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Did Obama and TSA Just Conspire With Enemies for Next 9/11

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posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:24 PM
Mods move this if you need to. First off I stated that I would not have any more threads but I thought this was important.

I might be a little to paranoid but I heard two things on News that make me think that we may have just witnessed the announcement to sleepers to start preparing for the the next 9/11.

The first thing I heard and saw was the administrations plan to allow small knives back on planes. The second thing that I heard was that in the 22 page rant from Usama's son- in-law was that there would be many planes in the New York skies. Am I being paranoid or am I picking up on something.

Why would these two things come out on National news a day apart. Kind of like no body payed attention to pleas for security in Libya and allowed an attack on the anniversary of 9/11.

If there are any conservative politicians out there that read this site. Please consider this something to think about.

May the 9/11 attacks were just a rehearsal for something bigger. Are we going to be able to convict Gaith or is he going to be set free?
edit on 9-3-2013 by prophetboy12 because: spelling

edit on 9-3-2013 by prophetboy12 because: delete extra word

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:32 PM
I don't know what the heck they are thinking with bringing that guy into Civilian courts in New York City of all places. What total idiots! I'm sure New York CAN secure him but why SHOULD they have to?! Gitmo wasn't just about a central place for questioning but putting these guys somewhere safe from escape OR RESCUE attempt.

America seems so damned arrogant these days that the whole concept that his side might REALLY REALLY want him back doesn't even cross minds, it seems. They COULD outright try to TAKE him back.....or start running attacks with the blackmail demand of releasing him.....IF he's as important as Holder and Obama make him out to be.

So maybe they did just set up New York for a major problem. That's about the last place on Earth I would have put a direct relation to Bin Laden and alleged high command member of Al Qaeda. What are they, insane? Just slapping the Jihadis and throwing down the glove? This is stupid.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Now lets look at Fast and Furious. Guns to our enemies over the boarder. Sequester and take agents off the boarder and make immigration problems more dangerous. I Think were being set up!!!!!!!!! again.

Don't look folks we are at the beginning of our war for freedom. If Colorado passes the gun bills other states will follow suite. Colorado is important to TPTB because that is the new regional headquarters for the western states in the redistricting from states to NWO districts.
edit on 9-3-2013 by prophetboy12 because: added some thoughts

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:45 PM
A 2 inch knife on a plane is about as effective as a plastic fork as a weapon. As for the trial in NY? It does not matter where you are holding somebody. If somebody wants to try and do something about it they would no matter if he is being held in NY, Gitmo or anywhere else. Of course so far they have unable or unwilling to try and rescue anybody outside of Iraq and Afganistan. The fact is the few resources they have are not worth risking on something they would have almost no chance of pulling off. Not that we will not watching for a such a thing.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

Well, first off... 9/11, on the planes, happened with 1- 1 1/2 inch cutting edges as Utility Knives are apt to have exposed. It's not the size that matters and I'd prefer someone have a Samurai sword to be honest. That would be a pain in the butt to move in a tight cabin. A 2 inch blade is what worked the last time. It's all in how monstrous someone can be in cutting the throat of another without hesitation. I sure don't see what has changed either way, from all these years to now, in seizing everything imaginable to allowing any blades onto the plane. These are the precise same people who have been justifying this, all this time ..and now, no biggy? Hmm...

As for the profile of the prisoner. We've never had a top command level of anything in custody in the U.S. that I'm aware of before now, let alone an international terrorist organization we've been at WAR (Not criminal conflict) with for over a decade now. Noriega comes close, I'll grant, but he didn't exactly have a loyal following by the time he hid in the Vatican Mission and had to be blasted out with rock music.

Having someone worth rescuing or worth starting a campaign to force us to release IS something new. I suppose it comes down to one question. IS he who they say he is for importance and command position or is he nothing of the sort? If he's nothing like that, then it makes him perfectly safe to hold in the middle of a major American city population. Then though, I'd ask why he's being held at all?

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by prophetboy12

Your absolutely right and I've had similar unsettled feelings about watching the events in the world and nation.

Almost like the leadership has simply been working to quietly handcuff us, expose our belly and then invite enemies both historic and recent to take their best shots....where we cannot or will not fight back effectively.

Almost like it's the whole point, huh?

