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RANT: Why do we fund stupidity like this?.....Anti Muslim hot lines.

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posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:12 AM

Yet again the government gets itself involved in helping create divisions

A government-backed project set up to monitor anti-Muslim hate has recorded 632 incidents in its first year. The UK project is based on the Community Security Trust's model, which records anti-Semitic incidents. 'Tell Mama' is run by interfaith organisation Faith Matters, which says victims who have come forward range from a five-year-old to an 89-year-old. They say women are targeted more than men and the majority of incidents are online abuse. Mama stands for Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks and Fiyaz Mughal, director of Faith Matters, said he wants to see a notable change in what is considered acceptable behaviour in the UK.

For me yet again the government is seen to side with a community which has large numbers of people who point blank have no intention of integrating and would change our cultures, its won't help the normal Muslims who suffer the abuse and will be rolled out by the Radicals as a way to beat us around the head.

Mr Cameron, how stupid are you...

Am I saying that ordinary Muslims don't get abused, NO, yes they do but for the most part these reports are about the Sharia followers who dress in Burqua's and quite happily support the change in law to Sharia. The difference being that the ones who get abuses mostly are the same crowd who go on marches holding placards saying "Behead all non Muslims".

Yes they will get abuse for that, its offensive and hateful.

Now before I get the racist nonsense, my in laws are Muslims, and when my wife and I lived in the family home and also had a car I took them to the mosque on a Friday, waited for them to do prayers and brought them back, we get on brilliantly as I do with all my wifes family who are all Muslims and accept me with open arms. These are nice people who have happily integrated in to the community long ago and they see them selves as British and live happily under British laws.

I have never heard one mention of any anti Muslim abuse in the last 30yrs, I've never seen a single person even look badly at them when we have been out shopping etc, most of them wear a head scarf out of respect for the religion but some don't yet neither have ever been abused by Non Muslims, oddly enough the only abuse they have had is from the newly arrived Radicals who don't see them as proper Muslims because they don't prostrate themselves to the man made verses but rather follow the Koran only.

My issue with the government is that if a member of the public went up and tried to get funding for a work group to look at abuse by Muslims on non Muslims they would be laughed out of the door simply because we are still in this phase where we dare not point blame towards Radical Muslims who cause hatred and ill feeling.

This PC soft treading is one of the main issues causing issues with both Muslims and Non Muslims, if you were to ask ordinary Muslims if its ok to highlight other more radical Muslims that are causing trouble in the name of the religion then you would find out they are all for it, I know I've asked many Muslims and Imams, they don't see it as an attack on the faith as they find these Radicals an awful problem for them. Problems such as Radicals being forced upon them in their Mosques to preach hatred or have their overseas funding cut.

Its the Radicals that get so many of these ordinary peaceful Muslims a bad name.

By making this watchdog it will only serve to give power to the Radicals and as one of its founders is quoting "Islamophobia" I do wonder just where his Islamic morals lie.

What is also annoying is that the whole thing totally ignores the Muslim based attacks and abuses on non Muslims which happen daily, we have many Radicals here on my estate, they deal with only their own ie other radicals and wander around in mini gangs spurting abuse at people, especially women such as my wife who has as I've said in other threads has been called a "kuffar whore" many times and spat at.

I've had people say that it does not happen and again I repeat to them that maybe it does not happen in stockbroker belt or country village but on estates and big cities it DOES happen just as much as any abuse the other way.

What I would have preferred to see was a group set up to help both sides but sadly the government has yet again been seen pandering to radical Muslims. People have to understand that the influx of hardcore Muslims from extremely radical countries who arrive, get aid and housing and then turn on the very people who have given them this aid makes others unhappy. To then watch the same Radicals wandering through the streets holding placard of abuse while many not even able to speak English and asking for the law to be changed to the barbaric Sharia law does not sit well with both non Muslims and ordinary Muslims alike, the non Muslims see it as an attack on their culture and the normal Muslim see these newly arrived as trouble makers looking to ruin the peace they have had mixed in with the community.

I'll lay odd that a great number of these abuses are on radicalised Muslims which while uncalled for is understandable to a point, and of course I totally abhor any attacks on any person or any religion, sadly we will always have the thug element spoiling it, this element is on both sides in this case and I beg ordinary Muslims to make themselves publicly known with marches telling the Non Muslims that they do not support these radicals, maybe something like that might help appease the situation but cooking up government funded tell tales which will be hijacked by the Radicals to attack Non Muslims is not the way to go.

As said, I have a very very good understanding of the Muslim religion and ordinary Muslims despite not being one myself, the only ever issues I've had is with the so called Moderates (ie Radicals in disguise) and the Radicals themselves, with them there's no dialogue, no give and take, its their way or death basically.

And that is seriously what they say...Ask them like I have...

Rant over..

