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Sequester Has Been Added to the U.S. Debt Clock : Our Deficit is Falling !

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posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 11:54 AM
one problem i have with this post is "our deficit" , i have never willingly , knowingly , or with full understanding borrowed , approved , any monies or debt that contributed to the deficit. THEIR deficit is THEIR problem , and to the people who put up the "your share" billboards , piss off.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by micmerci

That's no reason to ignore the residential homes selling FAST.

Push the Doom & Gloom monster into Nancy Pelosis closet.

The Private Sector has arrived! Oil from North Dakota is arriving in Philadelphia.

That was - unexpected -.

We also have a Natural Gas Fracking BOOM in America. We may convert it to LNG

and ship it to Germany!

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by TauCetixeta

Originally posted by micmerci

BTW, have you noticed the stock market lately? 14,300 and rising!

The DJ index was also at a record high in 2007 right before the bubble burst, sending us into the worst recession since the depression.

No bubble this time. Only Full Doc loans are being approved this time!

This real estate boom is for real this time.

Corporate profits are for real. The stock market is where it should be.

The Private Sector is saving us. The Federal Government has been placed in -- neutral --.

Really? My 20 year old son was just approved for a mortgage on his first home. His full time employment history is a whopping 1.5 years!! Full Doc, I don't think so.
Corporations for the greater part are bleeding red because of all the restrictions and govt regs and added costs (Obamacare anyone?)

The stock market is nowhere near where it is supposed to be. In fact it is the furthest away from where it should be in the history of the market.

Lastly, the Federal govt is actually running at top gear presently and is nowhere near neutral.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by micmerci

Originally posted by TauCetixeta

Originally posted by micmerci

BTW, have you noticed the stock market lately? 14,300 and rising!

The DJ index was also at a record high in 2007 right before the bubble burst, sending us into the worst recession since the depression.

No bubble this time. Only Full Doc loans are being approved this time!

This real estate boom is for real this time.

Corporate profits are for real. The stock market is where it should be.

The Private Sector is saving us. The Federal Government has been placed in -- neutral --.

Really? My 20 year old son was just approved for a mortgage on his first home. His full time employment history is a whopping 1.5 years!! Full Doc, I don't think so.
Corporations for the greater part are bleeding red because of all the restrictions and govt regs and added costs (Obamacare anyone?)

The stock market is nowhere near where it is supposed to be. In fact it is the furthest away from where it should be in the history of the market.

Lastly, the Federal govt is actually running at top gear presently and is nowhere near neutral.

The stock market is at a record high! I'll take it.

Full Doc = He actually has a job!

The Sequester has put Federal Spending in -- neutral --.

Truth: For 2013 the Federal Government will spend only $15 Billion more than in 2012.

That looks like -- neutral -- to me.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:10 PM

tell me again how this drop in the bucket is great......

so instead of 380 bucks against 140 thousand dollar debt we are doing a LITTLE more....


in a couple thousand years we will be golden.

Too bad we spend like he had "infinite" money......

edit on 7-3-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by TauCetixeta

2.4 percent is far from neutral! Don't get me wrong, sequestration is a miniscule move in the right direction but it equates to emptying an ocean with a thimble.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by TauCetixeta

Sequester Has Been Added to the U.S. Debt Clock : Our Deficit is Falling !

it's NOT falling.....

just moving up at a slower rate (but not by much)

they still spend more than they take in.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by tadaman

Hey great!

Write down those numbers and then look where we are in 2013.

Go to the U.S. Debt Clock webpage.

Look very closely at the deficit number. It is getting smaller.

Reason: Federal Government Income is projected to jump over $2.7 Trillion.

Federal Government Spending has been put in -- neutral -- by the Sequester.

In Come --- Out Go

Keep It Simple

Keep an eye on the Dow Jones and S&P 500. We are doing very well compared to

the rest of the world.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by xuenchen
reply to post by TauCetixeta

Sequester Has Been Added to the U.S. Debt Clock : Our Deficit is Falling !

it's NOT falling.....

just moving up at a slower rate (but not by much)

they still spend more than they take in.

I have noticed that some people do NOT understand the difference between the

USA National Debt : About $16.5 Trillion and rising

& the

USA National Deficit: About $1 trillion but apparently -- FALLING -- due to higher

In COME and Out Go (spending) has been placed in -- neutral -- by the sequester.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by TauCetixeta

I see where you are coming from and I fully understand where your optimism springs from as well. What I have a major disagreement here is the gap between paper projection and real world behavior or result.

