posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 11:23 PM
Where are the taxes going? The federal government is raking in historic amounts of money in taxes yet we can't pay the bills?
In case you actually think this country is broke here is a story that should boil your blood.
U.S. to provide $60 million in aid to Syrian rebels
There is enough money to fund
this! I know, 60 million is a very small number for a country. As a metaphor it's like buying the store brand
compared to a name brand. Lets be realistic tho, if you're poor, you buy the store brand.
So where is the money going?
The federal government collected
2012 tax income
It blows my mind we are squabbling about sequestration on one front and hemorrhaging money on another.
If this didn't piss you off, research the rebels in Syria. Al Nusra AKA Al Qaeda is the leading force in the rebel front. Yes folks, put two and two
together, money to the rebels equals money to Al Qaeda.
Left is now right, up is now down and funding terrorist organizations is keeping us safe.
/rant off