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JFK Assassination:50 Reasons For 50 Years.

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posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 05:35 PM

Leading up to the 50th anniversary of the Assassination Black Ops Radio will posting this documentary series through out the year highlighting the newest research about the conspiracy and cover up.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 05:52 PM
Ep:1: Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?

Looking at what we now know about him it seems to me that he was a low level spy and informant thing is he may have been working for various agencies which I think was part of the set up.Let's see what the Warren Commission and L.Fletcher Prouty say.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 06:28 PM
A look at the multiple Oswald's theory with John Armstrong author of Harvey and Lee how did the set up work?

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 07:03 PM
Researcher Bill Simpich talks about LHO's activities in the USSR which look like he was part of a false defector program.Oswald was sheep dipped.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 07:19 PM
Ep4:Oswald in New Orleans.Author Joan Mellen investigates Oswald's activity in NOLA back in 63.LHO was a an agent provocateur working the anti-Castro and pro-Castro Cubans.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 07:27 PM
Thanks, a very good find. I'll have to bookmark this thread, and watch some of those vids later. Do we have any of the professional Kennedy conspiracy authors and researchers on ATS? RisingAgainst of course, with his fantastic threads, let's us experience what a non-professional can accomplish. I wish Dick Gregory was a member here, he's spent decades on this topic.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 07:40 PM
A closer look at the CIA's claim that LHO went to Mexico.The photographs they claim that are of him do not look like him.Trying to create a helpful wave of indignation to invade Cuba?

edit on 073131p://4326 by mike dangerously because: >_ extra DIV

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 07:56 PM
Jim DiEugenio discusses the Sylvia Odio incident.The Warren Commission attempted to discredit her claiming she was "mistaken" remember he supposedly was a left wing extremist.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 08:07 PM
Ep7:Richard Case Nagell. Jesse Ventura's co-author Dick Russell talks about Nagell's links to the assassination and the intelligence community.

edit on 083131p://1026 by mike dangerously because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 08:16 PM
Ep8:The Chicago Plot. Filmmaker Ted Yacucci previews his documentary about the Chicago plot.

Why was the Secret Service and DPD not informed of the attempted assassination of The President in Chicago?

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 08:59 PM
Ep9:Rose Cherami.She had foreknowledge of a assassination plot and connections with Ruby.She's one of the witnesses who were mysteriously killed.Jim DiEugenio discusses this further.

PS:The DPD did not want to know just like the WC.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 09:47 PM
Ep10: L.Fletcher Prouty talks about the lack of protection in Dallas.Also,he talks about where he was on that day.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 10:13 PM
Ep11:Films Of The Assassination.Photographic expert Robert Groden discusses the amateur films.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 11:24 PM
Ep12: Photographic Evidence and the shot sequence.Researcher Pat Speer looks into the HSCA's photographic evidence.

The HSCA was all show and no substance.They much like the Warren and 9/11 commissions did not wanna know.
edit on 113131p://2426 by mike dangerously because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 11:54 PM
Ep:13 The Tague Shot.The host of Black Ops Radio Len Osanic looks at the shot that hit James Tague underneath the Triple Underpass.This was one shot more then the what the Warren Commission would admit to.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Aleister
We have Jim Marrs but he has not been on his forum in awhile.RA does some great work,I do just my bit.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:03 AM
Ep:14 The aftermath Robert Groden talks about the photos and films of Dealey Plaza in the aftermath of the shooting.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 01:23 AM
This is a nice and snappy video series, good production values and very up to date info for LHO, the 3 films taken that day and more (especially what the Warren Commission left out...) They are bite sized videos, between 4-5 minutes each, but there is substantial facts & information delivered in every single video.

I was impressed that the series producer was able to get several JFK book authors on the program - speaking in their own voices and words - it lends the show a huge amount of credibility. I have viewed up to #12 and these are all ★★★★★
videos so far.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 03:07 AM
I think the whole JFK thing is being kept going (along with Roswell) to keep the conspiracy community pacified. As long as time is being spent on those people will spend less time looking into current events. Even ATS has participated in this, you could volunteer any theory about JFK or Roswell and the worst thing that will happen is people will laugh at you. 9/11 & sandy hook on the other hand will get you banned if you step out of line.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 11:59 PM
Ep:15 The Girl On The Stairs.In this installment Author Barry Ernest tells the story of a ignored witness Victoria Adams.

The same pattern repeated itself 49 years later with the 9/11 commission.As Allen Dulles said their conclusions would be accepted simply because "The American Public Does Not Read."

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