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by Mclaneinc
...if you were to ask ordinary Muslims if its ok to highlight other more radical Muslims that are causing trouble in the name of the religion then you would find out they are all for it, I know I've asked many Muslims and Imams, they don't see it as an attack on the faith as they find these Radicals an awful problem for them.

Its the Radicals that get so many of these ordinary peaceful Muslims a bad name.

This is a classic case of Political Correctness, which dictates that all Muslims are beyond criticism, working against decent Muslims.

Apparently about 9% of British Muslims are "hardcore Islamists", while a further 29%, "staunch defenders of Islam", are slightly more moderate but aggressively defend their religion from internal and external threats.

CBS News: NOP Research

It is unfortunate that the hardcore Islamists are perceived in politically correct doctrine as victims to be protected. I'm sure most Muslims don't see them as such.

edit on 11-3-2013 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

Time and again common sense is ignored. Political correctness going mad again! Possibly the softly, softly aproach is used due to the fact these fundalmentalist start bombing us if they feel left out. I can only assume if we worked in MI5 we would probably poop ourselves if we knew the extent of the day to day threats they have to deal with.

I am not defending the goverment (which I hate) however we do not know the full picture. If you knew there was a school bully at your childrens school threatening your kids and you were told that if he was thrown out he would wait for the children and set upon them, would you not try to limit the damage?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by Whosthatgirl
Time and again common sense is ignored. Political correctness going mad again! Possibly the softly, softly aproach is used due to the fact these fundalmentalist start bombing us if they feel left out. I can only assume if we worked in MI5 we would probably poop ourselves if we knew the extent of the day to day threats they have to deal with.

The day to day threat is considerable.

MI5 has estimated that up to 4,000 British Muslims had travelled to Pakistan and Afghanistan for military training.

The Indepdendent

Imagine trying to keep tabs on all of them?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 05:02 AM
I'm all for the aggressive I don't understand where all this is going.

If you emigrate from your country of birth, you should accept the laws and customs of the country you emigrated to. Period.

If you want to practice your laws and customs, than go where they are practiced. Back to where you came from.

I really don't understand this humoring the minorities approach. Most western countries are more developed. Nice to live in, and raise a family in contrast to countries where there is constant warring and religious/political fervor. SO they escape their war stricken countries to western freedom, and than what? Well, throw stones on that same freedom that enabled them to survive. How much more hypocritical can you get.

Minorities should adapt to majority, not hold them hostage through this political correctness. We have become too soft.

I'm all for religious tolerance. But don't come to my home and start imposing your backward views. If you want to die with a black ninja scarf on your head or want to be blown up in a bomber suicide attack, or perhaps stoned to death for having sex outside of marriage, please be my guest....just do it somewhere else.

Laws are written in a way that a huge number of Islamic extremists have emigrated from their country of origin, and are now freely advocating the destruction of non-muslims, while living under their crazy is that ?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by ollncasino

Originally posted by Whosthatgirl
Time and again common sense is ignored. Political correctness going mad again! Possibly the softly, softly aproach is used due to the fact these fundalmentalist start bombing us if they feel left out. I can only assume if we worked in MI5 we would probably poop ourselves if we knew the extent of the day to day threats they have to deal with.

The day to day threat is considerable.

MI5 has estimated that up to 4,000 British Muslims had travelled to Pakistan and Afghanistan for military training.

Exactly my point, I think its easy for us to complain and suggest everything being done is wrong, but how do you deal with a petulant child that plays with bombs???

The Indepdendent

Imagine trying to keep tabs on all of them?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:46 AM
I hate to sound paranoid but this is not good at all, equality has never
and should never mean special treatment, too many religions rely on
that to undermine truth and morality, most religions in this world would
not know morality if they were directly told by their own god/gods that
they were being immoral, they would simply call him a demon and
claim he was being blasphemous then attempt to punish him......

These people want power, not morality, no one with morals will murder
innocents, kill their own children, mutilate children and lock people up
for sharing a differing opinion of the world than they have, fear of
the loss of power is what your seeing, they will do anything including
changing the rules anytime it is favorable to themselves to do so,
morality MUST be separated from religion, that is the only way we
can fix this cluster erm bomb of problems we have with religion.
edit on 11-3-2013 by bloodreviara because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 07:55 AM
Things like this happen because of stupid people that can't see the difference, difference between each immigrant, minority and like to paint all in one brush stroke.

Normal people, who is the majority, always gets the abuse.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 06:51 AM
Thanks for reading this peeps, it was initially just me ranting and getting it off my chest.

We in the UK have simply gone mad, people come here criticise us, demand changes, threaten us and refuse to either learn English or be part of the community.....And we put up with it.

Insanity, try going to say Iran and demanding a church be built, try asking them for benefits or housing.

They would string you up or laugh in your face....And rightly so in my opinion.

