I am going to share with everyone a memory technique on memorizing a list of 30 random objects, and in the correct order.
Every single person reading this right now can do this.
First I want to give you a list of random objects take 2mins and look of the list, after that cover the list and write down in the correct order as
much of the list you can recall from memory.
How did you do?
The first attempt for me was garbage I forgot a lot but I didn’t spend the whole two mins on the list because I thought I had it anyway.
Before I show you how to easily remember that list, let me drop a little back story on how I stumbled on all this.
I had a night off work, so bored I started reading a book by Dominic O’Brien you can have an amazing memory, I read 90 pages into the book before
having to quit due to the requirements needed to continue.
By the first night of reading his book to page 90 I was able to do 30 with easy and recall them the next day, forwards and backwards. By the second
day I just played with 30, the 3rd day I added another 30 to my memory and the 5day I was up to memorizing 100 random items, and if you asked me what
was item #77 on the list I could tell you what it was and what was before it or after it, or run the list from there back to the beginning in correct
Then I stopped adding to work on the other techniques (my goal was 100), granted I could’ve been at 100 in the first 3days but I didn’t rush. My
goal now though is 500.
I will show you the goods of this technique and let Dominic O’Brien give you the details and explanations and further techniques, if you decide to
buy his book, which I think is 3.99 amazon.
I’m just going to show you a starting point.
Ok what you do first is you create a “journey bank”
Your journey bank needs to be something your familiar with, like your house for example.
So for example in my journey bank I started with my old childhood house, starting in the bedroom I would look out the window onto the roof, from there
I went to the bookshelf and then to the top of the landing of the steps and so on…….( there in my room I had 3 stops I would walk to in my
Working in a linear fashion you create 30 unique stops along the way, never going back into the same room. As you walk through your journey think of
how things look, how they smell, and feel. Let your first thoughts take the wheel don’t fight your imagination, you want these unique spots along
your journey to feel as natural as possible, and since they are familiar with you this shouldn’t be too difficult.
*There is a spot on one of my journey maps that has changed over the years, it’s an old brick building we used to play in as kids, in my journey the
building is there, but for years it’s been gone. My memory of the building is so strong that I keep that instead of changing it.
So right now I want you to make a journey bank of your very own, after you have made your journey bank walk through it a few times remembering all the
stops along the way, because each stop is where you will be placing an item at.
Go ahead and just make 12 unique stops or 30, because below I’m going to give you 30 random items you can start out slow with 12 stops or go for
* you don’t have to stay in the house you can walk around the block
Once you are comfortable
Here is your list of 30 random items, walk through your journey bank putting one item at one unique stop along the way, and then after you have done
that go over your journey again until you feel like you have it.
**You might want to stop at your 5th location and recite back from your first location to the 5th spot just to see how well the items are holding in
your brain**
Take as long as you like
1. Horse
2. Toothpaste
3. Spoon
4. Banana
5. Shovel
6. Flag
7. Cake
8. Candle
9. Milk
10. Glow stick
11. Cat
12. Brick
13. Pen
14. Fork
15. Bible
16. Glasses
17. Phone
18. Gun
19. Playing cards
20. Lighter
21. Knife
22. Cow
23. Tire
24. Paint
25. Dress
26. Airplane
27. Speakers
28. Pencil
29. Chair
30. Bed
I’m going to ask a few questions, do not look back at the list.
What was item # 17 on the list?
What was before the tire?
What was after the pen?
Can you do the list backwards?
So how did you do?
When I first learned this (4weeks ago) I was amazed myself and was kind of selfish to be honest, but I had to share it, but for a while I just smiled
at others who were like “whoa” that’s amazing, and if they asked how? I would give a slight clue like a secret I learned, its mine, it has
value. Kind of like the powers that be
It’s great for mental exercise, but like getting into shape physically you have to keep working out.
Today I decided to write this post up to “share” with others what I learned and hopefully you have just learned to, and from here we can learn