posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 05:17 PM
My head has gone through too much trauma in its times :bnghd:.
In fact I had fluid, due to an arachnoid cyst, drained from my head last New Years. So as you can see I am very possessive of it and as most wounds, I
pick at it sometimes :shk:. Anyway, my head obviously has been examined by doctors several times for my arachnoid cyst but they really haven't said
anything about this making me think it is simply normal. But hey I don't have anyone to ask except my cat.
I have this "thing" between my skin and skull on the back right side directly left of the top of my right ear (following the curve of the skull) and
along the end of the right eye's right side (following the curve of the skull straight back over the top of the skull). It's about the size of a
grain of rice and is very hard.
It's rather annoying as you might imagine or I guess know. So I just figured that I would join the club!