reply to post by cocotutch
Ok here we go
I've told a few close friends and family about this but I've never posted anything on the Internet
I just felt the need to put it out there with like minded people.
Over the years I've seen some odd things in the sky including once when I was a child on holidays my brother and I saw a silver "disc" hovering
over the beach while walking far from any other people.
Also when I was young every night I had an overwhelming fear that "something" was coming to get me out of bed and that "they" could move thought
the glass of my bedroom window without breaking or opening the window and that while this was happening I was paralyzed unable to move and a recurring
"dream" that there was a "disc" in my back yard and the first time I saw a portrait/ recreation of a "grey" it was like reliving a terrifying
buried memory.
But the event I wish to speak about was the most real and non dream like and backed up by my friends.
Years ago myself and two friends where camping in the snowy mountains (Australia) we wanted to camp as remotetly as possible the last three hours of
our trip there was down very unused dirt roads through thick bushland.
Once we arrived we set up camp started a big fire close to the pristine river. I'm talking remote wilderness just me and two friends a couple of
fishing poles and chairs and tents and a few cold beers in a sack in the near freezing river keeping them nice and cold. The silence when no one was
talking was beautiful just the wind in the trees of the valley and birds/wildlife calls. Was so remote that occasionally a wombat or kangaroo would
run into the camp and give us a look like "hey what the!"....
The stars above where so clear you could've been forgiven for thinking all the lights in the world where off just beautiful.
Anyway you get the picture.
On the second night we where running low on dry firewood in close to the camp it was my turn to go get...
So I took a torch and headed into the bush searching for dead trees. I want gone for long when the torch went dead so I decided to head back but after
walking for a bit realized I was lost. I stopped for a moment to take my bearings and saw a light in the distance and thought it must either be the
fire or the guys had turned the vans lights on so headed for that but as I got closer realized it was too bright and white a light to be either and
trying to figure it out I thought must be a house all the way out here or tennis court lights?on a house? Whatever it was I was lost and if was a
house then it will be on a road I can find my way from there...
I got right up to a huge gum tree wider than my arms spread wide and the light was behind it unnaturally white a bright... I remember looking around
the tree and have a vague memory of stepping around...
Next I remember I was facing back the way I came, the light was gone and I somehow knew the exact way back to camp.
I thought I'd been gone for around twenty friends where panicked said they'd been looking for me for around three hours...
Later they said theyd seen some strange looking stars they took for satellites
A few days later once I was home I noticed some symmetrical marks on my lower back almost like slits...they went away intone
But ever since just below my right pec I have a grouping of red dots that correspond freakishly of the main stars of Orion...
It's been nearly fifteen years
This is all true I swear on my child