posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by intrptr
how else do you bring down the worlds population that by not being able to grow enough food for the people .Monsanto is doing a fine job at this with
the full consent and support of the governments and the courts , talk about a CONSPIRACY OF LIES.
and not so long ago they were complaining the the farm kids were not staying in farming ,no wonder when a tractor and combine and such equipment will
set them back a million bucks each .plus taxes and then being told that you have to sell your crop to huge corporations at a price that they set ,and
you the farmer make nothing corn for instance at say 25cents a pound ,when all of this new seed only gives 2 to 3 cobs per plant where the old seed
gave 12 to 20 cobs per plant . dried corn weighs next to nothing .
food prices in the super markets are insane as to what our farmers make for their crops as there is no money in it for them as they are in debt up to
their asses and are working for nothing, the only ones making cash are the monster sized corporate farms which are funded and backed by the
governments and the little family farm is being pushed into extinction by them ,
maybe it is time that we are started to do as the hippies once said GROW YOUR OWN .