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Valve and TPTB control over the video game Industry

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posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

as a world class zombie player?.....

please lol.... noob much?

i really dont know what a world class zombie player would know since thats where kids go that have bad K/D's and can't handle multilayer, GB, MLG, or AGL, likke one of my good friends who considers himself a "World Class Zombie Player" because of his zombie ranks...

but then again he has a 0.45 online k/d with over 10,000 kills.... sooo WCZP doesn't mean anything to someone thats actually good :\

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by ForwardDrift
Agreed. Plus, today's audiences are somewhat more sophisticated than previous societies gamers. Remember when simply defeating a monster by stomping on his head, while being an Italian plumber was good enough? Well, now audiences want a more engaging and detailed plot with their gaming experience. And sometimes those plots require human drama and intrigue. And where else will game artists/writers get their inspiration, but from mimicking the real world and its political problems?

Ha ha ha, yeah, I'm a dino gamer.
I was gaming before computers had graphics and I remember being so excited to have DigDug on my Franklin Ace--with graphics!! lol There was actually some smart games back then. It wasn't all just Mario Bros. The Zork and Myst series would be a couple of good examples of "smart" games--both of which included a variety of things drawn from pop culture to history to politics. I remember playing a spy game that was pretty smart as well. I can't remember the name but you had to be able to do cryptography to beat it. Those kind of games did exist but they were rarer because of the issues with carrying them over with the tech that was available at the time. A 2d scroller doesn't require much tech--or storyline, lol. Way easier to translate. Zork was originally only a text based game and Myst had no dialogue at all--just occasional monologue. As the capabilities of computers increased, it made it possible for more enhanced storytelling to exist through more immersive environments and really that's why we have the kind of games we do today. I just get frustrated sometimes when there's too much cut scene now--like in Aliens: Colonial Marines. I was getting bored with all the cut scenes, lol.

P.S. I am a gaming champ and have been acknowledged and had the championship match hosted on the G4 channel so fear the dinosaur, hee hee.
edit on 28/2/13 by WhiteAlice because: added the ps.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 02:35 PM
Any worth while game released on a platform (Playstation/Xbox/Nintendo) will 99.9999999% come out on Steam. That's what makes Steam so great. I could see where your coming from with the Video but I think that's a little bit of a streatch.

What I have noticed is a batlefront with game dev's if you are an avid RPG via Square/Atlus/Blizzard all these game devs have very cryptic story lines that play on actual historical events. Not that it's all historically accurate but they really chase the story around by adding historical items/weapons/armor et cetera. Coincidence?

I've always thought that atlease~

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by WanderingThe3rd

By world-class I mean that I consistently rank among the top players on a variety of leader boards. Noob? No....I've been on Zombies since the beginning.

Insult much?

thats where kids go that have bad K/D's and can't handle multilayer, GB, MLG, or AGL, likke one of my good friends who considers himself a "World Class Zombie Player" because of his zombie ranks...

I hear this all the time from those that play multiplayer exclusively. Rarely do they take the time to understand the intelligence, patience and split-second timing it takes to figure out the various Easter eggs or to make it to the high rounds.

Don't forget that we are all gamers, we just happen to enjoy different aspects of the game. You like multiplayer....fine. Enjoy.

I like Zombies because I have complete control over how the game is played and am not at the whim of those "noobs" that you claim I may be.

I happen to have a friend that makes his money on Youtube by posting mutliplayer Domination games. He's an awesome player, but can't get past round 20 on Zombies because he has the same mindset as you; thinks zombies is for noobs and will not take the time to learn the patterns and intricacies of a zombies game.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 02:51 PM
For some real "hmm" thinking, go play FF VII again and think about real-life geopolitics in the past 10 years...

Almost like someone at SquareEnix had an idea of what the next decade would look like. When Shinra destroys the Sector 7 plate and kills all of those people just to kill the "terrorists", and then blames the attack on "the terrorists". First video game False Flag, quite possibly!

Maybe the planners of the 9/11 False Flag had a Playstation in the break room...


posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

I'm going to totally back you up on this. Just because someone chooses to play a different type of game doesn't make them a noob. It just means that their gaming preference is different from yours. You might be able to stomp faces in a fps game but you may suck at another type of game. I have friends who are professional gamers and it's funny how sometimes they'll play a different game with me and suck it up. They don't take it too well, lol. My personal choice as of late has been to not play multiplayer games at all because I'm at this point where I want to play games to simply relax and frankly I really don't want to deal with other players right now for a variety of reasons. None of those reasons are a lack of skill on my part.* It's just a choice.

*Now if I started playing multiplayer games again, it'd probably take me a day to speed back up to my normal reactions speeds--ai can make for laziness with the aiming at times, lol.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Heliophant

I'm right there with you Helio, these RPG games where the dev's play out these scenerio's is very Cryptic indeed if you have played them and know there stories. Your absolutly correct and I feel the same way. Not that they have a psychic working for them, maybe it's just where the mind takes individuals when they start imagining and creating.

