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Those who think high level figures in government are part of conspiracy.........

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posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by Mandrakerealmz

ahhhh, to be young again ... now there's a fantasy, much like this one ...

but Corruption is done on this planet

just one simple question ... where ?
please, show me.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by ttobban

yet not keep pursuing to regain a ruling authority over the new free land.

they need not pursue it, they negotiated it.
see the previously mentioned treaty of which Article 1 is still active today.

wars are always a necessary evil, history has proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt in any society.

and this persistent war to win "hearts and minds" would be considered what exactly ?

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 02:48 AM
People seem to forget that all of this has been planned for over 100 years with the bulk of the worlds resources and brightest minds. They study things like the effects of colors on your mood and many other exploitable features of the human mind and body. They have models to try to predict social reactions. It isn't like they didn't know we would find out as a matter of fact they mention very clearly that as the time of their ascension nears their activities will no longer be able to be hidden but by then it will be too late.

Its not like the movies or books where one guy and his friends stumble on a secret and take down the bad guys.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by Mandrakerealmz

ahhhh, to be young again ... now there's a fantasy, much like this one ...

but Corruption is done on this planet

just one simple question ... where ?
please, show me.

Pandora's box has been opened already.

I'm not saying there wont be a major world war or global conflict. That will be the catalyst. Or the attempt at a major war. Or a major earthquake like the new Madrid fault going. Its very clear to us they have been planning for something. At this point in time they expected to be much further along.

It will be interesting to see which way things go. But my money is still on when the dust settles we will come out with corruption being the minority force. and majorly declining very rapidly.

Paradigm shifts in thinking and whatnot.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by NihilistSanta

please don't buy into the propaganda

It isn't like they didn't know we would find out as a matter of fact they mention very clearly that as the time of their ascension nears their activities will no longer be able to be hidden but by then it will be too late.
if you breathe, it is never 'too late'.

besides, it sounds like they're announcing an 'accidental' pregnancy

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by NihilistSanta
People seem to forget that all of this has been planned for over 100 years with the bulk of the worlds resources and brightest minds. They study things like the effects of colors on your mood and many other exploitable features of the human mind and body. They have models to try to predict social reactions. It isn't like they didn't know we would find out as a matter of fact they mention very clearly that as the time of their ascension nears their activities will no longer be able to be hidden but by then it will be too late.

Its not like the movies or books where one guy and his friends stumble on a secret and take down the bad guys.

With all due respect,

you are arguing over what color camoflauge to paint the tanks and not looking at the reasons why you are in war.

To put it mildly.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by Mandrakerealmz

you speak as though you have inside knowledge of this plan ??
i seriously doubt the possibility but it's only fair to ask.

Earth is changing and has been for a couple years now ... ever heard of the pole shift ??

wouldn't you want to be somewhat prepared for a catastrophe ??
yeah well as for the new-age outlook, we'll see.

i'm all for a positive outlook but i also firmly believe the human experience severely limits our possibilities.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by Honor93

Im not buying into propaganda here just going by the words of Wells. The war is for minds and that war we are losing. For every person who has "woken up" dozens more have gone to sleep as they grow into maturity. The "enlightened" instead of creating real social change turn to mysticism and magic for power. They have come out on the winning side in nearly every war they have engaged in so I do not underestimate my enemy is all. We have numbers and you are right as long as we breathe we can resist but Im sure they already thought of that. Perhaps the hold up has been in controlling a bio weapon. They wont make their move til they are ready they think many moves a head while we play catch up and debate the minutia of it all.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by Hopechest

I am sorry I do not follow what you are saying. I am not quibbling over small matters as you make it out but instead think more realistically. Im sure you are one of the people who think as long as you have a rifle you are ok but fail to realize they have microwave guns,sound cannons, and drones that you helped to pay for.

