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The Waiting Game: Careful what you post

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posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 09:05 AM
I guess in order to be worried...

I'd have to believe I'm significant. I'm not.

Oh, and I'm a vet. They already have me tagged and bagged so to speak.

~ Cirque

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 09:15 AM
I don't think filling out any questionaires on,ine is a good thing.

Yes, these questions seem innocuous, and the OP may not have had nefarious goals in posting them, but that doesn't mean that an industrious person couldn't use the information on your ATS profile and post and do a simple google search to determine who you are. A hacker might use this information to get your read iID and then they would have clues to accessing any password encoded info.

That is a key reason why I don't like sites like Facebook that encourage you to list your maiden name, city of birth, have pet pages, etc.. All of theses are frequently used as password identifiers.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

No worries smyleegrl! You are right, not everything is a conspiracy. Those of us that replied to you are waiting with anticipation for the results you come up with
. Good job!

Norma Jean

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

Me too! They already know where I live and what I do.

Norma Jean

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth
I guess in order to be worried...
I'd have to believe I'm significant. I'm not. Oh, and I'm a vet. They already have me tagged and bagged so to speak.

Do you think the term "terrorist" applies to us older Vets as well? - Or is the Marxist/communist label just intended for the more recent highly trained, and well armed - angry Vets?

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Infi8nity

Not so much of a particular site (unless it's fb or g+). I used to be a mod of a few sites and there were a few posters that we would have loved to id but could not. Patterns of behavior are predictable, yes, but id down to name--nope. Google knows that info--not a forum unless you give it to them. Could be wrong as things may have changed since I last moderated a board. Been a few years.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by OzarkIke

No, I don't think I'm familiar with either. I know Atreyu has a song called Doomsday, though. I love rock music. My top two favorite bands are Led Zeppelin and Tool.

A few other favorites in alphabetical order - ACDC, Avenged Sevenfold, Black Keys, Black Label Society, Brand New, Breaking Benjamin, Bullet for my Valentine, Chevelle, Deftones, Doors, Evanescence, Five Finger Death Punch, Flyleaf, Heart, Incubus, the Jimi Hendrix Experience, Korn, Linkin Park, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Mastodon, Metallica, Nirvana, A Perfect Circle, Pink Floyd, Rage Against the Machine, Rammstein, Rob Zombie, Rolling Stones, Santana, Slipknot, Smashing Pumpkins, Staind, Stone Temple Pilots, Sublime, Three Days Grace...those are just a few...I like a LOT of stuff from classic rock up til contemporary rock.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth
I guess in order to be worried...

I'd have to believe I'm significant. I'm not.

I feel exactly the same. I'm just not important enough for anyone to care and for me to be worried.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by OzarkIke

I think there is compelling evidence to show that veterans are considered possible threats by the government. While I believe that 99% of soldiers will adjust and adapt just as they did in entering the military - the 1% is still a concern.

There are some veterans who have a very difficult time returning to civilian life. In some cases, the transition can create dis-order in the mind.

Another reasoning - the horrors Veterans were witness to and asked to take part in. That can turn any mind around, especially again, once being returned into the general populace. As a nurse, put in a position to care for these soldiers coming home from theater (day in and day out) - even I was affected by the horror. These soldiers would do a year to 18 month tour in very inhospitable circumstances, when they were sent to me when hurt - I found myself in my own theater, four continuous years. But my experience was, always receiving the wounded. I've treated more than five hundred wounded soldiers - most of which were missing limbs or burned over vast amounts of their body. I've seen several, over a half dozen, of my patients get out of the hospital, only to learn later, they committed suicide.

These are just two examples. I've others, but it's personal and I don't wish to share. If I can barely share it with my therapist, I'm not going to share it here. I buried it and worked four years in the military, until finally it overtook me where I couldn't function anymore. So I got out. In being returned to civilian life, without the structure the military provides to cling to to push it out (the experiences), I was lost.

