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The REAL reason for civil unrest: must read

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posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 04:01 PM
You really don't think that this sinkhole in Florida is part of any big picture. Florida is sinkhole prone. I can't remember what lake it was in Florida but the lake drains every 10 years or so in this massive holes that were once sinkholes. Their best guess is that it goes into the aquifer. As for the size it will get, my money is on just that property and possibly the ones adjacent. It seems like a typical sinkhole and someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I believe we are in the end times. Prophecy of the popes, two comets this year and one next year that will smash into mars (going to be so bright you will see it during the day), and asteroids coming down out of no where.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 04:04 PM

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by CajunBoy
You really don't think that this sinkhole in Florida is part of any big picture. Florida is sinkhole prone. I can't remember what lake it was in Florida but the lake drains every 10 years or so in this massive holes that were once sinkholes. Their best guess is that it goes into the aquifer. As for the size it will get, my money is on just that property and possibly the ones adjacent. It seems like a typical sinkhole and someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I believe we are in the end times. Prophecy of the popes, two comets this year and one next year that will smash into mars (going to be so bright you will see it during the day), and asteroids coming down out of no where.

I believe someone (S) is preparing for a war.

AND yes, we are in the end times I agree.

The tribulation is about to happen as well ; and this is a sign of it


on this soil and perhaps this is the start of armageddon

edit on 2-3-2013 by ArtisticOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by happykat39

Originally posted by thepolish1
reply to post by happykat39

Ok, I'm sorry, It was a bit out of line, sorry, You, however, are one though a life experience on the job, and for that I hold the highest respect for you in that aspect. It was a slam for engineers for BP. For letting the mess down there get out of hand.
edit on 2-3-2013 by thepolish1 because: (no reason given)

I wasn't really offended, I just wanted to twist your tail a little. I forgot to put the smiley face LOL after the comment.

You got me.........
I owe you one!!!!


posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by planefixer
reply to post by nothingwrong

Thank you very much, I believe he caught me on mis-spelling a lot. I put alot, Well, some people can type better than others, I however have a RSI(repeditive stress injury), and recently broke my thumb, which ironically is the finger I usually use to hit the space bar.

On topic, Sink holes are opening everywhere these days. It is a very scary situation in Louisiana. And some of the stuff that is stored in the salt caverns aren't anything to laugh at by any means. I do believe there is one with radioactive waste in it. Well, anyone with any sort of normal thought processes can figure out it would not be good.
edit on Sat Mar 2 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by CajunBoy
You really don't think that this sinkhole in Florida is part of any big picture. Florida is sinkhole prone. I can't remember what lake it was in Florida but the lake drains every 10 years or so in this massive holes that were once sinkholes. Their best guess is that it goes into the aquifer. As for the size it will get, my money is on just that property and possibly the ones adjacent. It seems like a typical sinkhole and someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I believe we are in the end times. Prophecy of the popes, two comets this year and one next year that will smash into mars (going to be so bright you will see it during the day), and asteroids coming down out of no where.

Cajun, I should have given you credit for the information that prompted me to start this thread. And the sink hole in Florida, thats just some crazy stuff there.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by thepolish1

Pay no attention to the idiot posters here. Anyone with any intelligence has read at least a little about the sinkhole, and understands the connections.

I agree with you. The "experts" down there don't even know what to expect. And the gov't is keeping it out of the MSM.

It's a disaster in the making - and if you live anywhere in the mid west, south, and Mississippi River areas, you should be aware of this.

I totally agree, I live in Indiana and if the New Madrid ripped, we would feel it here. I also have relatives in Tennessee that would get the brunt of it happening.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by AuntB

Yes Auntb, When they bought all the dehydrated food, that was the start of my trip down the rabbit hole. I was on sites that there was either a 6 week or 6 month hold on all orders, due to a government order. And it was on every site I got on. I'll admit, I'm a little dense from time to time, but little red lights started going off for me. And that sent me on my quest to figure out why.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by thepolish1

I do not seek recognition, my journey is to spread the truth and watch it catch like wildfire.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by thepolish1

edit on 3-3-2013 by CajunBoy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by CajunBoy

I'd love nothing more than for this to spread like wildfire. I was pretty P.O.'d when I read the article, And I think most people who would be affected by it would be to.

You have methane bubbling up in your back yard?? I hope you stay safe.

