posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 01:57 PM
It's the 'just a few days ago' bit that's beginning to worry me....
2013 ET: another approaching 100m asteroid discovered just few days ago!
On 3 March 2013, the Catalina Sky Survey discovered 2013 ET, a small asteroid with an estimated size around 100 meters. This cosmic rock is
approaching our planet and on 9 March at 12:09 UT will reach a minimum distance from the Earth of a bit less than one millions of km, about 2.5 times
the distance of the Moon. Of course, there are no risks at all for our planet, as usual it will be nice to spot this fast moving object while it
crosses the winter skies.
The Virtual Telescope will offer a public, free online observing session of this asteroid next 8 Mar. 2013, at 19:00 Universal Time. As usual, real
time images will be made available on our webTV, with the live commentary of the astrophysicist Gianluca Masi, PhD.
asteroid 2013 ET was imaged by the Virtual Telescope robotic facility in Italy. This about 100-meters large asteroid will reach a minimum distance of
about 950.000 km from us next March 9. It is worth to underline that there are NO risks at all of collision.
On March 4, the Planewave 17 robotic unit pointed this object and its Paramount ME robotic mount tracked the asteroid, so it looks like a point of
light, while stars are trailed. The image above is the average of three, 90 seconds exposures.
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As for comet Pan-Starrs, next Friday is supposed to be the best date to see in the Northern Hemisphere. Hope this asteroid isn't a forerunner of the