but I like the concept of what the left lane it should be used and such.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by MaMaa

Originally posted by Sandalphon

Cars are for driving in, not eating in or putting makeup in, or texting in. Or calls. Yeah I said it, the phone-to-ear calls is an idiot sign, get an extension.

The biggest idiot on the road will be driving a minivan. Room for 8 but only one person inside.
Somehow, they are also an idiot if they are driving a brand new car badly. It's a sign their previous one was totaled.

About the minivan thing.. unfortunately I have a minivan because I have four kids. I don't always have all of the kids with me, but it is my only vehicle so often times I travel alone.. in a minivan that seats 7.

Yeah, I used to drive a minivan, and now have a full size van, since that's what we found when the other one died. Six passengers when the whole family is along, so it's needed. Doesn't make me an "idiot"!

But then, you and I aren't labeling people based on the vehicle they drive, either.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by fnpmitchreturns
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

What I find funny is that there were 40 mph winds that day ... she was just exercising proper caution... weather was a factor .... yet no one else seems to care and act as if it happened on a nice sunny ride to work .... not a windy blustery day ...

The woman in the story? That would be a factor where I live! I do wonder why it's assumed the ticket was for the lane, too, when we really don't know. Maybe she was in the wrong, and maybe the cop was.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 08:28 PM
If she can't drive in a stiff breeze maybe she shouldn't be on the road at all.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by seamus

Yea, I loved it really makes a statement. BTW love your avatar.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 12:27 AM
Where I live the main highways are two-lanes wide, and I see horrible drivers all the time, since I live in a college town. I think there are exceptions to driving in the right lane only, but I do agree that it should only be used for passing in most conditions. Every once in a while there will be a special reason for being in the left lane, such as exiting left in heavy traffic, as personally I would get in the left lane a bit early to ensure that I could make it, instead of missing the exit. But in that case, whoever is in the left lane should speed up. I mean at least go the speed limit, being as you're in the fast lane.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 12:43 AM
Little trick I use called pushing and herding.

Say you are behind a car in the fast lane right next or maybe just behind the other vehicle going at the same pace.
They seem to leave just enough opening to pass in the slow lane until you try to go around them.
Then they speed up to block you.

That is when I launch my Australian sheep dog at them to attack and they run off the road allowing me to carry on.
Running out of Australian sheep dogs,though.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 01:55 AM
Where I live, we have a slow lane, a fast lane and a very fast lane. And usually some idiot in a fancy new BMW or Mercedes is driving 40km/h in the very fast lane where the speed limit is legally 120km/h but everyone else does 140km/h.

My other pet peeve, is the really really slow truck trying to overtake the slow truck trying to overtake the truck, trying to over take the truck - across 4 lanes of highway, on an uphill.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by fossilera

ailgating will not get them to budge - if you tailgate, whatever happens is your responsibility

I hate tailgaters. There are two other lanes...USE one of them, and stay off my rear. I keep a healthy distance from the car in front of me, gives me time to react, and it has saved me from an accident many times. Every day, I pass at least one rear-ender accident...

I drive the speed I do because it saves me gas. Yeah, I know I could get a smaller vehicle, but my truck is PAID FOR, and it would take me years to break even on the gas I'd save with a new smaller car. Just going to work and back each day costs me $20 in gas (each day), so sorry if I find no need to be a speed demon.

If you tailgate me, expect me to brake suddenly for no apparent reason...eventually, you'll get the hint and go around me. Oh, and I drive a solid steel F350 duallie, with cattle guards, so you won't even dent my bumper, but I'll bet I crumple your whole front just back the hell off.

edit on 14-3-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 08:13 AM
You know what also really grinds my gears?!!!

Those people who hit the brakes before every corner on single lane roads?

I like to pay less for fuel and less on my brake pads, so when i see a corner i cant take at the speed im going safely, i back off the gas and glide round no brakes needed.

Some people drive the speed limit till the last second, brake, turn, back heavy on the gas. Now its not their wasted money or the seconds they might gain on the trip that bugs me, its the fact that when i see brake lights (esp when unnecessary) startle me for nothing or even cause me to brake as a reflex! Theres more to driving than just pushing the controls.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Biigs

Back when gas first started going insane, I learned about (and put into practice) pulse driving, and other such tools. Unfortunately, it's impossible to do now in my daily commute (too much stop and go), but I use it when I can. It really does work, and after a while, becomes reflexive.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Biigs
You know what also really grinds my gears?!!!