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Based on what I just read, it appears as though they think that letting people keep their small pocket knives will keep the TSA from being slowed down while trying to confiscate every one of them. We'll probably hear that this was a necessity due to TSA cut backs and budget issues.

edit on 9-3-2013 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by MrSpad
A 2 inch knife on a plane is about as effective as a plastic fork as a weapon.

i have to say a two inch knife, can and will kill you and do serious damage, if used properly. they can be sharpened to be as sharp as a box cutter or even sharper.
also depending on the type of plastic fork, they to can and will kill you. just ask any ex convict that has been stabbed by one, or seen someone killed in prison, by a piece of plastic.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 01:42 PM
You can make a weapon out of a bank card, that would be just as dangerous as a small knife.

If people really believe 911 happened because of small knives ( and boxcutters are still banned), then we need to figure out how to prevent someone from getting creative with a credit card.

As far as terrorists having trials in civilian courts, there should be enough security to have a trial for a Hannibal Lector type. Where do they try the psychos?

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 01:43 PM
i should have added, after 9/11 i don't see very many people sitting still for someone with a a two inch knife. especially if said person or people are of middle eastern decent. you see in the msm all the time now that passengers, subdue and restrain unruly and others on flights now.

as much as it has been played through the msm. people would undoubtedly think that it was happening again and that they are gonna die and i dare say a bunch of people would stand up, and fight back, no matter who was or ever how many were wielding a knife.

edit on 9-3-2013 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 01:50 PM
S&F OP, another straw on the camels back. I did a search on Sulaiman Abu Ghaith's 22 page rant and can't find much. Does anyone have a source for the complete document or is it even available? It would be nice to know what else he has said.

By the way OP, I hope the reason you're not going to post is because of negative comments. Everyone has their opinions and we all know what they're like.
Just ignore them.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 02:04 PM
I think the final piece of the puzzle will be a public announcement that, because of the sequester, all air marshals will be furloughed for an indeterminate time.
1. It lets the whackos know that there won't be armed men/women on U.S. flights.
2. It also allows any attack to be blamed on the sequester... Obama/Sotero can say "told ya so"
I would also watch for another false flag op, directed against the Patriot Movement...

A new terrorism "attack" on the U.S. will "force" the administration to implement more draconian laws (through executive decree of course), and will be sold to us as "being in the best interest of our safety and security"...
A false flag op on the Patriot Movement would be the real game changer, and the media will SCREAM for an end to the "redneck racist madness"... and freedom will die to thunderous applause from the masses.

edit on 9-3-2013 by madmac5150 because: The voices in my head told me to

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 02:07 PM
Thats fine, sap gloves don't set off any alarms unless picked up.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Gridrebel
S&F OP, another straw on the camels back. I did a search on Sulaiman Abu Ghaith's 22 page rant and can't find much. Does anyone have a source for the complete document or is it even available? It would be nice to know what else he has said.

By the way OP, I hope the reason you're not going to post is because of negative comments. Everyone has their opinions and we all know what they're like.
Just ignore them.

I couldn't find his rant but I found his Indictment and I'm speechless. THIS is ALL they are holding him on? They have more written about what they intend to seize in forfeiture that they do on anything specific he did beyond speak? It's incredible.

Indictment Document

They'd better have no security problem is all I'd say. They're prosecuting him on penny ante B.S. charges and I have to ask, after reading that, IS this a set up? Indeed.... The OP may just have a point. This isn't terribly logical. None if it.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

It's not the security problem that I am concerned about. It is the fact that we are having pressure put on us from our southern border and we now have a reduction in forces there. We have a reduction of security measures on our planes by the the TSA from the administration. Why? Where are the results of Fast and Furious? WE know for a fact that Al Qaeda forces are in Mexico waiting for something to happen that distracts us from the South. I don't like the feelings I am getting about this whole thing and I think we are being set up for a false flag on the East coast so were not looking at the Southern border.

If anybody out there knows any Senators or House members have them look at this.

I read something 20 years ago about how the plan was to invade from the South. Is this why our Gov't refuses to deal with immigration? I am seeing too many pieces of the puzzle fitting together. Believe it or not it also said that the postal service would get expensive and limit services. You don't want to know what the wolf reintroduction program is for.