By the UK offering you a place to live in is the total extent that our commitment should be, it should be down to you to find work or at least be of some use to the working community, you should NOT expect to enter our benefits system until you have paid in and if any or all of that is unacceptable you should be offered a plane ride home and duly removed.

What was a trickle of people soon became a flood in many countries who are now paying very heavily for foolishly NOT vetting the people well enough, not accepting non language people and not accepting people who have no prospects of work, they should then follow up the people let in and remove criminal such as drug dealers rapists and violent attacks (oops add fraud) the second they commit an act.

We then started making these people a higher priority than people from our own countries, housing was allocated ahead of people who were waiting INCLUDING ME and the health and benefits system was hit with a major wammy. Can you imagine moving to say Somalia and having zero insurance and asking them to repair your hip for free...Not happening folks.

The worst thing here in the UK is that home grown Muslims have been targeted and radicalised, this is going on at Mosques especially those funded wholly from Saudi and they also target the youth in educational places. So now we have a hardcore mix of immigrants and home grown all calling for Sharia (and getting it) and special circumstances only for them.

I read today that a Muslim leader of some American Muslim group has said that he can't understand the insults and that Islam is a peaceful religion looking to unite everyone in a peaceful way.

Is this man on drugs?

Normal Muslims may well believe in religious equality and that Islam is a choice and not a thing forced on you but the hardcore Radicals believe in no such thing, Islam is a domination religion, you convert or die (not my words), Islam should be spread though out the world until it has conquered (their word) all.

There's no living with other faiths, no living by others laws, no acceptance of other cultures and no way forward but Sharia law.

This is not my interpretation of their beliefs, its exactly what I have been told to my face by Imams, witnesses daily on Saudi TV channels and seen being screamed by marching fanatics on our streets.

Mark my words, Islam in the hands of the Radicals is a very clear threat to our respective cultures, it seeks to return us to the days of religious slavery and unlike the way the media ignores all of this it IS happening in many Western countries TODAY, I've spoken to many Americans who simply refuse to believe someone is forcibly invading them from inside, they keep reciting their amendments (which their own government are slowly removing at this moment) and I reply Dearborn...

Dearborn is a town in America that is now basically an Islamic state, the roads have Arabic names actually in Arabic, the people conduct themselves under Sharia law, they intimidate other religions in full sight of the Police who appear powerless.

I'd say that the US is under attack, its just one town but as I type that I instantly thought how many times I'd heard something similar to "well when I looked there was only one of them" about some situation that has got hopelessly out of control.

We must start to deport the fanatics and hate speech people, we must deport the criminals and the threats, we must stop this totally overblown human rights issue, if a guy comes here from one of these countries and commits murder or armed robbery then I think he's quite used to danger and so has lost his rights based on he might be killed on return, he's happy to risk or cause death here, seems the same to me.

We MUST send a clear message that Radical Islam is unwelcome here and just as a point ban the Burqua in public, its one of the clearest pointers to a radical way of life, don't let some person tell you that its a religious choice. Its a Radical man made rule by men against women, the Koran says to dress with modesty, it does not say to cover from head to toe including the face, that bit was tacked on by clerics to disrespect the women. When you hear a woman say she wears it by choice she is kidding herself as she well knows that if her Radical husband tells her to wear it she MUST do it or face punishment.

So not really domestic bliss in a radical household, do as you are told, walk paces behind the man, do not even look at a man who is not family.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

If you say anything,post anything that does not show islam in a
postitive way,you're labeled a racist.
edit on 12-3-2013 by mamabeth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by Mclaneinc

If you say anything,post anything that does not show islam in a
postitive way,you're labeled a racist.
edit on 12-3-2013 by mamabeth because: (no reason given)

Yes, shockingly sad and stupid.

Never has one religion demanded so much with so many threats in recent times.

And sadly our stupid governments and pointless councils cave in to every little demands like Muslim only swim nights, FFS, the women can go on the Women's nights so as to not be with the men and the men can go in normally but they refuse to because they don't want to mix with the kuffar.

My wife takes our daughter swimming, she's a Muslim (but a sane normal one) and she just goes in the pool in a normal swim suit on a normal mixed swim day, its all about our daughter going swimming and not playing religious Bolitics (my new word, Brits will guess the meaning of the B straight away).

Its all an utterly disgusting level of brown nosing to appease the Radicals.

It has to stop, more and more people are getting more and more annoyed with the situation and the 'cultural cohesion' that our MP's want so much is very much in danger of snapping and major scuffles starting to take place.

These London Muslim patrols could well cause a riot, daring to barrack and abuse non Muslims who are near their radical Mosque, I don't think many will stand for that for too long. The worst situation I see is thugs from the BNP and EDL going there looking for a fight and it all kicking off which then leads to more demands from the Radicals which they will be given.

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