posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 03:24 PM
Hey case you (and others) wondered why I was so tickled at your "noggin" reference....well here ya go...
A noggin is an old reference to a tree burl...a growth on the side of a tree.
Usually caused by some damage, infection or parasite infestation. They are absolutely beautiful "inside". They make the absolute most beautiful
bowls, cups and spoons. I am a woodcarver and I am always beside myself at the chance of getting a true blue "burl"...or "noggin"...the grain
inside them is almost like magic is beauty beyond description....well...that is a prejudice point of view...I love to carve weird wood.
It's harder to do but the results are always astounding.
here are some "noggins"...
I love is the one thing that helps stop the noise in my head. The more odd and harder the wood is to work with, the more wonderful
and beautiful the outcome...none of these examples could have been turned on a takes good ole mallet and chisel to make these...
Enjoy...and thanks for the laugh....