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2013 (possible) predictions- Cape K(i)wanda, Leo Minor Constellation

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posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 09:23 PM
This will be kind of long. I am posting some possible predictions that I picked up while in a meditative state. I will try to be as concise as possible. I have had quite a rash of seemingly-prophetic dreams over the past couple of weeks as well, so much so that I felt the need to post some of them here, especially because my husband and daughter had a couple of the same ones. However, please note that this thread is more for my own peace of mind, rather than as a means to achieve some sort of notoriety. I just feel that this needs to be placed somewhere, so why not ATS? I am not claiming date specifics on most of this, except for one.


With the images in meditation came words and phrases, so I'm going to just type out how I wrote every thing down after. As I said before, I don't have specific time frames with it, just generalities.

2013 will have an equal division of drought and flooding, without any real in-between state. This is no surprise, really. This was worldwide, not just here in the US. The places that can't handle any more rain will get much more, the places in severe drought will continue to suffer. I got the feeling that this is sort of like a loop caused by each problem, likened to the Dust Bowl days in the US last century. An additional image I had of this was of trees with green leaves, but the leaves are crispy and break apart if you touch them. I saw that this was especially prevalent around July, like an early fall but without leaves changing colors, just crumbling.

In what I thought to be spring time came a very disturbing image, with a name that I looked up as existing, but in two places. "Cape Kwanda". With this was the picture of a radar or sonar screen, the circle with crossed lines, that bleeps, and the thought that something over by Cape Kwanda was going under the radar, seen too late. I also got the image of a boat tipping on its side. Now, after looking, I found that there is a Cape Kiwanda Oregon and a Kwanda island, Africa, which is one of the Angola islands. I do not know which it references. Anything that can't be seen until its too late that tips a boat either involves a weapon or a tsunami, logically, but I do not claim to know which. At first I thought it was Africa, because I saw the curve of the western part of the country, but when looking at google earth at Cape Kiwanda, Oregon, I realized that the area zoomed in also curves a little. I wish I knew.

Seemingly continuing on a theme from a couple of springs ago was some sort of Middle Eastern uprising, a big to-do with everyone facing in one direction, towards an unseen leader who was riling up a crowd of thousands. i do not know if this was literal or figurative, all I could see was an endless sea of men yelling and screaming with a fist in the air and some sort of organized chanting. I kept hearing the phrase "the seeds will root" with this scene and saw the image of dead, brown grass with green shoots sprouting out of the ground. Again, as with Cape K(i)wanda was the image of Africa.

Early summer (I believe June), I kept getting "thunder echoes, earth groans, zipper quakes", so quite a bit of tectonic movement preceded (i believe) by the booms everyone's been hearing. With the zipper quakes, it looked like an actual zipper in the ground unzipping and kept getting "hush hush" with it, that people know what it is happening but are not telling people as not to incite panic. I'm guessing the zipper is the undoing of a large fault. Either people knew it was going to happen or its cause was not normal and so everything was "hush hush". I do not know the locale.

Finally, and I do believe this has all been in chronological order, was the only thing that had an actual date for it, with an astrological sign that, upon looking up, seems to coincide with the date heard. July 23rd. I believe that is the beginning, initial event date, but the situation lasts into August. I cannot see past beginning August, so I can't say for sure. Not saying anything about after August, as the last 3 years I cannot see past certain months until later in the year. For now, can't see past August. So here it is, the reason I wrote this thread:

I see a very, very clear image of thousands of people walking, wandering about. it is very hot out, it is the summer in the eastern part of the US. I cannot say for sure, but it seemed like NYC or Philly. The reason I can't say for sure is because people were leaving the cities in droves. There was no power, people were lining up, the city was quiet, and people had been dying to due heat. Water was totally undrinkable for whatever reason, contaminated, I even saw the image of a woman walking with dirty water pouring through her cupped hands, crying because she was so thirsty but could not drink. This was very bad. I do not know if this was a literal situation or symbolic of an event happening, but no power and contaminated water seemed to be more than a hurricane issue, rather something bigger, like grid down or something that caused power to be permanently left off and no resources left or available to anyone, which is why people were abandoning cities. Every one seemed to be moving south.

As mentioned, I initially got 7/23 as the date. However, I saw a constellation of 3 stars that looked like a triangle but unconnected. With this was a half moon with the left half lit up and got the image of a fourth star joining the bottom right star beneath it and at an angle. I looked up the moon phases and saw that this would be around the 29th of July and the constellation of Leo Minor has the same stars I'm talking about, so this seems to be the end of July and into the beginning of August?

