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What is this?: Forcing sensations down spine to make goosebumps

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posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 01:28 PM
my 2pennies worth..
maybe your sixth sense is active which means you might be a few steps ahead in the meditation game ,i can relate to feeling vibrations over the body when excited,when ston~d ,when alert.i can feel electricity ,see sparks,purple scroll waves while in the above state even music flowing thru the cable(don't try the ston!ng bit handed me a blackout some time back n probably other unforeseen side-effects... n-way ur choice) ..try biting a piece of cloth[woolen] see if it evokes the same behavior..
A little exercise:
1)put your hands together[clapping position] .preferably while sitting or lying flat on a bed face up.
2)draw hands apart like 12".
3)take a deep breath
4)draw hands together slowly
5)repeat 1-4
6)see if u can feel energy condensing btwn them ..u may also feel tingling sensations at the fingertips. if u can,apparently it means ur chi/Qi is strong .

u may try meditation if u feel up to the task..who knows u might build enough energy to build a KAMEHAMEHA hopefully u are a responsible person and won't go around blasting things ..jus saying to WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN MUCH IS EXPECTED--i mean responsibility not the opp~ .
With discipline u might even learn to heal the sick or help people who are unaware of the onset of terminal illnesses.(hopefully u won't charge billions if u can heal cancer

think of it this way if u can see the aura of a sick person, in time with discipline n caution u may b able to infuse +ve energy(good vibes) into those whose auras agree with yours..

personally i can feel the vibe i jus lack the discipline n emotional stability. hope u'r unlike me in that sense.

remember ur merkabah is linked to ur thoughts/mind so caution & discipline--guard ur emotions.

posted on Mar, 8 2015 @ 05:16 AM
I feel I have that similar ability. I could best describe it as some kind of 'internal muscle' that's 'flexed' when focused on. The chills are similar to ASMR (gentle whispering is my favorite) I can mainly feel it in my stomach/cheast area and head. I end up crossing my eyes if I try flexing my brain when eyes are closed.

My reactions:
- Slight increase in heart rate
-Arouses a slight rushing sensation
-Involuntary leg spasms (only if trying real hard)

But that's about it- i dont hear electricty and my pores dont open, but you are right about it being controllable.

Who knows, we could be rediscovering a self-healing or blood vessel dialation teqneak =P

a reply to: CrypticSouthpaw

posted on Mar, 8 2015 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: CrypticSouthpaw

iv done this for years, its one of those things that makes me wonder if im the only one. it starts off as a ball at the bottom of my spine and then shoots up my back and through my skull making me shiver as its goes up, as i looked into meditation and chi i thought it could be my unused kundalini escaping????? feels great whatever it is.

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 04:25 PM
Sounds like what i have experienced my whole life. I can do this at will and i used to scare my friends when i was younger because i could get my scalp hair to stand on end like a wolf. it only works now if its cut short and only on my back, arms and legs, but yeah i think this is something to do with an evolutionary trait we share with all the animals, dogs and cats can do it at will, so can certain monkeys. If you know anyone who is conducting research into this you can pass on my details of contact here if you like. Happy to be a test subject

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: CrypticSouthpaw
Hello ATS crazy southpaw here.

I just wanted to make a thread about this to see if there were others here who could do it too?

I'm not to sure what it is and i have looked around but it seems to be pretty vague anyways i will continue.

There are sensations i can feel at the base of my skull that i can force down and send shivers throughout my body. It can be pulsed in intervals. If i get into a trance with it (excluding temperature and channeling memories Its just a forced bodily sensation. Like urinating sorry to use that example..
) all my pours open up and i start to sweat. I'm not forcing blood like when you tense up and raise body temperature sharply to achieve this. I uncontrollably cry. My whole body feels like its vibrating. No sadness or any emotions that are making my eyes tear up, Its caused by opening my pours.

Beyond all this, There is a ringing in my head that turns on and off, and it turns on when i notice it or pay attention to it. I hear it in total silence but i am also able to turn it off as well but only minimally. This pitch that sounds a TV with no volume on can be altered to higher or lower pitches, I can pulse it and when i do. I feel muscles moving in my head lol. Its weird. But the cool thing about this is i can hear electronics, Lights and everything when i come close to electricity i can hear its distinct frequencies. As well as when people pull things out of sockets and put them in. It gets kind of irritating sometimes. But i have had this my whole life, when i was younger it really really bothered me and i hated it. I would sleep with a fan every night because it drowned out the sound, I still sleep with a fan but i can sleep without one now too. Some people say its tetanus. Meh, I apply my tetanus into a skill.
it is possibly a kriya as a symptom of blocked chakras against which kundalini is exerting force. in the practice of kriya yoga breathing and visualization exercises are used to move kundalini energy along the spine to open these quasi real mystical locuses. in the practice these symptoms are gradually reduced. the more practiced you are the less these sensations are felt. the experiences are neat because they reinforce your faith but the goal is to get rid of them. one exercise named "the swan" or Ham Sa exercise is especially powerful for this purpose. it is rather abrupt though and many recommend doing more gentle more gradual exercises. the reason i mention it is it (the core of the ham sa exercise) sounds almost verbatim like your experience.

