posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 01:36 AM
To save some of the ammo you have/get, you could always look into gun-game video games. You could pick up an old console system and get all the gun
titles, perhaps have a bunch of gun games for any newer console you might use, or build a custom emulator 'machine' (generally an arcade machine,
although you could put the infrared receiver elements on a typical TV) and hook most of histories gun games all into it using a typical PC / monitor &
a 'frontend' called "Hyperspin" (about the most awesome menu system one could ever hope for). The last option will cost some time and money, but
should prove worth it, just for bragging rights alone.
This might sound childish to some people, but even tough guys I've seen play a gun game for about 20 minutes have their deltoids on fire. That's
from 'toy' guns with no 'kick'. Take this little challenge, and then try to imagine running around all day with real, heavy, guns in a fire-ready
position, out of necessity. So with all this you get gun-sim hand-eye coordination practice, endlessly, and some actual physical exorcize that would
translate into real world benefit.
Gazrok: I saw a 'factoid' the other day that 'only' 12B rounds of ammo are produced here each year... so when Fatherland Tyranny goes and buys up
1B rounds in one fell swoop... nuff said.
My advice to everyone is look into surplus firearms. For those often overlooked oldies, see which ones you can get ammo right now for, for cheap. Buy
'too much', and also rest assured that you'll be able to get more during the next shortage ordeal. Of course these types you wont often expect to
find this stuff lying around during SHTF, so over-stocking now is important to this tactic. You might be surprised though: you might just find
military grade steelcore bullets in spamcan crates for the price of what normal bullets 'should' cost.