I know what is Hypnagogia
I regret, i dont know how to picture, and make art. in any way
(except abstract in bathroom no.2
It has happening for a while, and manny manny times.
Last night i decided to post here.
Last night i saw:
1. A girl walking through dezert city, city in ruins, a Im Alive style, hear some nature sounds.
2. Seen a woman, who is burning face before my eyes.
3. Saw something can tell what, it was smudged, blurry, purple window, there was a group of voices and screams, people in pain, well not nice.
-It has happening in matter of minutes.
-There can be really nice things to hear and see.
-I can see all that bullwaste pictures, sounds, people, music, events, every damn thing. and i remember it in detail.
-Hollywood in my head?
-I need a good explanation of all this. If is good i will continue (if possible by my will) to exercise this.
if not i must stop that. dont need that. what is purpose to that.
-My Wishfull thinking, how i will explain that is: I like people, and like to help people, to protect people, a guard for people etc. And in movie
like: Unbreakable, a super hero can see things to solve crime.
-Maybe it is personal related, as in: what person type u are, then such kind of movie u can see
-Maybe is past, present, or future wich is happend/ing.
-Maybe god or whoever does not have playstation, and playin us on this way.
If u answer, try to put simple as possible, as like some definition.
-No offtopic.
i have a joke for you:
Two atoms walking dow the street,
and they see a electron incoming,
and one atom says to another: Look this nervous one.