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America Goes On Strike !

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posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 08:00 PM
Seriously, think this through.

Less taxes equals higher deficit.

Higher deficit means more "sequestration" or austerity measures.

Look at which programs are being cut. It's not doing anyone good.

We can't starve the system without starving the most vulnerable of basic needs and services.

It will take far too long. Get who to listen? Are they listening now?

We gotta have a better plan than this. Keep thinking.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 08:24 PM

We can't starve the system without starving the most vulnerable of basic needs and services.

Sorry but you must be asleep, the above situation already exists and its the system in place now that is doing it.

This thread will attract a great number of shills and that number will give you an indication of how much it will affect them.

I don't think anyone is advocating stopping essential services.

Fill your gas tanks up and only use you cars for an emergency for one week -to start
Don't buy any fast food for one week -to start
Don't purchase any real estate (if you have the money refer to video , earlier post)-to start
Don't book any holiday's for one week- to start
and it goes on- I'.
I'm sure you get the picture.
Put off if you can any non urgent appointments with doctors. , dentists, lawyers ect.'
Choose one day united across the country where as many people ,who are able stay home from work.
Those who have no job send e-mails to government members ,departments and Media out lets.
All copy a resolution stating the PEOPLES POSITION and e-mail it world wide.


To these people , only MONEY TALKS.

In fact MAKE NO purchases of spending for a period of one week , and if there is change reassess , if not continue.
Support all those that are performing this function for change.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

Yes, I'm aware of it. I'm saying this furthers it. It's well intended, but won't put a dent in the system. We need to think this through practically, and thoroughly. This isn't good enough.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by nomnom

I'm open to suggestions ??????? - yours?

Or do you prefer inaction?
Do nothing and just let it keep happening?

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

No. Inaction is evil. Think tanking is an action.

We need to elect people into local offices, and start going up the ranks until our party rules the system.

Take it over from within.

There are now enough people who are disconnected from MSM to make a truly viable independent candidates as our representatives, senators, and president.

If we can play our cards just right, the people can overrun the corporate-political puppets currently in office.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by nomnom

Politics are corrupted beyond repair, if we're going to hope to get anything done, it needs to be through our own hands and not as a puppet behind a desk either. I like pink's idea about sending emails and being very specific about what we can/cannot do. But the point of not working for a few days is not as a random weekend from work, it's a shock/awe tactic to let TPTB know we're far more organized than they originally give us credit for.. and that we know their soft spot is their pocketbook.

Take the place I work for example, each seat supposedly costs so much money every day. Once we cover that money (which isn't very much) the rest of it goes to the corporate office so they can do with it as they please.. if this is anything like any other company that's linked to a corporation, millions of people simultaneously deciding not to go into work is going to have quite an impact. At our work place, if all of us decided not to come into work that's 60 people times $2,000 as a start. If all the other centers did the same thing that's 4 more places of 60 people each..

Now imagine that across the country to the point where the media would broadcast on it. word of mouth spread to other countries, and now TPTB have a whole other cocktail of problems on their hands they weren't anticipating because they were under the impression that we're stupid and incapable of mobilizing this way.

Well I'm tired of being a hamster on a wheel that runs tirelessly to make more money for the people that see me as an expendable resource. I'd certainly hope everyone else is too. And worst case scenario, if we try this and things get worse... then we're certainly no longer delaying the inevitable, I think its time for us to respond, or TPTB to s*** or get off the pot.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 09:07 PM
I think a big help would be to see all the people in the US refusing to buy from big box stores that ship the much needed jobs overseas. Could you imagine the changes that might be made if Wal-Mart suddenly didn't have customers. Yes, people working for Wal-Mart and other corporate stores would lose jobs in the short term. It would only work if the American people stuck with it religiously. But if the people here only shopped at local hometown stores and only purchased items made here in America don't you think that would help in the long term?

Also, if we could get people to help each other... community vegetable gardens to grow our own food where everyone that was able put in a few hours a week and all crops were free to those that did. This would work out so much better for families with children and the elderly than food stamps. And it would support the growth of community values, respect, and friendship. Maybe we would all be more willing to help each other if / when SHTF. ... IDK just some thoughts I had. Kind of a perma culture type thing. I think many people are just too greedy and spoiled to really go through with all that but it is good to have dreams! =) I know I personally would jump on that band wagon in a heartbeat!

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by mrdeadfolx

The politicans are bought and paid for. They are broken and morally bankrupt, not the system.

Here's how I imagine this playing out. You organize specific strikes in pulses, and they get absorbed through emergency government funding. The DOD starts taking down the websites associated with these online organizations. ddos attacks, whatever. Then they label the organizers as domestic terrorists, and take them down.