I.E- Art mimic Life~ But then again it goes farther than FFVII, even the prior Final Fantasy series there's massive earth changes with continents shifting (Geo-Engineering Politics) and so much more. You'd literally had to have played them all to see what your talking about. God I played to many games growing up =/

It's just to fetching weird and to much of a coincidence to say otherwise.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to post by WanderingThe3rd

By world-class I mean that I consistently rank among the top players on a variety of leader boards. Noob? No....I've been on Zombies since the beginning.

Insult much?

thats where kids go that have bad K/D's and can't handle multilayer, GB, MLG, or AGL, likke one of my good friends who considers himself a "World Class Zombie Player" because of his zombie ranks...

I hear this all the time from those that play multiplayer exclusively. Rarely do they take the time to understand the intelligence, patience and split-second timing it takes to figure out the various Easter eggs or to make it to the high rounds.

Don't forget that we are all gamers, we just happen to enjoy different aspects of the game. You like multiplayer....fine. Enjoy.

I like Zombies because I have complete control over how the game is played and am not at the whim of those "noobs" that you claim I may be.

I happen to have a friend that makes his money on Youtube by posting mutliplayer Domination games. He's an awesome player, but can't get past round 20 on Zombies because he has the same mindset as you; thinks zombies is for noobs and will not take the time to learn the patterns and intricacies of a zombies game.

no not really, i'm pro at zombies, only because i'm pro at multilayer also, zombies is the most mindless, easy game i play, and only when i'm bored, i safetly say the population is 90% noobs, and the other 10 percent you can never get into a game with unless you have them as friends, luckily i do

and your friend obviously isn't that great just cause he posts his games like sheet, i stream on justin tv twitch tv and youtube and i'm not the best, but i can get to level 40 by myself on zombies :|, its mindless

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by WanderingThe3rd
and your friend obviously isn't that great just cause he posts his games like sheet, i stream on justin tv twitch tv and youtube and i'm not the best, but i can get to level 40 by myself on zombies :|, its mindless

Streaming doesn't mean jack. I have friends who aren't that great at gaming that asked me to check and make sure that their streams worked....

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:25 PM
How did this get into who's the best gamer??? If anyone wants my tag name in Steam u2u me I will be more than happy to enjoy some gametime via Left For Dead 2 / Torchlight 2 / Boarderlands 2 name it and I would be more than happy to dominate a game with any of you threaders. No Modern Warfare as I get my giggles taking the real guns to the range for practice.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:26 PM
1) In regards to "world class zombie" anything...tell you what. Survive 30 days in Project Zomboid..then you can boast. Not everything is fps

2) About secret messages in there is nothing subtle or secret..they go through great pains quite often to explain and show in detail all sorts of NWO/Illuminati stuff. Check out the plotline of Assassins Creed with the historical coverups and all sorts. Typically in a game world, if you see a symbol of something cultish...its not hidden on some wall you never look at intentionally...its right there, bright lights shining on it, a big description, possibly part of a quest, etc...subtle? naa...
Game Developers are wonderful, have a wild imagination, and a good conspiracy. Games are a medium to bring their thoughts on it to life...Why would they hide some awesome narratives when the point of gaming is to bring such things into actual interaction and it alien coverups, secret power sources, globalists run amok, etc.

3) Gaming is awesome...I don't care if its exposed Lucifer himself is hand coding every game..I will keep playing. Gaming keeps one sharp, relevant, in tune with todays tech, imaginative, etc...the only issue with gaming is getting off the chair and doing a half hour of cardio now and then...otherwise, it is perhaps the best thing society has invented for helping the brain remain active.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by sulaw
How did this get into who's the best gamer??? If anyone wants my tag name in Steam u2u me I will be more than happy to enjoy some gametime via Left For Dead 2 / Torchlight 2 / Boarderlands 2 name it and I would be more than happy to dominate a game with any of you threaders. No Modern Warfare as I get my giggles taking the real guns to the range for practice.

Because it's a thread about gaming that happens to contain gamers. For the record, I'm just trying to intervene because my pet peeve are gamers who call other gamers noobs. It's kind of humorous but I really have rabidly defended some player on the bottom of a scoreboard over voice comms from a harasser. lol

I'd add you but then I'd have to figure out how to wipe your mind of my alternate identity....

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

So then for the children who grew up with original Atari/Nintendo/Super Nintendo/Sega Genisis/Sega Saturn/Dreamcst et cetera playing all the games. Could this be why many gamers are into conspiracy theories and the occult? Because we have been predisposed to those symbols and legends via video games??? Doesn't sound so far fetched to me but i'm curious what say you? Could video games actually be a way to wake up generations to the oddities in life and TPTB?

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Look, the subliminal messaging thing, whatever, it's pure speculation on why they do it in the first place.

I've been playing video games since I was 5. Sad, I know. Video games for me have been more or less an escapism. I can kid my self when i'm playing Total War to actually think I'm learning something.

