Hundreds of years ago we Americans found ourselves in the same position of today. We were overtaxed ignored by our government struggling to survive
and at the mercy of government backed monopolies. America was in peril of becoming a country of slaves working themselves to death just to get by.
Room for advancement, education and earning a fair and livable wage was kept to a select elite class and guarded with zealously. Workers who thought
that they would just quit and start their own business were crushed by the reality of duties and taxes on everything imaginable. Freedoms were being
stripped of local governments and personal freedoms were stripped just as quickly.
With many of the citizenry feeling as though they had no voice in the government and that many of the new taxes and laws left them unable to survive
unrest began to brew. Before long an armed confrontation caused a great loss of life for the civilians but it showed to the real degree that the
unrest had infiltrated everyday life of the citizenry as much as 1/3 the population. That is not to say that the other 2/3 of people were happy,
another 1/3 of people were neutral and 1/3 supportive of the government.
Government involvement of propping up one particular company/Industry spurred one of the biggest and most remembered events of American history. By
forcing American taxpayers to pay higher duties and taxes a once staple crop was quickly too expensive for many Americans to own. The government
began raising revenue it had lost during a long war by taxing everyday items such as sugar or any “Luxury item” it deemed as not necessary for
everyday life.
After these events had unfolded the government tried to limit the citizenry’s access to fire arms first through depriving them of gunpowder and when
the local governments stood firm in the belief these items were necessary for people’s survival and ordered the law null using its own militia. The
government ordered full warrantless searches and seizure for any and all firearms regardless of local government’s laws or permission. This was
done under the guise of safety to stop another massacre from occurring as the military would not be provoked in to firing if citizens were unarmed.
This however was really a precursor to make a military occupation possible.
Freedom to assemble had been severely curtailed the populous could not have more than one town meeting in a year and publicly assembling was pretty
much out of the question. The government
This ladies and gents was the American revolutionary war. The events listed above happened from 1760-1775 15 years it took our forefathers to assemble
come together and decide to revolt against an unfair and tyrannical government. The revolution did not happen overnight and with only 1/3 approval
from the people it was not hugely popular. The events that caused this: The stamp act, Townshend Acts, The Boston massacre, The Boston tea party, The
powder alarm.
Now lets insert what our government is doing to see if we have the same recipe
With many of the citizenry feeling as though they had no voice in the government and that many of the new taxes and laws left them unable to survive
unrest began to brew. Before long an armed confrontation caused a great loss of life for the civilians but it showed to the real degree that the
unrest had infiltrated everyday life of the citizenry as much as 1/3 the population. That is not to say that the other 2/3 of people were happy
another 1/3 of people were neutral and 1/3 supportive of the government.
')Where we have no say unless we are far left or far right and our taxes have increased and our incomes decreased our
survival is almost impossible and becoming more so every day. Public confrontation is brewing and it will have the same results as the Boston
massacre. And just as then 1/3 of people are very unhappy. _javascript:icon('
Government involvement of propping up one particular company/Industry spurred one of the biggest and most remembered events of American history. By
forcing American taxpayers to pay higher duties and taxes a once staple crop was quickly too expensive for many Americans to own. The government
began raising revenue it had lost during a long war by taxing everyday items such as sugar or any “Luxury item” it deemed as not necessary for
everyday life.
')Government has propped up big banking through our tax dollars and even protects them from running bad business models that
hurt American businesses’. They tax luxury items now and are enlarging the luxury taxable item list daily soon soda, coffee anything other than
what’s needed to survive will have a luxury tax added to it. Don’t believe me its already happened with tobacco and being tested with fast
After these events had unfolded the government tried to limit the citizenry’s access to fire arms first through depriving them of gunpowder and when
the local governments stood firm in the belief these items were necessary for people’s survival and ordered the law null using its own militia. The
government ordered full warrantless searches and seizure for any and all firearms regardless of local government’s laws or permission. This was
done under the guise of safety to stop another massacre from occurring as the military would not be provoked in to firing if citizens were unarmed.
This however was really a precursor to make a military occupation possible.
')This is happening now they are hoping that they can pull this off before a massacre happens. If you believe otherwise may I
point out to you that your local law enforcement agencies have in the past ten years became a whole lot more than militarized they are a standing
government militia with apcs and drones. Never seen a apc pull over a guy for speeding have you. the Local governments that are defying these
proposed laws are doing little more than saber rattling as they are hooked on the federal monies being fed to them to keep them complacent it would be
nearly impossible for them to defy these proposed laws if federal monies are to be held ransom if they do not comply ._javascript:icon('
Freedom to assemble had been severely curtailed the populous could not have more than one town meeting in a year and publicly assembling was pretty
much out of the question. The government was taking complete and total control over the populous through legislature and military force.
')This has already been implemented, Occupy Wall Street was a fine example of this whether you support or despise the
movement, it was a watershed moment as legislation aimed at curtailing the right to protest was struck and passed after a media campaign of propaganda
displayed them as free loading moochers blaming the rich for their own laziness. That was not the idea or motivation of their movement but rather the
perfect excuse to curtail the right to assemble peacefully. We also have the patriot act, NDAA as well as a plethora of other legislation in the pipes
to further criminalize any speaking out or gathering as a criminal act. _javascript:icon('
History is repeating its self once again the choice is ours whether to continue to follow the p
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