***COntd below, w/ dreams***

edit on 9-3-2013 by mountaingirl1111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 09:24 PM
***Contd from above****


The first dream was about 4or 5 days ago. In mine, I'm wading in a shallow river in a heavily wooded forest and it looks like fall because the leaves are falling, are gold, and the sun is lower in the sky, shining through clusters of thin tree trunks. This gets interrupted by my daughter coming to find me, telling me what is happening at her (& my son's) school. Apparently, the school district hired a slew of psychologists, but turns out that half of that roster (or more) aren't real people, they are just listed on this roster. There have been shootings at the schools, kids shooting kids, but apparently, it's the teachers that have been doing it, as discussed with these psychologists, as directed by the us military. The psychologists are working under direct order of the us military and are putting through reforms that are intentionally harmful, for whatever reason. By blaming it on the children, it furthers a certain agenda. This was a super weird dream, one that could easily be explained away by over-exposure to sites like this one, but gets even weirder as my husband and daughter's were relayed to me:

In my husband's dream, he and I were working as janitors in our kids' school. We were informed that our secret agenda was really to sweep the school for weapons and inform the people in charge if any were found. However, he discovered that they were being planted in there by some one and we were meant to find them all along. This seems to go with my dream from above.

My daughter's is the weirdest. She is in a forest, one she describes to be just like the one in my dream. She said she is talking to mother nature. mother nature shows her how to make bows and arrows, make canteens, and teaches her basic survival skills. Suddenly, mother nature gets shot in the heart with an arrow before she can finish showing her what else to do, but before she dies, she tells my daughter to hurry up and do what she showed her how to do because time's up and they're "already coming". She then wakes up. I ask my daughter what mother nature looks like and she describes, to a tee, my guide.

The next day, my daughter and I both had dreams about Australia:

My dream was of being in Australia, but off the coast somewhere on an island that you had to get to via a long boat ride. It was on the western side of Australia, I think the central-north central area off the coast. I was there with my husband and kids and we were staying at some type of resort, but it was unlike anything I've seen before, as half of it was under water. The water was very pretty, however; very clear with a striking blue/green hue, and not cold. We were the only outsiders staying at this resort and the resort was really just one giant room that was open to different areas. The most noticeable feature was its extremely high ceilings. I have 20-25 foot open ceilings in my entry way and it was at least twice as high. Up in the ceilings where rafters would normally be were suspended chairs made out of some type of natural woven material and suspended by ropes. For some reason the woman running it was annoyed with me that I didn't want to go on them because she had spent considerable time arranging them up there.

Anyway, the whole thing was weird because the whole time I could not understand why we would choose to go to an island that is inundated and how it was possible that an island could be half-inundated in the first place without sinking or flooding completely. Trying to get home was next to impossible because I was terrified of having to swim back to where the boats were because the sharks were intermingling with us. Now, while the dream itself maybe is purely a symbolic dream, my daughter's dream, which plays on mine, is much more foreboding and gives extra meaning to mine, which is why I'm relaying both of them to you:

When I asked her in the morning if she had any interesting dreams, she said yes, she had a dream about Australia. In hers, a very large meteor was about to strike earth and when it finally landed, it hit Australia. This caused major flooding across Australia and also caused an earthquake that hit everywhere in the world (as she puts it), which caused floods everywhere, but more interesting, is that it caused all of Earth's volcanoes to erupt, the ground to break open, and caused blizzards across the world in places that don't get blizzards. Her exact wording of this was "it caused winter to happen everywhere". My thinking right away was of volcanic winter.

Anyhow, again, we both dream of Australia and flooding, but her dream is specific as to why it is flooded, while mine was just about experiencing the flooding without reference as to how it got that way. I'm wondering if this were to really happen, if it would hit off the west coast, which is why I saw that area specifically in my dream.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 11:37 PM
Just a little update:

Since posting this, I decided to look at a map of Australia, around the area I dreamed about. On this map, right away I see "Shark Bay". Because of the sharks, I decided to do a little searching and immediately found that the Shark Bay area does have its own set of islands:

Don't know if it means anything, but figured i'd add it in

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 08:34 PM
This is some amazingly interesting stuff here. I guess we will see in July. With the drought and flooding patterns, I live in Arkansas, last summer when we were in the height of the drought all of the news reports said that the severe droughts could last many years like the Dust Bowl. I am not trying to negate anything you said, I just thought that particular coincidence was interesting. Nonetheless, I am very interested in what you are saying, and I look forward to any other posts of visions and things of the like. May I ask how often have you gotten these prophetic visions and what is the accuracy rate?