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 07:36 PM
the version of ham sa i practiced was the version in Donald Michael Kraig's Modern Magick 12 lessons in the high magickal arts. the instructions consist of a little over a page of text and can be condensed down further. it is a breath control and visualization exercise though it is very easy to do on both accounts. the visualization is easy because you can simply resume if you visual skills fail during the visulization. it is enough to just "see" intermittantly or fragments of the whole visualization.

there are some alarming sensations though most of these seem to be unreal for example you will probably experience tachardia even though your heart really isn't beating harder or faster than normal. At the root chakra you may experience intense sexual sensations without any physical reason whatever and the visualization isn't of an erotic nature at all.

The exercise derives it's name from thee sound your breath during the exercise is supposed to sound like haaaaaaaam on the inhale and sa on the exhale. both are of extended duration due to the synching with the visualization. the sound of the breath to sound like haaam and sa but that is not to be vocalized like you were speaking it.

the visualization is of a tube or airway from your nose over the center of your skull down the spine to the cocxyx and back up nearly the same path. you visualize the breath as a cool luminescent fog flowing in the imagined channel. at the end after 5 ten 15 or 20 minutes the final exhale is a series of short haaaaam all the way to the tail bone and saaaaaah all the way up and out the nose.

thats from older and older memory so if you are interested your best bet is to get the book to make sure you have all the details right before trying it.

posted on Mar, 23 2015 @ 03:27 PM
Thanks op for bringing this up.
I've done this as long as I can remember but never talked about it because I have no way to explain it.
For me, I can either make it feel like a shivering with goosebumps, and if I concentrate, I can direct the tingling to either arms, hands or legs, or I can make it, best describes, as a rush of adrenaline. The kind you get when getting jump-scared, or just barely avoiding an accident. I used to do that every time I was doing heavy bench pressing. I can only do that for a short period, then it is like some internal muscle get tired and nothing happens for a while, no matter how hard I try.

I dont know if it is related, but I can also produce a kind of noice in my ears. Sounds like hard wind blowing on a microphone and it almost drowns the real sounds from outside my head if I do it real hard. I can only do it for a couple of seconds at a time before I have to rest.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 04:18 PM
what you are doing is a form of meditation. the tingling that you are feeling its the concentration of chi. the more you focus it the more you build and can move threw your body. try to get it to move in a circular pattern running from the base of your head down your back, threw your pubic area and stomach back to your spine and around again and again. the vibration is because you are putting your energy " your beings true form" on a higher frequency. this may explain the ringing as well. i would suggest sitting zen meditation for as long as you can stand. this is an open eye meditation in which you find a focal point and just stare at it while clearing the mind of all thoughts. i find it easiest to focus on your breathing to get to stillness. i hope this helps. reply to: CrypticSouthpaw

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 03:26 AM
I have this too! Almost exactly how you described it and I've been searching online for anything that was even remotely close to what I was feeling. I also have that hearing electricity thing you were talking about. I can hear when people turn tvs on or off and if I fall asleep with my ps3 on (I have it set to automatically turn off after an hour of being idle) when I wake up all I can hear is my tv, the sound even gets into my dreams. People I've told about this always seem to think I'm talking about the sound a channel makes when theres no signal and all you can see is snow but I'm talking about the high pitched ringing. I've been pushing the sensations down my spine for as long as I remember and no one in my family (at least the ones ive asked) has this. I just kind of focus and imagine the sensation gathering at the base of my neck and can sometimes feel something like small electric pulses or something. Not painful, but I feel them moving through my shoulder muscles toward my neck then when I release it it goes down my spine and outward towards my limbs. I get goose bumps for a short period as the sensation runs along my body. My legs (mostly my thighs) seem to have the goose bumps longer. I am kind of tired so I'm not sure if I've written everything I wanted to share but I will check again after work tomorrow and update anything I forgot. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who gets this, I was starting to feel crazy seeing as how I'm about to be 20 in a month and a half and hadn't found anyone who even took me seriously on the matter.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: Floke
...then it is like some internal muscle get tired and nothing happens for a while, no matter how hard I try.

Oh my god yes I know exactly how you feel. If I continue it on for a few minutes without taking a break the sensations seem to get weaker until finally I just can't create them again for a little bit

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 04:05 AM
On my way out, so can't read all the many pages, but I will as soon as I come back!

