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Wth is going on today?

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posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 02:32 PM
My guess is that they are probably getting ready for some type of impending terror attack. They aren't going to tell us anything about it because this would make the enemy aware of their planning procedures. They tell us they have no specific intelligence of anything because that would give away their advantage in stopping the attack.

I think these "meteors" could be part of a larger cover story. I'm not doubting that they might seem real, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were by-products of some other type of technology. Lately there has been an increase in "persistent contrails" aka Chemtrails. I wonder if there is a connection?

Are the timings of these events coincidental?

Clearly an entire world exists right in front of our faces, yet we are blind of the knowledge required to fully comprehend it.



posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 02:33 PM
eeem is all this thing true? sounds weard no news sites is write about it.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by MKULTRA

My guess is that they are probably getting ready for some type of impending terror attack. They aren't going to tell us anything about it because this would make the enemy aware of their planning procedures. They tell us they have no specific intelligence of anything because that would give away their advantage in stopping the attack.

I think these "meteors" could be part of a larger cover story. I'm not doubting that they might seem real, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were by-products of some other type of technology. Lately there has been an increase in "persistent contrails" aka Chemtrails. I wonder if there is a connection?

Are the timings of these events coincidental?

Clearly an entire world exists right in front of our faces, yet we are blind of the knowledge required to fully comprehend it.


I agree, theres so many reports even in England near where im from have witnessed something green in the sky but only for a minute, could just be nothing though.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 02:43 PM
WTF??? They yanked the news story guys. It didn't air so I actually called them and got a recording that said...Thank you for calling KATU tv. We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls and appologize for not being able to take your call. Please leave your name and yadda, yadda yadda. So I did. I guess we shall see if they call back, but I will keep trying.

This post was part of a special Halloween Homage to Orson Wells.
Jumping out from behind the server and shouting BOO!

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 02:49 PM
We get KATU here as well.
There's bugger all going on.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 03:08 PM
Pisky...Where are you?

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 03:37 PM
hmm, well I am guessing today is a big day, and might be kept in the history books.
We shall wait and see


posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 03:38 PM
WTF Can someone please tell me what is hapening???

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 04:01 PM
I think this is a modern version of "War of the worlds" that freaked out US a couple of decades ago.

"War of the Worlds: Mars' Invasion of Earth, Inciting Panic and Inspiring Terror from H.G. Wells to Orson Welles"


posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 05:28 PM
Trick or treat? Trick!

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 05:59 PM
A group of assorted alien-looking creatures and dwarvish looking men in fatigues just came to my door demanding sugar. One of them threatened to shoot me with some sort of raygun if I didn't comply!

Obviously Earth is being colonized by a race of hypoglycemic (spelling?) alien midgets.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 06:07 PM
About a month ago people reported that while on a highway where they live in California they saw Chinese military vehicles driving by them one after the other. The day before yesterday in Conn. a lady and her family reported UN vehicles moving down highway 84. This morning I got an e-mail from a friend in New Mexico who said the Germans are there near Los Alamos. Another friend wrote that on Election Day V.P. Cheney is supposed to be in Colorado near Norad. Also one woman said her daughter came home from school only to find out from her that they had a drill and buses came and took all the kids to a secure location. Yet another person write's that on Tues. there is supposed to be what they call WMD/PREPAREDNESS drills.
I would definately say something isn't right.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 07:48 PM
While I find the above post interesting I would like to point out several things.
1. This thread was a halloween trick in honor of a massive experiment in mass hysteria carried out under the pretense that it was just a joke. (War of the Worlds).

2. Links and verifiable facts are an important part of convincing people that America has been invaded by the UN.

3. If in fact America were invaded/occupied against our will, there would be no keeping it secret. They would have to close highways for military movements, there would most likely have been noticeable attacks on infrastructure: especially fuel distribution infrastructure, highways, airports, and of course military bases.

4. If America were for some reason -allowing- UN troops into the country, I'm afraid things would look a lot like the post 9/1 situation, except for certain key differences. The similarities include the military presence/control of airports, major transportation hubs, and financial infrastructure centers such as NYC. The rise in oil prices and talk of opening the reserve (to fuel troop movements) would fit in. The deployment of US forces to close contact with the occupiers (where nationalist elements in the military could be kept in check), such as the record number of carrier deployments several months ago to training excercises would be important. There would also need to be a revamping and testing of police and intelligence systems to serve the new arrangement (homeland security fits the bill).

So it's not inconcievable if you want to be paranoid. The difference is that America 1. Doesn't need foreign occupation for any use of its own. 2. Isn't showing any signs of deference to UN Security Council members. 3. Isn't downsizing it's own military or cutting back on spending for the future- an occupier would want to cut back recruitment/retainment of the military to pave the way for reduced hardware acquisitions and ultimately balancing the US budget to make us profitable by eliminating much of our military spending.

There is only one thing that REALLY keeps me paranoid about the US Military these days. They don't close bases the way they used to. Most people in Palm Springs, CA have no idea that Patton trained an army in this area. This is where they trained for Northern Africa- but all that's left is a place called "Slab City" where all that's left is cement slabs and a few roads. The fences and corrugated steel buildings are gone even.
Now we leave everything in place. The airforce base here in San Bernardino was put to use: it's an airport and houses CDF airtankers now. The base housing is still abandoned though. I know there is a demand for cheap housing in a slum like this, but for some reason they left them there to house transients and make this area even worse to live in. It makes me wonder what the hell the USAF has in mind for that place. Do they want to open it back up some day or what? Just why the hell do you need an hundreds of houses in a fenced in area right next to the airport for that keeps you from selling them?

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