With all the NK rhetoric about nukes going around at the time, it occurred to me that the PTB in the US are taunting them for a reason.
That reason being, they hope to hell that NK could actually pull off what they are threatening, and nuke a US city. It would make their goals 100x
more easily attainable than they are now.
Look at how much they were able to accomplish with the WTC false flag event. In just 11.5 years, America is so different than it was, its really
shocking when you look at it in a larger time frame. Patriot act, militarized police, legalized assassination of US citizens on the puppet presidents
whim, unending detention without trial for US citizens, drones about to be deployed all over the country to be used as assassination tools, DoD
documents outlining the design and usage of concentration camps in the US complete with barbed wire and sniper towers, the army HIRING for those
camps, etc. All this would never have been possible without the 9/11 false flag, or, at least, it would have been forced onto a much, much slower
progression track.
And now they are coming for the guns. Or at least trying too... but theyve hit a lot of resistance with that one, a tremendous amount that I think
they were not expecting.
The point being, that when the nation collectively is cast into fear, it is more than willing to let its tangible liberties fade away for illusionary
But the fear from a relatively small direct attack only lasts so long... and after 11.5 years, its not really that scary anymore, and in fact people
are more and more questioning what the meaning of all these anti-freedom actions are for (we of course know exactly what they are for). The fear has
to be refreshed from time to time to keep the agenda moving smoothly; to have the people willingly march towards giving up everything without a fight,
and place themselves in the readily available shackles conveniently provided free of charge by their loving government.
A nuclear attack, even a small one on any major US city, would in general whip the people into such a fear frenzy that would be begging and pleading
for the remainder of their tangible freedoms to be taken away permanently, as long as they could get the temporary and illusory relief of Uncle Sam
telling them they were once again "safe", and a spectacle to watch and cheer at on the TV to confirm their safety, such as the invasion of a country
(NK, Iran, etc). If you think the loss of freedom and assaults on liberty are bad now....
Basically a small single nuke on a US city would seal the deal so to speak. Relatively speaking, the casualties and infrastructure damage would be low
on an objective scale, but the psychological damage to the average US citizen would be unchartable. The fear level would be shot to outrageous levels
for decades, and pushing the agenda would be easier than ever for TPTB. There would literally be almost 0 resistance... and for those that DID
resist... well, theres already concentration camps set up for them, and 2 billion hollow point bullets, militarized police with light tanks/APCs,
drones, and legalized assassination of US citizens to deal with any resistance from those "domestic terrorists", or "anti-government groups", or
whatever demonizing label will be in vogue at the time.
The PTB are taunting NK, and strongly hoping they can actually deliver on their threats.
It would be the best thing to ever happen to advance their agenda by leaps and bounds with almost no resistance.
And if it proves that NK just cant do it themselves... Im sure Uncle Sam wont mind doing the deed for them, and giving NK all the credit.
IMO, taking everything into consideration, it looks like a "surprise" nuclear attack or nuclear false flag event might be what TPTB are preparing for
as their reason to rally behind for the final push to destroy America and everything it once stood for.
We all know SOMETHING is coming... could this be it?
edit on 3/7/2013 by CaticusMaximus because: grammar