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by beliefnugget
This is some amazingly interesting stuff here. I guess we will see in July. With the drought and flooding patterns, I live in Arkansas, last summer when we were in the height of the drought all of the news reports said that the severe droughts could last many years like the Dust Bowl. I am not trying to negate anything you said, I just thought that particular coincidence was interesting. Nonetheless, I am very interested in what you are saying, and I look forward to any other posts of visions and things of the like. May I ask how often have you gotten these prophetic visions and what is the accuracy rate?

Hi, and thank you for your reply! Hopefully we will get some relief and get back to "normal", but "normal" seems not to apply to weather patterns lately, have you seen the size and tracks of these winter storms, wow!

I tend not to make whole posts dedicated to prophecy, etc., I usually just post them in threads that they are applicable to, but lately I have, just because I have gotten so much information and I would hate to not post and then have something happen, feeling like I could have said something but didn't.

I have had really only a few instances of seemingly-prophetic visions, over the course of about 5-7 years, the rest are usually via dreams. Dreams seem to be the medium that I'm most comfortable with. I used to give readings a few years ago, using pictures, so like psychometry. I was very adept at it, but it made me incredibly ill after a while and I just stopped doing it entirely. When it comes to dreams, they can be pretty accurate, but that usually deals with personal/family issues. On the global scale, only a couple of times has anything come to pass. The ones that haven't, though, interestingly enough, others have posted the same things and thank God they haven't, some are pretty negative and nasty. There seems to be quite an influx of what I call "tandem dreaming" lately, but complete strangers, meaning people dreaming the same thing at the same time, connected only by the dream, never having met or even spoken much, if at all. Here's an example:

I posted the dream, others chimed in, someone else linked to someone's website discussing the same prediction. Often, these dream places can be verified in real life as actually existing, and when that happens, it makes me more inclined to think it's actual information instead of "just a dream". Not always, but often.

Honestly, I cannot say one way or another what will or won't happen with any certainty, but I always feel it's best to share it regardless. Again, thank you so much for your reply!
edit on 10-3-2013 by mountaingirl1111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by mountaingirl1111

Fascinating! The weather patterns have been insanely escalating for the past few years and I feel will continue to get worse. There is a lot of scientific theories out there trying to prove why the weather is so erratic, but I don't think science alone can fully explain it. It's not just in the US either, the weird fire tornadoes in Australia, and water tornadoes all over, it is very disconcerting. From what you are describing about how you get these visions, or impressions, and how you fell ill from doing readings, I find that you have many similarities to the late Edgar Cayce. I am just a normal gal, a mom, and a wife, I have had dreams few and far between that have come to pass, but nothing of any significance and always just personal. For example, the first one I can remember is when I was in first or second grade I had a dream about hanging out on the school playground by the swings wearing my favorite dress, then some time later I had a major deja vu moment while doing just that then I realized I was remembering my dream. I do a lot of reading on gifted individuals of whom I believe to be genuine. Edgar Cayce and Sylvia Browne to name a couple. The collective conscieness and related matters absolutely fascinate me. So, if you are a reader, I would recommend reading on at least those two people. They both do a wonderful job of making sense of it all, and the similarities between your experience and Edgar Cayce are uncanny, but in a good way
Thank you for responding, and I look forward to talking more with you.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by beliefnugget
reply to post by mountaingirl1111

Fascinating! The weather patterns have been insanely escalating for the past few years and I feel will continue to get worse. There is a lot of scientific theories out there trying to prove why the weather is so erratic, but I don't think science alone can fully explain it. It's not just in the US either, the weird fire tornadoes in Australia, and water tornadoes all over, it is very disconcerting. From what you are describing about how you get these visions, or impressions, and how you fell ill from doing readings, I find that you have many similarities to the late Edgar Cayce. I am just a normal gal, a mom, and a wife, I have had dreams few and far between that have come to pass, but nothing of any significance and always just personal. For example, the first one I can remember is when I was in first or second grade I had a dream about hanging out on the school playground by the swings wearing my favorite dress, then some time later I had a major deja vu moment while doing just that then I realized I was remembering my dream. I do a lot of reading on gifted individuals of whom I believe to be genuine. Edgar Cayce and Sylvia Browne to name a couple. The collective conscieness and related matters absolutely fascinate me. So, if you are a reader, I would recommend reading on at least those two people. They both do a wonderful job of making sense of it all, and the similarities between your experience and Edgar Cayce are uncanny, but in a good way
Thank you for responding, and I look forward to talking more with you.

