posted on May, 11 2014 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to:
Could it be that SOMEONE or SOMETHING created it, and fed it to people, until they became ravenous, carnivorous beasts, instead of harmonious
human beings with good will towards everyone?
I'd have to disagree. Not to sound like a terminator movie but war is in our nature. Fighting is the way of nature and it's seen in nature, across
the breadth of it. Living against that is what takes the effort and where people need to work at it some.
I really didn't understand or realize HOW deeply ingrained hostility is until studying primates a bit. Not zoo animals, but the long term work done
in watching the African primates. It was startling at first to realize some of the behavior they were recording were literal combat patrols along the
borders of ape or chimp 'territory'.
It wasn't until I saw it on video, and wouldn't have believed it otherwise, they actually attack and kill in coordinated groups. Sometimes from
opposing directions to converge on time, on the offending members of a rival group.
Nothing 'fed' it to them, and the easier state of living would be in peace with nearby groups. However, that's just not what is seen in nature, or
in man. (Serial murder has also been recorded in primates, including multiple working together committing serial murders within a group. Infanticide,
or the equivalent, in that last case)
Nowadays games are just as linear as movies. Go through THIS EXACT ROUTE, to THIS EXACT POINT, do THIS EXACT THING, and then WATCH A BORING
Half Life and it's direct spin offs were like that, sure. The power when it released just wasn't there for open world playing the way many games are
now. Half Life was brilliant and revolutionary, in the words of many reviews (and I'd tend to agree) for the reactive artificial intelligence of the
other side. Specific damage areas on targets and amount based on that was also kinda new as I recall.
Now though? I'm generally playing games like Far Cry II & III, Just Cause II and the STALKER series (love replaying those with different mods). All
are open world and to different degrees, open plays to different outcomes, or none at all.