posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 08:40 AM
The old coping mechanisms...once you see that changing your poor coping skills is beneficial, there comes a point where you realize that; all the pain
you were caused, was from others poor coping mechanisms...making the world's pain cycle pretty blameless...unless you unlearned that coping for
something better but, keep spreading it anyway out of compulsion or desire.
Some people just really enjoy spreading the same pain they were dealt; so they don't feel so damned alone, then get to feel superior since, they've
already been there.
no it'snot logical or rational; but there's no denying it. There's no being blissfully ignorant of it either, if you've
seen it or experienced in first hand.
If someone could just stop that intention; and relate to how it made them feel, they might not be so quick to spread it...of course compassion is
rarely seen or even understood by the wrathful, because they have yet to experience it...if no one else will give you the emotional experiences you
need; at least you can give them to yourself...then it will grow beyond yourself and cause you to give it to others. Empathy is simply identifying
with another's pain because you have been there...if you give these emotions you were lacking for better coping back to others and can empathize with
their pain, you'll be received better as a result.
Keep dumping stuff out from various poor coping skills; and you'll keep finding yourself alone, unless you have a very understanding friend or
partner; or one with an equally bad coping mechanism that makes them feel they deserve the abuse.
Glad to hear someone out there is undoing their coping mechanisms; they are the hardest thing to see in ones self, but tee someone off and they will
be happy to tell you what your problem is.