You my friend gave me the information, now, I can use my proverbial mouth to get it noticed. or try anyway.

posted on Mar, 4 2013 @ 11:57 AM
I really had hoped that more people had read this. However, I am going to put something down that I had seen on youtube. There is a video of Obama making a practice speech, and that is what that one is, practice. The night I came across it, I also seen another one that I can not find, That Obama looks like he just stepped off a golf course, wearing an off-white polo shirt, black dress pants, the surroundings looked thrown together in a lobby somewhere. And he was speaking of more earthquakes to come and total devistation in California, and Flordia, and to stay indoors and await further instructions. I hope I never see this, but, if we do, you heard it here first.

posted on Mar, 4 2013 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by thepolish1

Good thread, and an important warning to people in the South-central and Midwest U.S. The BP boys should all have been imprisoned years ago, and it's a shame that they've never really paid for their crimes and cover-ups. I remember when the spill was in progress that there was a "no-fly" order over the gulf, like in a darn war zone, after a private pilot filmed the struggles of dozens of dolphins trying to swim through the oil. So now, if this methane problem escalates, we'll know it from the sound of the explosions. If it blows open there is no hiding it then.

Thanks for putting up a discussion about a viable concern. New Madrid is the coyote in the henhouse, or the hens sitting nervously in the coyote's house just waiting for them to get home. I don't remember seeing it, but I'd guess TrueAmerican would have had a thread or comments about the possibility of a New Madrid superquake.

edit on 4-3-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Aleister

Thank you for replying Aleister, I was playing on youtube last night, and apparently, I'm not the only one who made the connection. It talks about the New Madrid, and the sinkhole in Louisiana, and the salt domes, I am copy and paste challenged, or I would've posted the video. It is about time the sink hole gets natioanl attention. There was a story in Forbes on it and at the next town meeting on March 9, Erin Brokivich will be in attendance.

Another thing I brought up in another thread was, with all the fireballs, meteorites, and such we have been having coming through our amtosphere, if one hit close to the sink holes, and or the saltdomes, it would not be pretty. It also stated that one of the saltdomes is filled with radioactive waste. Over a million barrels worth.

Some posters on here wanted to give me grief over grammar, and could not understand the simple logic of what I was trying to convey. Maybe if the New Madrid did go, they figured, "I live far enough away, it won't affect me." I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, If the New Madrid goes, the San Andreas would be affected. If one fault line goes, it puts added stress to other tetonic plates.

Thank you again for your input.

Down in west Tennessee, the quakes of the 1800 is something of folklore down there, but I remember seeing a picture of a fence that had been pulled apart by about 2 1/2 -3 feet. And Reelfoot Lake, beautiful place. Bald eagle houses in the cypress trees, water, it was formed by that quake. Isn't it ironic that something so beautiful was made from something so violent?
edit on 5-3-2013 by thepolish1 because: had to add

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 11:41 AM
A very large methane plume was responsible for an odor up and down the southern CA coast on Sunday.

I believe there was also a small quake in the area so I think the plume was most likely caused by the tectonic plate movement. I think this is happening all over the place, like in Florida right now. Also on Sunday, there was earth shaking reported up and down the Gulf Coast from Port Charlotte to Naples.

The shaking wasn’t consistent throughout the whole region but reported in several areas as a shaking that lasted up to minute on some occasions. Also, some didn’t report any booms. The TV news down there says the cause is most likely a sonic boom from an Air Force Base in the keys doing some training out on the Gulf. This shaking happened on the same day that a second sinkhole was reported in Seffner, FL where the guy died in his bedroom from a sinkhole a couple days prior to the second one. Now, today there is a third sinkhole reported in Pinellas County which is on the other side of the bay from Seffner. All these events are happening along the coasts, same as the sinkhole in Louisiana.

Anyways, the USGS reports no activity in Florida, but I’m not sure yet if I’m buying it. I’ve asked True American if there can be a mistake on this. He would know. I think we’re treading on some shaky ground here, pardon the pun, but it’s true. I believe that we’ve been experiencing a lot of earth crust movement and it’s causing all these problems we’re dealing with. I think it’s been happening for a while and it’s only getting worse, that’s why we’re noticing things now. It was probably plate movement that originally caused the salt caverns to collapse in the first place causing the Bayou Corne sinkhole. There were hundreds of tremors down there just days before the sinkhole and plenty more since. And since, we’ve had methane bubbling happening all over the place down there in people’s yards, swamps and lakes.

IMO the earth’s crust is experiencing a lot of movement due to pressure from weight of melting Arctic ice and permafrost. This is adding more water to the sea as the ocean’s rise. Most of the phenomenon that’s happening is happening around the coasts. Here are a couple more threads, first my thread that explains the displacement of weight on the earth’s crust. When the water takes on the melting ice, this adds more weight on the weak continental shelf’s below and this also takes pressure off the land underneath the permafrost which also causes a shifting of the plates.

Here is the dangerous gas thread that ties in all the phenomenon to one theory about methane and hydrogen sulfide.

Here’s a link to a website that also shares a lot of information about the dangers of these gases.

Jumping Jack Flash Hypothesis

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 11:14 AM
WOW Rez, I gotta go back and read all the stuff you posted. I saw on the RSOE there is another asteriod that is gonna pass 2.5 lunar distances on the 8th. It's called 2013 ET. They found it when the meteorite hit Russia apparently.

On a side note, u can u2u me. What on earth do you do for a living??Just curious.

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