Good morning, beliefnugget

I dream the same you do, usually it's personal information that comes to pass, that's the exact reason why I find it hard to ignore dreams that involve events on a larger scale. I, too, am a wife and mom and I think that makes us maybe a little more finer-tuned into things because we're already needing to rely on intuition in order to look out for those we take care of. In fact, even though I've had moments throughout life, just like you did in childhood, it was after having children that I became more "open", more in-tune with things. I think things like probably happen to everyone, but most people either don't pay attention or attribute things to coincidence, purely, never asking questions

I've definitely heard of both of them and I believe that Cayce's discussion of the Akashic Records is very interesting and makes sense of certain things. I don't know if I have any real similarities or not but I am a firm believer in universal consciousness/global subconscious theory, as I've just personally seen too many people pick up on the same things without trying or any reason to come up with certain things, strangers coming to the same conclusions about some very "out there" topics or having the same very vivid dreams or visions, etc., and it seems to be escalating. Synchronicity has been at its finest lately

I look forward to talking with you more as well!

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by mountaingirl1111

Absolutely, I agree that becoming a mother/caretaker heightens the intuition threshold. With the "big" dreams, weather on a global scale or a homeland scale, I believe it is worth mentioning (not the personal stuff) because you never know, that one mention could change the outcome and disaster could be avoided. I don't believe anything is set in stone so to speak. It's all about free will and choices weather good, bad, or indifferent.

The similarities I see between you and Cayce is that he would also become ill when he overextended his readings, and he was famously known as "the sleeping prophet", which is how you say you get most or all of your information.

I am not sure how familiar you are with Sylvia Browne, but she claims some amazing things, that when you think about them, they make total and complete sense. She also has some awesome specified meditations that work and help wonders. Some of her claims are that we all sit down and collaborate with our guides, other involved entities, etc before we incarnate and we make a "chart" of every detail of our lives such as who our parents will be, what our life circumstance will be, etc. She also talks about the "Hall of Records" which contains the Akashic records from the beginning of time, every souls every chart for every incarnation, and even the entire contents of the library of Alexandria, among other things. She describes and explains in detail "the other side" and all that it entails. Fascinating. Her book Temples on the Other Side is outstanding.

I fully believe that the veil is thinning at a rapid pace and that is why we see so many people having paranormal experiences, visions, and enlightenment around the globe. It is an amazing thing to watch unfold and to be part of. I for one am glad I am here to be a part of it.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by mountaingirl1111

interesting stuff. i had a vision once at age 9 of a catastrophe so large on this planet that only a few % survive it.
since then i have always been interested in prophecy. i think it must be close as the weather is certainly getting extreme. it always reminds me of yohann friede's prophecy 700 odd years ago. its below.
According to a vision received by Johann Friede (1204-1257), an Austrian monk of the Order of St. John, several extraordinary phenomena will give warning that the present order of civilization is about to end:

"When the great time will come, in which mankind will face its last, hard trial, it will be foreshadowed by striking changes in nature; the alteration between cold and heat will become more intensive, storms will have more catastrophic effects, earthquakes will destroy greater regions and the seas will overflow many lowlands. Not all of it will be the result of natural causes, but man will penetrate into the bowels of the earth and will reach into the clouds, gambling with its own existence. Before the powers of destruction will succeed in their design, the universe will be thrown into disorder, and the age of iron will plunge into nothingness. When the nights will be filled with more intensive cold and the day with heat, a new life will begin in nature. The heat means radiation from the earth, the cold the waning light of the sun. Only a few more years and you will become aware that sunlight has become perceptibly weaker. When even your artificial light will cease to give service, the great event of the firmament will be near.

"The nebula of the Greater Bear will arrive in the vicinity of earth... and will fill the space of five hundred suns at the horizon. It will more and more cover up the light of the sun until the days will be like nights at full moon. The illumination will not come from the moon, but from Orion, which constellation, by the light of Jupiter, will send forth its rays on the Greater Bear and will dissolve its nebula with the force of light.

"By this time mankind will be stricken with terror. Birds will be like reptiles and will not use their wings. Animals of the ground, in fear and alarm, will raise such a clamor that it will make human hearts tremble. Men will flee their abodes in order not to see the weird occurrence. Finally, complete darkness will set in and last for three days and three nights.