Those people who hit the brakes before every corner on single lane roads?

I like to pay less for fuel and less on my brake pads, so when i see a corner i cant take at the speed im going safely, i back off the gas and glide round no brakes needed.

Some people drive the speed limit till the last second, brake, turn, back heavy on the gas. Now its not their wasted money or the seconds they might gain on the trip that bugs me, its the fact that when i see brake lights (esp when unnecessary) startle me for nothing or even cause me to brake as a reflex! Theres more to driving than just pushing the controls.

Or in my case going up the canyon, single lane road, and only the rare passing or pull off area. Inevitably they will go slower than molasses, then speed up when we hit a more open passing area, all the while staying in the left lane through said passing area, and then slow back down after and hit their brakes at every.single.god.damned.turn... And there are A LOT of turns up through the canyon. I once had a drive up the canyon take me over an hour, when it is normally a 25 minute drive. I get out of staters not being comfortable driving the canyon, it can be scary at first, but move right when people want to pass you once we hit the passing lane, don't stay in the left lane, speed up and block everyone in. GRRRR HUGE pet peeve of mine. Just rude drivers with zero consideration for anyone behind them. There are even slow vehicle pull offs through the canyon with signs all over, but you rarely see anyone use them and get out of other peoples way. I totally understand wanting to go slow through the canyon for many reasons, but don't be a jerk and dictate what everyone else should have to do because of what you want or are incapable of doing, kwim? ugh.. sorry, stepping off soap box now.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 11:09 AM
The entire first page of this thread is proof of the lack of justice in the hearts and minds of people.

It's a stumbling block. How can you people be so selfish?

65 is the speed limit. That means you may not legally exceed that speed -- even if you are in the "fast" lane.

63 is absolutely perfect. Speed, for most, is about +-2 of their hovering base, which means this person was going anywhere from 61-65 the whole time.

Not to mention, 65 is the MAX speed limit, not the minimum-- and on any portion of the road, especially most highways in the United States, the minimum is generally 40 miles per hour. The sign that is there for us to read that says, "Slower traffic keep right" -- that's a request and a suggestion... Not a law.

But even if it was a law, 63 IS fast, and the slower lanes may go lower, even unto 40-45 miles per hour.

You are very spoiled, whiny, impatient, and well... pretty much useless children. The lot of ya.

At least, that's the image you're putting on for those that actually care about justice --- which of course, a lot of you will gripe about.

But look how quickly you take for granted what you have! That you are given leeway and allowed to speed a little (even though it just further solidifies the potential for death in any given accident, but what does that matter if you get home 5 minutes earlier today than yesterday!) -- You would get beheaded in Saudi Arabia for speeding and then complaining like a spoiled brat; and you know it!

And then you want to complain that the woman is shocked that she is punished for OBEYING the law?

How backwards can this civilization possibly get before people grow up and think about somebody besides them self; and further, how hypocritical can this nation get? America needs to be renamed "ACME Land" because y'all are a bunch of looney toons.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes

Well, that's the key - impeding traffic in the lane, not simply driving in it! There are people that deliberately drive more slowly than the rest on the road, because they think they have a right to determine the speed of others. More that refuse to allow anyone to pass them, no matter how fast they are going (or how slowly!), and who will block passing vehicles just to be "in front". Highly annoying!

As a side note, LOVE your avatar!
edit on 13-3-2013 by LadyGreenEyes because: added reply

Yeah, the ones that try to keep me from passing on a two-lane usually aren't very successful as my Firebird has quite a lot of "balls". But still, speed limits are there for a reason, either drive the limit, or get over for those who are trying to. I get better mileage at 55 or 65 than I do at 45 or 50. And at 12mpg at $3.50 a gallon, I can't be letting the roadhogs determine my mileage. There's a reason you can get ticketed for "impeding traffic" you cause everyone behind you to get bunched up, thus making accidents more likely.

And yeah, Han Solo is one of my favorite fictional characters, I've started a thing where I change my avatar to another one of my favorites every 2 months or so. It's just about time to change this one, I think.

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