Unless you can make this fully decentralized, yet keep ongoing support in the face of government opposition, it won't work. I'm not opposed to the idea, but am trying to figure out how it could really play through.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by nomnom

Alas we have already gone past the use by date for your suggestion. As others have stated the corruption is endemic and through all systems of Government.

When Florida got BUSH in , you should have known that you votes were just as good as used toilet paper.

Think tanking is great a wonderful idea , but it must be done in a matter of days , not weeks , watch the real news and see how progressed they are in their plans.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by mrdeadfolx

What do you propose we do with all the hungry people this will create. Don't you see, there are logistics that would be serious issues if everyone sat on their butts and did nothing. What about all the farms with crops to seed and harvest that keeps our food chain running.

I own my small home based I supposed to stop producing....I don't make a lot of money, but I do count on it.

Just giving some reality check factors to think about.


Exactly! Who's going to make the Chicken Mcnuggets?

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 09:21 PM
So who wants to take bets on how long the strike lasts after TPTB shut down the internet?

Who wants to strike if they dont have their iphone?

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

I understand the corruption is at all levels. It only means our people must have an overwhelming majority to question the voting systems authenticity effectively. I'm aware of the diebold electronic voting fraud. If we have the majority with us, and fail, we can then take it to the next level. The system hasn't been challenged to this degree yet.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by osirys

The internet as a whole can't be taken down. I'm not talking about it's redundancy, but the fact that too much monies flow through it. It does seem that ISP's could selectively shut down services to specific residential areas that are deemed high risk, disruptive, or the like.

I think you do bring up a good point, however. That being, the PTB will not give up without using many resources and policies at their disposal... if they feel threatened.
edit on 6-3-2013 by nomnom because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by mrdeadfolx

Lets work this document ehh??


We the people .......................................................

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by nomnom

True enough, I dont think the internet itself would be taken out. But enough support from the right corporate entities could cause problem, imagine someone like google going down.

Maybe the example I used is implausible. Fair enough
but I think the bigger point I wanted to make, is that I dont think that our society has really gotten to rock bottom yet. Not to the point of average people striking from the jobs they fought for months to get.

Historically the strategy has worked ( think early 1900's Russia and the Bolsheviks) , but I personally feel like we have become so comfortable on our couches with our tvs and laptops, weve gotten lazy. I think it will take more then the current situation to get us off of our butts.

That being said, I do think that something has to be done, Im just afraid of what the catalyst will be to get us to do it.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by osirys

I agree with every point, though it does seem that people are ticked off enough to support real candidates.

Newbies on this site get freaked and think it's all going to collapse .... soon. My original membership was dated even before you.

I'm pretty sure even TPTB don't want it to collapse, and it can be dragged on for many years yet.

The way through this seems to be doing exactly as so many others of history have. From within.

The neo-cons rose to power rather quickly. We could do better than them with the right people and the right focus.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by nomnom

I want this to work too, decentralizing the strike is certainly the most logical approach but it's going to be difficult. And if we can't do it that way, the next logical step would be coming up with some sort of reading/document that can be shared with everyone, whether by email/facebook/threads, I'm not sure, but we need to get the word out there. Any Thomas Jeffersons out there?

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by mrdeadfolx

"America Goes On Strike !"

and this is exactly why they are buying armored tanks, bullets, crowed supression vehicles that use loud sounds and microwave dish guns on top that make skin feel like its burning and drones....... they know its comming too.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by osirys

Lets look at the bigger picture here.
You hold on to your job and your Iphone , computer internet and you will end up in work gangs and what good will they do you then??????????????
Everything requires something to be let go , not for ever , their alternative would see you either staving , working in gangs or just plain exterminated .

I , given the choice of loosing my cell phone or working Unpaid , AND JUST FOR SCAPES , if at all, well I think the loss of the phone is a small price to pay for freedom.......NO ???????

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by mrdeadfolx

You could run a decentralized message board via torrent. All you do is come up with a meme. Then you setup a client to autodownload all new files with that meme as the title. You can upload new files to the roaming trackers. Then you run a small script that simply patches the incoming txt files into a self-updating message board.

You could even have a text box at the bottom where you could type out whatever new message you wanted, and auto send it back into the decentralized trackers. Autonamed by meme + exact timestamp. 100% untraceable, 100% decentralized.

This would work:

Tribler Torrent

According to Dr. Pouwelse, Tribler is fully capable of resisting any pressure from outside, and it will still work when all torrent sites and trackers are gone. It simply can’t be shutdown, blocked or censored, whatever laws politicians may come up with.

“The only way to take it down is to take The Internet down.” Pouwelse told us.

edit on 6-3-2013 by nomnom because: (no reason given)

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