First, by the same token people have been saying for months now (and rightly so) that the Sequester is very small in dollars for the short term, it's impact is only that which the White House makes it. I mean, the money involved here does not make a meaningful difference unless very targeted to cause pain. That is the impression the nation has been given, for what has been done, and by both sides. If that isn't the case after all and these ARE NOT targeted as we've all been led to believe, then the numbers are actually rather petty ..short term anyway.

Revenue is a WHOLE different matter and it's obscene to hear it put this way. I don't fault you. Not one bit. You didn't go to school and spend a lifetime mastering these subjects to know better. The people in Government DID. You don't necessarily know the history of economic experiments and failures of the past to know what works, what doesn't and why. THEY have and DO know these things. They do the same thing that's led to failure in the past, anyway....and expect different results.

Revenue projections are coming from higher taxes across the board and on everyone. From the little bonus in Withholding people had gotten used to..but saw taken away on Jan 1, to the payroll taxes to employers to the income and corp taxes's hurting people to try and make money.

The problem is...the people they are trying to hurt most (The Rich) are the LEAST likely to give a damn either way. If it gets too bad, they can leave the U.S. entirely, as some have, and tell Obama where to stick his crap. MANY....(and I work for one) have "Gone Galt" and shut down some or all of their business interests outright over the past 2-3 months. Those are businesses and jobs we may never see back.

This is what Rich people do when you threaten taxes too high on what they make. They don't NEED to make anything more in life, literally in many cases they flat out DO stop making any more income and live comfy off what they already have.

^^^ This makes revenue projections very incomplete by the lack of accounting for that one very crucial factor of human behavior and reaction. Ask France when they passed taxes far beyond ours. The going got tough and the rich just got going. In tell France to enjoy their tax rates on others.

(By the way, the United States Corporate Tax rate was #2 in the world, by a LONG SHOT, the last time I looked..and #1 went to a far smaller nation that is welcome to commit fiscal suicide for all I care. When we wonder where the business went? This is why they least in part. Rich and Corporations will stick around for fair taxes...they'll simply leave us all alone with extreme taxes. Obama is becoming extreme, fast.)

edit on 7-3-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by micmerci
reply to post by TauCetixeta

2.4 percent is far from neutral! Don't get me wrong, sequestration is a miniscule move in the right direction but it equates to emptying an ocean with a thimble.

Numbers don't lie.

Truth: the Federal Government will only spend $15 Billion more in 2013 than it did in 2012.

Considering the Fed is spending $3.5 Trillion in 2013 , i call that -- neutral --.

The other factor is Federal Government In Come. $2.7 Trillion and maybe even more

when the Cap Gain Tax checks are written to the IRS.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Obama has lost power and influence.

He got caught crying wolf over the Sequester.

The guy in charge of the FAA looked like a fool on CNN. They can easily make cuts

over there. There are FEWER planes in the air due to all of the airline mergers.

He was forced to admit that!

Obama got caught lying about the janitor pay cut at the capitol building.

We all take everything Obama says with a block of salt from now on.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by TauCetixeta

I'm not sure where precisely you are drawing your numbers from and I'm about out of time before classes to get more in depth here. However, I used this site extensively for reference (after determining the numbers matched or nearly matched anything of importance crossing to the GAO published budget material) while making my Super Budget Thread months back, and the numbers you're citing are not just different...but trillions off what is actually going out right now?

U.S. Government Spending

They have deeper levels where you can 'drill down' into the budget items, right down to line items to see what is what and where it's at. It's a pretty scary thing, all things considered. What is at least as scary are the number games being played by those in power on both sides to confuse and muddy the whole issue. This is the future of our nation, and they treat it like a political gotcha game. It's sickening.

Here is another look and this comes from the Excel version of the 2013 proposed White House Budget for the fiscal year. We don't HAVE budgets right now, but the production of these budget packages ARE accurate, generally speaking, for what HAS been spent and projections are good enough to get a feel for planning to what WILL be spent.

The numbers your working from on 2013 are, as you can see, surpassed fairly quickly by just the top 20-30 line item expenses of the Federal budget.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by TauCetixeta

The stock market is at a record high! I'll take it.


Japan had record highs in 1989 just before their bubbles burst.


posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by daryllyn
reply to post by TauCetixeta

The stock market is at a record high! I'll take it.


