reply to post by Cruff
Just had to share my paranormal thoughts.
Ten days after my remembered dream, this pops up in the newspaper , I just have to share it, as it is full of mysterious "holes", and similarities
to my recollected dream; (earlier in this thread)
- Translated to english
When I saw the article, I immediately remembered my weird dream from ten days back ...
Somehow the translated article is making a huge mistake, not translating the sentence where
it says "- Jeg vet ikke hvor politibilen sto, men jeg tror det er riktig at de sto med blålysene av."
(I dont know where the policecar stood, but i think its right , that they stood with their bluelights OFF)
into - I do not know where the police car was standing, but I think it is right that they stood with the blue light.
So crucial information is being mistranslated. The original article says OFF in norwegian...
Article :
1. Police stopping in a strange and illogical place, (in the middle of the bridge)
2. Police not using bluelights, even if they have stopped in the middle of the bridge ...
3. Taxi crashes into policecar, with the one passenger not wearing seatbelt.
Why would a taxi driver not see the police car on the middle of the bridge?
Answer: Because the police car had the bluelights OFF
Why would the police stop on the middle of the bridge, (eventually ; and NOT put their bluelights on ...)
Answer: because they were having a routine mission there .. PFFT btw theres no information given beyond that
In all, this newsarticle were just so full of holes, I just made the connection instantly to my dream. But I'm sure its just a freak car
accident-coincidence, with police sprinkles... Anyone finding this weird aswell ?