Just couldn't help responding right away- because I do this too, but have never talked about it!
I can make it go down (from back of skull down spine) or go up (the other way around.
It doesn't happen on accident, I have to do it. It is a rather pleasant feeling. I am not sure how I do it- I don't think I could explain to another how to.

When I was little, I thought it was how I directed psychic energy. In dreams I would be doing it to move things at a distance.
Many times I have tried doing it while awake, purposefully focusing on something across the room, for example.
In some cases, it didn't seem to have any exterior effect, with very light things (a hanging string, light, flame....) I thought it seemed to work very well, and it kind of scared me, so I stop doing it. As if it feels very powerful, and that frightens me.
But without a way to measure it externally, I can't be sure I wasn't just imagining movement where I expected it.

I have noticed that if I do it repeatedly, it starts to wind down in sensation, as if I lose energy after a while.

I will look through here and see if any good explanations have been offered up!
Good for you on posting it, because it is nice to know others do this too (I was secretly afraid I am a freak!

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 01:33 PM
Wow, I'm in shock! I can't believe this is a thing that happens to other people!

I've been able to do this since I was a child (for as long as I can remember). When I was little I thought everybody could do it, so I never really thought it was different. When I was young, I used to think it was God tickling me every time it would happen. Then I realized I could do it on command, whenever I wanted to. It didn't matter what I was doing. As soon as I take a deep breath in and focus on it, at the end of that in-breath I feel it moving from my head all the way down to my feet, like a wave. Sometimes I feel it in my face, sometimes I feel it in my arms, but almost every time, I feel it in my thighs and feet.

It's a peaceful, euphoric feeling, so it makes me feel like it has to do with dopamine or serotonin. But, I am so new to this. I had no idea that it was "weird" that I could do this. Now that I've read others' experiences with it, I've tried to start training the "pulse wave" to go to certain parts of my body. To localize it. And it's worked so far!

Just for fun, last night I was telling my husband about it, and we experimented to see if I could possibly transfer that goosebumpy/tingling wave through my hands to his. So I held on to his hands, closed my eyes, started to take breaths (and on each in-breath, I would get a new wave of this tingly sensation) and focused deeply on moving that tingly feeling to my hands so that it would possibly move to his body.

You know what's super freaky? Not sure if this was just a placebo effect, but he started to get goosebumps in his arms with each "pulse" I was trying to send him. That freaked me out. We stopped. My mind has been blown, I don't know what to do with it! I've been researching Kundalini, and that seems pretty aligned with this whole "chi" energy force that flows within us.

As a side note, I wanted to add that I've always had anxiety, and had troubles with being oversensitive to people. When I was a teenager, I would have nights where I would wake up and notice that my whole body was subtly shaking (in the muscles). For me, this was just annoying and I thought I was just weird. It would keep me up at night, and I'd have to wait it out until the spasms would stop. I'm wondering if these experiences are all connected with the energy flow in us. Maybe some of us are just more sensitive to our own and others' energies? These shakes that I would get always felt like I had too much energy in my body, but I never knew how to explain it.

So much to learn about! If anybody has any other information on things they found out about this, post on the thread! I'm really curious now.

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: CrypticSouthpaw

I wish I found this thread sooner. I have the exact some thing. Ever since I can remember. As another mentioned, I've had visual snow the sounds as well. When I was a kid, I'd go to bed, and be suspended between sleep/wake and it'd be just snow. As for the chills, today has been a bad day, and so I did yet another search. I'm just glad i'm not alone.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 01:57 PM

I would like to share a little trick,

to test peoples that can trigger goosebump/shiver.

For fun and curiosity.

Before doing it, just be sure to be well hydrate.

If not, drink 1 or 2 glass of water and wait a bit.

Take a piece of aluminum foil and cut a little square.

Then, curve it in a way it can stand by itself.

So, let's start the shiver and bring that feeling to the hand.

More precisely to the index finger or middle finger.

Put your finger around 2 or 3 millimeters from the aluminum foil.

When a steam appears on the foil (something after 2s*),

stick it and drag it with your fingertip.

Let me know if you succeed.

*2 or 3s, could be less or more,

depends on the temp of your hand,

the ambient and how hydrate you are.

It's related to the increase of the hand temp.

So it could be done with other methods like running for a while.