"During this time, men, deprived of the power of light, will fall into a slumber-like sleep from which many will not awaken, especially those who have no spark of spiritual life. When the sun will again rise and emerge, earth will be covered with a blanket of ashes like snow in winter, except that the ashes will have the color of sulfur. Damp fog will ascend from the ground, illuminated by igneous gases.

"Of mankind there will be more dead than there have been casualties in all wars. In the abodes of the children of light, the Book of Revelations will be read, and in the palaces of the Church they will await the arrival of the great comet. On the seventh day after the return of light, earth will have absorbed the ashes and formed such a fertility as has not been experienced ever before. But Orion will cast its ray on the earth and show a path toward the last resting place of the greatest and most eminent man who had ever lived on the earth. The survivors will proclaim his ancient doctrine in peace and will institute the millennium, announced by the Messiah in the light of true brotherly and sisterly love for the glory of the Creator and for the blessedness of all mankind."

its not so far fetched when you consider the bible refers to the heavens being rolled up like a scroll and god making a new heaven and earth. we're in for a wild ride but its comforting to know you cant fall out of the universe.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by orangutang

Wow, Orangutang, thank you for posting! I have not heard of or read this before. This part really struck me:

""During this time, men, deprived of the power of light, will fall into a slumber-like sleep from which many will not awaken, especially those who have no spark of spiritual life. When the sun will again rise and emerge, earth will be covered with a blanket of ashes like snow in winter, except that the ashes will have the color of sulfur. Damp fog will ascend from the ground, illuminated by igneous gases."

A few years ago, one of the first dreams my husband and I both shared involved running into a hole or a cave in a mesa. You had to stay in that cave during the day because the sun was dangerous to be in. But it was the COLOR of the air, the sun, and the ground that really struck us and made your passage resonate with me: it was like the color of dull mustard. The rocks, ground & dirt, everything was that color and dead. We seemed to be in a desert of some kind with a few others, hiding in the caves. My husband had one more detail that I didn't in my dream and that was that the air was gas and that's why it seemed so foggy there, even with the sun trying to shine through it, but it was just too thick.

We had always wondered if that place was somewhere else, not a real place here on earth, but after reading what you wrote, I wonder. Thank you for sharing

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 01:50 AM

l that I didn't in my dream and that was that the air was gas and that's why it seemed so foggy there, even with the sun trying to shine through it, but it was just too thick.

I'm guessing you missed a descriptive word there before 'gas'.. I hope

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 02:14 AM
The july date of the 23rd could it be Nibiru which is scheduled to arrive that month?

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by mountaingirl1111

When I asked her in the morning if she had any interesting dreams, she said yes, she had a dream about Australia. In hers, a very large meteor was about to strike earth and when it finally landed, it hit Australia.

Front row seats here. Welcome to the greatest show on earth...Death by meteor. Sure ill piss my pants a bit when its coming right at me but what a rush hey.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts OP

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by cartesia

l that I didn't in my dream and that was that the air was gas and that's why it seemed so foggy there, even with the sun trying to shine through it, but it was just too thick.

I'm guessing you missed a descriptive word there before 'gas'.. I hope

Unfortunately, no, but it was just a dream

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by mike727
The july date of the 23rd could it be Nibiru which is scheduled to arrive that month?

It could be anything, if it does come to fruition. I have no idea about Niburu. I'm not even sure of my position on that one. I was sold, hook-line-and-sinker on that back in 2011, but now I don't know. Is there something new on that making its way around this year? I haven't really followed anything on it in like 2 years. Thank you for your reply!

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by ThePhysicalExperience

Originally posted by mountaingirl1111

When I asked her in the morning if she had any interesting dreams, she said yes, she had a dream about Australia. In hers, a very large meteor was about to strike earth and when it finally landed, it hit Australia.

Front row seats here. Welcome to the greatest show on earth...Death by meteor. Sure ill piss my pants a bit when its coming right at me but what a rush hey.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts OP

Please know, just a dream my daughter and I had, nothing more. I just post to pass any potential message along. As someone mentioned here or in another thread, maybe the mere posting of it sort of derails it, like messing with future events kind of stuff, if that's possible. Hopefully, no show for you or any of us

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by mountaingirl1111

Its ok, i am very well aware of what the future is "for me" and i am not in the slightest concerned. I really just wanted to have a chuckle at "the possibilities".

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