If this Guy is really a spokesman for Al Qaeda we better pay attention to what he is saying.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by prophetboy12

Deception and gaining for their cause by using it is the prime stock and trade of Al Qaeda and has been for it's entire existence. Bin Laden stated before 9/11 that his intention was not to defeat the United States by military or armed attack. He knew that couldn't be done and said as much as I recall. This was back around when he declared war on us and part of his advanced warnings. (They really do take that stuff seriously..and he did give the requisite warnings..). He'd stated he'd defeat the US economically and over time. $1,000 Al Qaeda dollars spent on threats and rumors out of Mideastern alleys would bring $1 Million in U.S. response for preparation and countering. Damned if it hasn't happened that way too...and beyond anything I'm sure he ever dreamed.

I've heard plenty about Islamic Jihad, Hamas and Hezbollah in Northern Mexico and all for the same reasons (not to say they don't have a BIG second one). That is for the smuggling and contraband trade into the U.S. to run funding back home for their fights there. The I.R.A. did it at cocktail parties because they were fashionable among some circles in the U.S. while these guys are doing it in the smuggling business because they're the opposite.

Same end result though...what I don't hear about is Al Qaeda and the Sunni extremists in Northern Mexico. I don't think the two sides would mix well among what is already a civil war between the Cartels and the Federal Police and Mexican Military. Of course, Jihad across the Mexican desert would add a whole new aspect to the News stories.

The main point being ... I'm not taking much of anything he says seriously or his word. From his perspective, he's a P.O.W. and misleading the "enemy" (us) would honestly be one of his top priorities right now. Just my thoughts.

(The Shia groups in Mexico.....? I think they'll be across the border to fight here within a day or two of a war against Iran starting. It's among the reasons I'm against it.)

edit on 9-3-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 04:25 PM
Knives on planes, at this point, regardless of personal feelings, are a non-sequitur concerning the potential for another 9/11 type event. It was not the box cutters that enabled 9/11 - it was expectation. Up until 9/11 being hijacked didn't mean getting flown into a building and killed - it meant getting taken to some out of the way airport for some sort of stand-off. Thus the crews and passengers that sad September day were not thinking in terms of having to stop the hijackers from doing what they did as there was no precedent for what they did.

Those passengers almost surely felt that the greatest danger to them would be an overzealous rescue operation on a tarmac - not what actually happened.

Now the paradigm and understandings have shifted. A man, or group of men with small knives will never be able to take another plane - as the did on 9/11 because the passengers, this time around, will react and behave quite differently now.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by prophetboy12
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Now lets look at Fast and Furious. Guns to our enemies over the boarder. Sequester and take agents off the boarder and make immigration problems more dangerous. I Think were being set up!!!!!!!!! again.

A setup indeed being orchestrated by the Traitors of this country against the American people. Traitors and Bad Guys do not want Americans armed.

Confiscate Americas guns and give more to Mexico in a Fast & Furious Part 2 perhaps? The Traitors sure like to arm the Bad Guys, dont they?

The southern bordering states in America must NEVER give up their guns. Because just below their borders, are gangs, madmen, and ruthless criminals armed to THE TEETH... thanks to the current administration...

edit on 9-3-2013 by ResistTreason because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 04:39 PM
Short answer, no.

Long answer, No.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

Knives on planes, at this point, regardless of personal feelings, are a non-sequitur concerning the potential for another 9/11 type event. It was not the box cutters that enabled 9/11 - it was expectation. Up until 9/11 being hijacked didn't mean getting flown into a building and killed - it meant getting taken to some out of the way airport for some sort of stand-off. Thus the crews and passengers that sad September day were not thinking in terms of having to stop the hijackers from doing what they did as there was no precedent for what they did.

Those passengers almost surely felt that the greatest danger to them would be an overzealous rescue operation on a tarmac - not what actually happened.

Now the paradigm and understandings have shifted. A man, or group of men with small knives will never be able to take another plane - as the did on 9/11 because the passengers, this time around, will react and behave quite differently now.

This exactly. The paradigm has shifted and I bet the terrorists, whoever they are, know this. As sad as it is to say, I am pretty sure the next 9/11 may come in the form of a dirty suitcase bomb. It does point to all the precautions we've taken to plug many holes in our security, and thats to the Bush/ Obama administration's credit (even though any one of us would have taken the same precautions). But I just dont foresee stopping a dirty bomb. Or several, at the same time. Like an asteroid, its a matter of when.

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