posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 01:42 PM
Anyone seen this?
Yeah, I'm a sucker. I remember the earlier robot fighting shows. Little remote controlled robots running around banging and smashing and hammering
and sawing and chomping on one another. Lottsa fun.
The new robots are big big big. All are hulking humaniod monsters. They look like SF versions of the old battling robots game that was so much fun
when we were younger. Hit the other and his head pops up. Remember?
Anyway, this new show has two controllers. One sits at a console and controls the legs for forward and backward and sideways movement. The second is
fitted into a harness with big gloves with which they control the arm movement. Kinda like I remember Segorney (SP) Weaver in one of those Alien
The robots move into the arena on long horizontal poles to help them keep up right and then begin to flail about at each other with big swings of
their arms until one of them begin to squirt hydrolic fluids.
We get about six minutes of action in an hour. The rest of the show is comprised of "reality show like" snippets with the controllers rambling on
about their battle plans and this and that. Then there are the color commentators hyping the whole thing to the sky.
So basically we have two big SF looking machines punching almost blindly at one another for a few minutes, some squirting, a lot of hype, and then
commercials followed by commercials followed by commercials and previews of next week.
Now this may be the infant version of a future sports industry which, knowing our penchant for bigger and wilder carnage, may happen, but for now, if
one is not into the "tech" of each robot, is one big bore. I watched the first and almost slept through half of it. I recorded the second show and
FF to the actions scenes. And now I won''t bother with the rest of them.