Originally posted by Kalmah
reply to post by TarzanBeta
Wow, very interesting TarzanBeta. I must confess, I was not born into a religious family. I do not refuse to believe in God, or a creator, but I am
skeptical to many of the trends of modern religion. I consider myself spiritual, but not really religious. I'm certainly open to all theories.
So what you mean by "repair that bridge brother" is to share mercy and grace with those around me and to teach others to make ready for His return?
That's it.
I warn you now -- do not get caught up in crazy doctrines and laws. Don't let self-proclaimed Christians push you around or tell you that you have to
"obey this" or "obey that".
But at the same time, don't be tolerant of things that you know aren't right; even if you're tempted to think some of those things are alright.
Jesus Christ came to save His children. He didn't come to beat them over the head with a law book.
He gave two commandments; Love God with all your heart, mind and soul; and the other like it, love your neighbor as yourself.
Short, simple, sweet, and True. Jesus Christ is our God and King and our Salvation, so we love Him. And He said that in order to love Him, we obey
Him (by means of the Holy Spirit that He gives us; His guidance with our conscience), and we take care of the weak, the needy, the "ugly and smelly",
the criminals, the fools, the red-headed orphans, and the whiny widows -- we don't judge, we serve. Mercy and Grace.
But Christians with their chin-up and their eyes forward and their pride behind them and underneath their feet, and their righteousness; well, if they
already have it figured out, then what need have they of Jesus and His mercy and His grace?
But WE need Him because we are weak. We are lowly, and we are actually sorry for our mistakes instead of trying to justify them for ourselves. But
Jesus says, "Let me be Judge."
But also, we are to judge things properly in this world still. He did not say do not judge; he just said, "Judge not, lest you be judged." This
means that you should be paying attention to yourself and getting yourself right before you think about trying to correct someone else.
If you're continue making a mistake, and yet you ream someone out for that same mistake, or judge them for it, then you're double the fool.
But, if you have made a mistake in the past, and you have corrected that mistake, then you can share your experiences with those who suffer those same
mistakes -- and because you went through it, you won't condemn them, but you will understand them, and want to show compassion, and love them, and
help them get through it.
This is what a Christian is. Mercy and Grace.
No brow beating, no law slamming down on your head;
But for those of us that learn to take on the name of Jesus Christ, we definitely should take on His form to the best of our ability, and ask Him to
help us take on that form-- we do not want to take on the name of Jesus Christ in vain; what good is His name to us if we do not take on His form?
But then we would be hypocrites, and cause the world to hate the Name by which we are called because we call ourselves "Jesus Christ" and yet we act
like fools, and we punish people with the law when we ourselves can't even follow that law, a law that has been fulfilled, and is now dead, and our
body should be dead with that law, and our minds dead to that law.
If everyone knew the truth about Jesus Christ, nobody would have a problem with calling Him Lord!
But Satan has performed excellently in confusing people, and causing people to act foolish, and to cause people to take on a name that does not belong
to them.
And so Satan has caused people to blaspheme the name of God.
And Satan will soon take his place inside the temple of man, the human body, and will possess him. And he will call himself "Christ" and he will
cause many that say they are Christian to follow him. And many will be fooled.
And he will make a promise with the people. But then he will be revealed as Satan after a little while, and many people will understand that they had
actually been following Satan the whole time.
Jesus said, "My sheep know my voice, and they follow me."
Satan draws the world to himself; and this is how the wheat and the chaff will be divided. People like Law. People thrive off of law. They can't get
Satan will give to people, in the name of Christ, a means of "saving themselves". he will say to people, "If you do this, you will be saved." But
salvation cannot be earned! It is a GIFT from God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So then, the decision will be this easy. Those who choose to follow the law of Satan posing as Christ will die. And those who choose to love and
obey God in Heaven rather than men will live. Love God, Love people. Don't be easily fooled. Pray often.
edit on 3/16/2013 by TarzanBeta
because: minus "w" times 2