Keeping the brain active? I can somewhat agree to that, but most video games are just a tool to escape reality. (like a lot of things in life!)

I guess my whole "point" was that video games can be used to "distract" people on a massive scale. But on the other hand, the more video game people play, the higher chance they will visit the Internet. Which is always a good thing.

Well anyway

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by sulaw
reply to post by SaturnFX

So then for the children who grew up with original Atari/Nintendo/Super Nintendo/Sega Genisis/Sega Saturn/Dreamcst et cetera playing all the games. Could this be why many gamers are into conspiracy theories and the occult? Because we have been predisposed to those symbols and legends via video games??? Doesn't sound so far fetched to me but i'm curious what say you? Could video games actually be a way to wake up generations to the oddities in life and TPTB?

Sent you a U2U btw. Was joking about wiping your mind.

I was actually pondering that one while replaying the AC series because there was just so much in there. The thing is, I'm not convinced that those early games set me up for any kind of acceptance of conspiracy theories (I actually tend to be a debunker anyways) or even the occult. Even before I was gaming, I was super into mythology and symbolism. I don't watch tv as entertainment and haven't ever. I almost wonder if the gamer connection may be because we're doing something that actually enhances brain function instead of sitting on a couch being mindlessly entertained or even potentially hit with more "other people's opinions".

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

Thank you. Very well said.

reply to post by WanderingThe3rd

You know, I was just trying to give a little background to accompany my opinion on games and TPTB. It was not my intention to get into a "pissing match" or to derail this thread with insults about what other people choose to play.

For someone that claims to be such a good gamer, you do not exemplify the intelligence and patience it takes to become a great player, nor have you shown respect for your fellow gamers.

Isn't that how noobs really act?

Well, anyway.....this noob's out!

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:45 PM
On the game brain issue:

Pretty fair article though, as somebody who has been a fps gamer since Quake, I do kind of question the violence thing. If fps gaming was going to make me violent, you'd think that I'd have snapped by now...

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

I was actually pondering that one while replaying the AC series because there was just so much in there. The thing is, I'm not convinced that those early games set me up for any kind of acceptance of conspiracy theories (I actually tend to be a debunker anyways) or even the occult. Even before I was gaming, I was super into mythology and symbolism. I don't watch tv as entertainment and haven't ever. I almost wonder if the gamer connection may be because we're doing something that actually enhances brain function instead of sitting on a couch being mindlessly entertained or even potentially hit with more "other people's opinions".

I was definately the same way and always loved Mythology/Dragons/Knights and saving the princess... No Bowser required though I did enjoy sending him to the fiery lava below ^_^

Playing RPG games actually helped my reading comprehension, especially so because I was diagnosed with a form of Dislexia where as I do not stop reading and don't use read/acknowledge Punctuation marks. Hence they say no information is retained, so I can speed read but not remember. I remember sitting in front of the TV actively using my brain to figure out what the heck i'm supposed to do to progress and whoop some Imp dupa~ So when people tell me games make you dumb or less intelligent... I say.... Naaaaaaay you need to play a game that requires active thinking and the thought process, problem solving skills.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by sulaw
reply to post by SaturnFX

So then for the children who grew up with original Atari/Nintendo/Super Nintendo/Sega Genisis/Sega Saturn/Dreamcst et cetera playing all the games. Could this be why many gamers are into conspiracy theories and the occult? Because we have been predisposed to those symbols and legends via video games??? Doesn't sound so far fetched to me but i'm curious what say you? Could video games actually be a way to wake up generations to the oddities in life and TPTB?

Well, if we are going into the realm of speculation, I would venture to say the greater aspect of gaming teaches people they are master of their own reality.
Gaming..where you control a avatar and in the physics of the presented platform, attempt to carve out the existence a way, this is also the concept of a soul to a human body, no?

But less theological..does the creative symbolism of gaming overall wake a person up to the functions of a world? I would say no more than any book or long running television show. The difference of course being you feel not an observer of that world, but as a part of the props take on more meaning.

In a book, if a dragon appears, I wonder how the character will overcome it. same in a television show..but in a game, I wonder how I will overcome it. It becomes personal, therefore more meaningful.

Of course it depends also on what type of games your playing for result. a person whom plays pong and solitare won't be as effected as someone whom has read every book in the elder scrolls and completed every plotline, etc. Gaming is so broad that there really needs to be catagories outside of "casual" and "hardcore".

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Kang69
I guess my whole "point" was that video games can be used to "distract" people on a massive scale. But on the other hand, the more video game people play, the higher chance they will visit the Internet. Which is always a good thing.

Well anyway

Well, it depends on how you look at it.
Do video games distract? sure..but so do books, television, hell, even cooking or painting a house. Distractions really can apply to anything outside of the basic needs for life (food, shelter, clothing). It is however part of maslov's hierarchy of needs (probably killed that spelling).

The internet is the greatest distraction tool ever in my opinion..and thank god for that.

We gather more information in a week on average than a person a hundred years ago would get in a lifetime. Information overload

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