posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 06:23 PM
"Rats with electrodes implanted in their heads can send information directly from brain to brain, even from different continents."
The experiment, out of Duke university, has 2 rats with electrodes implanted in the motor cortex of their brains separated into 2 identical cages. In
both cages are two levers, only one of which dispenses water (the consequence of pushing the other one is not stated), with a light that goes off as a
cue that it is the correct level. Only the first rat sees the correct cue though, and the information is sent via the electrodes into the second
rat's brain.
In the end it is reported that the second rat was able to push the correct level 85% of the time, a result that they researchers are claiming
indicates is was able to receive and interpret the signal from the first rat.
Here's a link to the
on popular mechanics.
The next step is to try to achieve the same results for different tasks, and with different parts of the rat's brain, as a precursor to eventual
human trials.
On one hand this is fascinating, but on the other this kind of thing freaks me out. Scientists are quick to point out the potential benefits of a more
'efficient' way of communicating information between people, such as saving lives during an emergency situation. On the other hand, as a species we
are too prone to herd mentality, and information cascade behavior to not be exploited should a technology like this be commoditized and marketed. (My
rather long winded commentary is