The reason we are in a war is because people became complacent and traded away substance for dreams , people are lovers of self and have insulated themselves from the realities of the world. TPTB have merely exploited that.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by NihilistSanta

sorry, i don't buy into all that pre-determined destiny crap.
and to be honest, i think that anyone willing to dismiss a concerted effort to thieve individual liberty and freedom as minutia can't possibly have a dog in this race.

i have no idea which mystical wars you're referring to so without links, source or confirmation, can we get back on topic ?

remember the x-factor ... so long as we exist, so shall it.
even 'game theory' cannot accurately account for X.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by Honor93

Well keep fancying yourself a warrior while you sit there and punch keys. I will be sure to hang a ribbon the tree

And I am not saying anything is predetermined its just that a prepared enemy with resources and strategy has an advantage over a scattered band of internet warriors whose every move is one of reaction. They are proactive.
edit on 3-3-2013 by NihilistSanta because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by NihilistSanta

warrior ya say ?
ok ... see ya on the battlefield, page 3

edit on 3-3-2013 by Honor93 because: fix pg#

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by NihilistSanta

i think i've seen a few more war scenarios in my day than you have so, be that as it may ... how's this supposition been workin' out so far ??

prepared enemy with resources and strategy has an advantage over a scattered band of internet warriors whose every move is one of reaction
and you don't even have to go all the way back to Korea to find the answer

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by Mandrakerealmz

you speak as though you have inside knowledge of this plan ??
wouldn't you want to be somewhat prepared for a catastrophe ??

If I have inside knowledge its only because my extensive research over the years has lead me somewhat in the right direction. # is getting really bad on earth at the moment there's no doubt about that but too many parts of their plan are falling to pieces. People always say they have planned this for hundreds of years. Which is true maybe even thousands. But the general population have been utter stumbling fools for that long as well. That's a bit of a blunt way to put it but it's somewhat true.

If thousands of years ago when all of the ruling families constructing the types of hierarchical societies that they did, Instead if they were more community orientated we would have had a more informed global population much sooner. But without that chance we have indeed never had a plan and only other aristocrats such as themselves deciding to backstab one of there own. We have never had much of a true "For the people Revolution" that actually stabs at the heart of the problem.

Now this may be known but not properly contemplated by everyone but. THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of the elites 100% completely underestimated the effect the internet would have on society as a whole and it indeed has been them playing "Reactionary Catch Up" as you say over the last few years. (Problem, Reaction, Solution)
Has been completely blowing up in there faces the last few years and we are crossing the threshold (already did) of good honest people that understand enough of what needs to be done/ have the balls to do it and are also in the necessary positions within our society.

A big thing people overestimate is the amount of people that need to be "Awake" of the general population for success. it is NOT 100% hell no! Remember the elites make up like 0.01% of global population. And the inner circle is like 0.00001% of global population. The number of people in influential positions around the world that are either correctly informed or at the very least open minded and unwilling to be corrupted necessary for success is substantially lower than most people realize.

This coupled with the fact some of the 0.01% blew off (as many did) all of this as crazy conspiracy. Well now we are entering a time when many of the conspiracies are being exposed mainstream (whats up MR Pope and Vatican Bank ^.^) So some of the 0.01% are waking up and smelling the roses.

Mmmmmmm Right as they almost had full control...... That's got to make the diehard elites infuriatingly angry. Maybe this explains the rift growing between elite factions such as Rothschild and Rockefeller to name a few.

Who know's. I observe and stay alert. Im 600 feet above sealevel and self sustaining
. Some folk around here have A bunker or 2 (lets just put it that way...) I'm as cataclysm prepared as a middle class person who isn't in the "Big Club" can be.

And from here I watch...

edit on 3-3-2013 by Mandrakerealmz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by Mandrakerealmz

you speak as though you have inside knowledge of this plan ??

On that note in another direction. Because of association to groups like Anonymous and that entire Internet subculture for years, Well before any FBI potential Anon false flags and things along that route. I (as you do when you focus in that scene so much especially back in the IRC days) began to have a serious appreciation for capabilities of random individuals within the hacking scene.

The pushed image of the pimply teen with antisocial tendencies whether or not true is utterly irrelevant. The mind is the only thing that matters. And realistically social engineering when you get serious which requires great people skills. Within certain groups in this scene back even before 911 it was like an ego driven game to see who could hack what and try top the secret list of hacks done by various groups within the Scene.

The idea of the government having fake servers that were there to distract people is so laughable. We were psychologically a million years ahead of them in this department back then! This was YEARS before the phrase Cyberwarfare had even been conceived. And only a handful of middle aged to old men even knew what the internet was/ could become.