But it is fun and interesting doing it in that way.


posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 12:10 AM
Wow, this thread is amazing, if a little dead. Ever since I could remember, I've had that feeling. It starts at the base of my skull, and rushes down through my spine, and throughout the rest of my body. Like a warm, positive feeling, energy. When I was younger, I compared it to an "Electric hug."I used to be able to trigger it manually, but even then the effect of the manual trigger was much weaker than a natural trigger. Like, it gets triggered naturally for me when some positive emotion happens to me. Like, I feel cared for, or protected. If that makes any sense?? Tho, the haircut video just triggered me slightly, so I tried pushing it down my spine. I've never really tried to push one before, just immensely enjoyed the feeling. So when I tried forcing it down my spine, I was totally not expecting what happened next. It felt like an actual electric surge down my spine, not painful but I really wasn't expecting it. It made it about half way down my spine before instinct took over and my reaction was to force it to a stop. Also, like Floke said, "I don't know if it is related, but I can also produce a kind of noise in my ears. Sounds like hard wind blowing on a microphone and it almost drowns the real sounds from outside my head if I do it real hard. I can only do it for a couple of seconds at a time before I have to rest." I can do this also, for as long as I can remember. When I was a little kid, I used to do it while I was laying on a pillow, and made it sound like a heartbeat in my ears. Again, I thought every could do this. Once, when I pinched a nerve in the base of my neck, I was messing around, and tried focusing the energy on the pinched nerve. I really focused on it for a good 15 minutes, and could feel the energy there. After that, I swear to God, my pinched nerve was fixed, and my neck has never felt better. I know I sound like some sort of sci fi freak, but its the truth. Anyway, I originally found this place looking to see if there was anyone else who experienced the euphoric energy feeling I first mentioned. Now I'm wondering if there a way for me to manually trigger and control it, with it's natural intensity. I try meditation, but tbh I don't know if I'm doing it right. Or if I'm focusing on the wrong thing. I'm really interested in this, so if anyone has any advice for me at all, about anything, please let me know.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: RustyWings

Hi, interesting post, could please you describe the way you pushed it?

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: TheQuantumWreck
a reply to: RustyWings

Hi, interesting post, could please you describe the way you pushed it?

Sorry for the late reply. When the "electric" feeling happened, I just tried //pushing// it. It's difficult to explain, but I suppose it was like using a muscle to force it down my spine. I've experimented doing this more since I first posted about it, and each time the same thing has happened. Though, now I know what to expect. It's very shocking, always makes my back jerk forward. The last few times, when I force the feeling from the base of head to my spine, it goes slightly farther down, to about the bottom of my rib cage. All the while, the same electric jarring feeling still happening.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 11:04 PM
Is it possible that these can be symptoms of seizures?

There are different kinds of seizures, sometimes people seize but remain fairly conscious- other times it's like people just zone out a lot or are daydreamy. These other kinds of seizures can be accompanied with strange bodily sensations(inside the body) along with audio and even visual hallucinations. I don't know much about it but it's a possibility. I also know that seizing(all kinds) can be connected to psychological trauma, so it's like the bodies way of dealing with psychological distress.

I'm not sure what it means to be able to trigger these sensations on command(like being able to seize on command? sounds crazy). But, I wouldn't cross out the possibility that these are seizures just because people can trigger it on command. I used to be able to trigger these sensations on command as well. Sometimes they would accompany nightmares though, too, and last even after waking. Either way there was always a sense of being overcome and having to pause in order to let it travel its full course. I always gave into it fully.

Cool thread!

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: CrypticSouthpaw


I went through the EXACT same symptoms in 06'.

Research " kundalini syndrome "
Now bear with me, friend.
You're going to come across a LOT, and I mean a LOT of "outside of the box" material that may get into the "woo-woo" zone.
And you may (very soon) experience symptoms that may scare the crap out of you that comes along with this all. ..

The most disturbing of all being...
(Take it lightly) ...
...the sensation of a serpent shaped "energy"... rising upward from your nether regions, THROUGH your abdomenal organs, up to your heart.
And eventually a piercing experience of energy pronouncing itself THROUGH the top of the crown of your head.

After this, a presence of a thorn-like feeling around the area of your temples and forehead.
, and a pulsing at the center of your brow.

This is your endocrine system activating into an entirely new modality of operation.

You may also feel a sensation like ants under your skin, and hair follicles which to my understanding is the enhanced development of the "nadis", an advanced level of the nervous system.

The nerve ganglia surrounding each endocrine gland for all pre-scientific-eta history has been described symbolically as "chackras" or "churches"
I nevvvver was big on those concepts as far as a reality-based perception of things, but that's the prominent "info" handed down thus far.

Very many people are experiencing this on a concentrated manner at this point in time.

The reason I'm reaching out to you in this manner now is because I saw you posting, and wanted to hopefully have you have some level of understanding to cope with the different stages of what may come.

I didn't have that, and it was QUITE a disturbing moment in life for me, dealing with it all of a sudden without any immediate support or direction at hand.

Message me if your're going through further symptoms and have questions or just want to discuss.

Be well, newly awakened kundalini acolyte.
(I know sounds corny)

posted on Nov, 4 2016 @ 10:37 AM
Dont u guys usualy yawn after provoking it?

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