Japan had record highs in 1989 just before their bubbles burst.


The Japanese were suffering from " Irrational Exuberance".

Our Fortune 500 profits, revenues and profit margins are for real.

Judging by that - bizarre - dropping national deficit number at U.S. Debt

we appear to be more financially responsible in 2013 than we were in 2012.

Join me and - Crack the Code -.

Federal Government Out Go & In Come

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I'll stay with the numbers given out by CBO Congressional Budget Office.

Out Go 2013 = Just $15 Billion more than 2012 Out Go = --- Neutral ---

Spending has been reigned in by the Sequester.

For daring to reign in spending on Obamas watch, he has promised MAXIMUM PAIN

on the American people. Take that!

Cut the muscle and ignore the fat.

Don't ignore the In Come.

CBO projects $2.7 Trillion for 2013.

The CBO has not added in the - unexpected - Cap Gain Tax checks that have not been
written yet.

Look for the big picture.

Your link is interesting but bizarre. It looks like they can project future GDP.

That's a pretty good trick.

They must have a time machine. A new invention could arrive on the scene.

USA GDP could grow at 5% in 2014 . Who can say what it will be?

Look at the projections in 1992 & 1993 before the World Wide Web appeared.

Doom & Gloom

Oh wow! Look at that! People are calling this new thingy a -- browser -- from

Netscape. I wonder what it does?

Surf the internet? What's that?

Economists in 1993 fell victim to Ceteris Paribus Fallacy.

edit on 7-3-2013 by TauCetixeta because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-3-2013 by TauCetixeta because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by TauCetixeta

Well, in the interests of trying to be helpful more than debating at this point, I appreciate your use of official sources. So many don't do that and then wonder why they aren't taken seriously by others. Fox or CNN is hardly an official source, of course.

The problem I see with the CBO, and I'm someone who DOES regularly reference and cite them myself, is that they are an Analysis and Number crunching agency. The GAO is one that publishes the actual, finished products of numbers and status for things like the Budget or Federal Law. The Congressional Budget Office, on the other hand, takes any and all requests for number crunching by Congress or related parties, without using anything outside of what has handed them, produce the results asked for. It's produced within the very narrow and specific confines of the data supplied to them.

During the Obamacare debates, the CBO took, crunched and reproduced many sets of data for the debates and policy making. *ALL* ended up wrong and worthless in the end. Not because they weren't accurate to what they'd been asked to report, but because the report wasn't meant to convey a finished product or end state.

The CBO just analyzes possible outcomes and reports what it would or will look like.

As far as 'estimating GDP'. Well, yes, my sources do....and some of that is sourced, originally FROM the CBO itself. They are a primary source in the U.S. for predictive and policy making data. The U.S. Budget as proposed by Obama (See here) includes thje numbers assumptions and predictions used in building all the other numbers within an appendix to the overall budget. Some of those numbers HAVE already changed...but generally for the worse, not better from where they were when written many months ago.

I think the bottom line here is what we have the most trouble with in general. Without a REAL budget that neither party seems at all interested in passing (The House would have to pass one before fighting to have it, of course) we have a variety of sources for this. All different and some wildly different for dolar numbers and projected effect.

While that is happening and we can't get 100% certain numbers as we'd all like to, I look at 17 trillion in standing debt (Highest in the world by far) and I look at the Treasury and Fed doing things, right up into last week, to make it worse.....and don't see any sign to feel good. In my Budget thread, on page 3. Another member had taken the time to run the numbers and see just what it would require to pay off the debt. I'll let his words speak for themselves.

One estimate of what paying the debt will take

It doesn't simply take a balanced budget....we need SURPLUS in the half Trillion dollar range, every year, without fail. That will still erquire most of the 21st century to pay off. What are the odds we return to actual annual surplus range, let alone a half billion a year?
edit on 7-3-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-3-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: minor correction

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by IsawWHATtheyDID

US debt clock in real time.. at the moment 16,668,497,866 and rising as I type. Debt per tax payer: $147,283

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by jibajaba
'...make it hurt...' potus -
suggestion to potus - give up yer golf and vacations - really get to know yer family.

bush took a 6 week vacation

get to know yer history

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 10:01 PM
we won`t know if we saved any money this year until the year is over. Anything can happen between now and the end of the year. Right now today we might be projecting that we will only spend 16 billion more this year than last year but we have 9 1/2 months left in the year and like I said anything can happen.

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