Anyway back on point. Within this Scene we uncovered SO MUCH CORRUPTION and so much proof of so many things its hard to begin. Some great examples of this in the later years was "Gary McKinnon" the fabled NASA hacker. But back then what could we do? We had no credibility HA. We were encroaching onto Illuminati, Skull and bones secretly controls everything kinda information. But with no credibility and no other avenues at first things didn't really go anywhere. Also information like this heavily divided the Scene. Many not believing what other people had uncovered and then deciding to no longer respect the unwritten hierarchy of "Who's more leet than who".

Things have changed since then. But because of those days and info I heard then about government Plans and NWO Agenda 21 take over and seeing some of it clumsily come along now. I know for sure that a lot of this info is legit and many people all over the world from all walks of life have known for a while.

Don't under estimate hackers
True White Hat Hackers
edit on 3-3-2013 by Mandrakerealmz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by Hopechest

If the Church controlled everything in Medevil Europe, is it possible some group controlled the Church?

From the beginning the Romans controlled the catholic church but I'm afraid there are the otherreligions who by all appearances arent controlled by anyone. Or are they....?
edit on 3-3-2013 by Mike.Ockizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Hopechest

I am with you on this. Who it is will probably never be revealed. I'd like to think Big Oil would be the place to look if you "follow the money" but who knows. At least it's comforting to know that since they have been around since before the Illuminati formed, that the original intent of the Illuminati was as pure and well founded as research shows. So anyone with a bit of skills would know that they were the enemy of this group. Which is why they aren't around any more.

Might look to Rome. I hear lots of roads go that way.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 09:01 AM
Having too much time on my hands and being a curious person, I have come to the conclusion that there are probably 100 to 1000 people on the planet that actually know what is going on. We are all pretty much puppets. I have no idea who holds the strings and i doubt anyone on ATS does either. Changes are coming and who knows what they will bring. It has no doubt been in the works for over a century, probably two centuries. Maybe it will be for the best in the big picture. Maybe not. We will find out in our lifetime though.

One sentence changed the world forever. It came from America and spread like wildfire. The world has not been the same since. That sentence was " All men were created equal"

In my humble opinion, America should be the world leader if it comes down to a One world Government for the simple reason that America gave birth to freedom and equality. It has been bloody and there have been many mistakes made. It is however the birthplace of equality for the entire world. Even if it is not quite everyones reality, it is in their thoughts, and that eventually will become their reality given enough time and determination.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 09:09 AM
Interesting OP, and thanks.

I recently looked up an estimate on how many cells there were in the human body, and the ballpark estimate seems to be something like 10,000,000,000,000. Now if you scale that down to simpler animals, obviously it's going to be less, all the way down to 1.

World population is what? 6,000,000,000 - 7,000,000,000. What's the possibility that at some number of 'cells', people in this case, combined with the information age and international travel and such which unites them, that the planet starts to behave like an organism? So events are not necessarily a master design, but just a stimulus and reponse system which appears to be by design.

Just a thought.

I'm content with my little conspiracies and I'm trying to limit them to a number that my brain can keep up with. I feel that if you fully expose one, you could potentially expose the system (hence my interest in JFK assassination because I think it will relate to a lot of other forces). A larger, sinister system is only as powerful as its members allow it be, because the members are response to the stimulus. If I blow the JFK thing out of the water, maybe I could expose the CIA or something like that, and if there's a larger force, oh well, at least I've taken out one of its strong arms.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by Mike.Ockizard

I'm starting to think it goes way deeper than that. I believe even the bankers are being used as set -pieces in a giant game of world chess played by unknown individuals.

I have always found it rather odd how we can know so much about the Bilderbergs and the NWO, Freemasons, Illumanati...and so on when you have to consider this.

Any group that actually has the ability to wield all the power in the world more than likely has the power to remain deadly silent. I also find it odd that we, as ATS forum goers, are so easily able to put together conspiracies from doing a couple hours of research on the internet.

It doesn't jive.

I think there is something much larger, as Wilson mentioned, that is an unseen force controlling things that we have no idea about.

It's a pyramid structure-

And yea, it goes much higher than the President of a Company.

Ancient Evil eh?

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