So I understand the concern. That might not be popular, to understand, but I do. I don't see a devious agenda in their concern over veterans, I think it's a legitimate concern.

edit on 28-2-2013 by CirqueDeTruth because: revision

edit on 28-2-2013 by CirqueDeTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 10:27 AM
They wouldn't need the questionnaire to find out about us.

They KNOW all of us.

Even YOU.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by jcutler12888
reply to post by OzarkIke

I know, and I agree. But some people take it to an extreme. I mean, would you be opposed to sharing your life story in front of a large group of people if you thought it would make a difference? You're almost safer sharing things with people online than you are in real real life, people can follow you home and break in and do as they please if you aren't prepared for such situations. Online...people can troll you and try to start flame wars, they can't come through the computer and get you...and they don't have the resources available to track you down, 99% of the population doesn't, especially in America where the government keeps resources and technology for tracking people down all to themselves and away from the general public. And speaking of the government...there's no use in trying to hide. To be a total nerd and quote the Borg, "Resistance is futile". But honestly, I don't care what the government knows about me...Hell, any of the ABC's could come to my door and drag me off and throw me where ever or even put a bullet in my head and I STILL wouldn't care, but I'm rational enough to know that they would never do that. No, no...they simply wait and watch and listen, and they will do so until they decide to make a move against us all. And then, it really isn't gonna matter what I said in a support group or to my therapist or on an open forum. Neither is anything that anyone else said (or didn't say).

I just had to quote that, I think it's one of the most rational post's I've seen in years
Thanks Jennifer.

The fear and paranoia of the internet boggles my mind. The web should be the greatest social tool of all time. Instead it carries the stigma of some evil technology that if anyone actually knows who you are you will be robbed, beaten, murdered, taken away by the black suburbans never to be seen again. LMFAO! Everyone hides behind some mysterious alter ego screen name, for fear that if anyone knew the real you it would surly be your demise. This is part of the growing pains of becoming globally aware, it creates a de-humanizing effect. I rarely thank anyone for a post, but see what I did above, I said thanks to a person, not superdarkcyberknight105906 lol. My screen name is my real (first)name middle and last initial so when people respond to me, they are responding to ME not some figment of my imagination.

I use the same screen name where ever I post for just that reason. I would post my pic as an avatar to except my BG is one of the best pieces of photoshop art I've done in years...don't need my ugly mug plastered over it. I have no problem standing up and saying "Yes I hate the gov't, not the country, not the constitution, but the greedy crooks that have perverted it. I've watched with open eyes the psi-ops that these crooked bastards have used for the past 2 decades to divide people into ever smaller groups. These tactics are used so the citizens don't trust each other, the ones that do are in stuck small groups that no change can be effected and that makes them easier to discredit when a valid point is raised. They have perfecting these techniques since a bunch of dirty hippies almost put an end to their system of controls in the 60's.

Everyone around here claims to be "So aware" "woke up" blah blah blah, all I see is a bunch of blind chickens clucking around in circles, thinking they can hide behind a screen name, and some program/proxy/whatever that were more then likely created by those they are hiding from. Wake up for real and realize that the web is the ultimate power of the people, it is getting out of their control and spilling into the real world. Now if you'll excuse me I have to pack my toothbrush for my trip to the camps

edit on 28-2-2013 by JeffreyCH because: missed typo

edit on 28-2-2013 by JeffreyCH because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Well, as the person accused of data mining and potentially brainwashing you all, I feel that I should respond.


So I put together the questionnaire. It was off the top of my head, just curiosity.

Thank you for a response. As I posted in the o.p. In all respects to smyleegrl, this could be a thread of genuine interest.

reply to post by Hefficide

This is really sort of a superfluous bit of worrying. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Federal government already knows who you are. Posting identifying information online isn't going to tell them anything they don't already know - well provided one isn't stupid enough to confess to things that aren't common knowledge already.

This thread was created simply in the interest and safety of members and users of the internet.

I understand that there are numerous ways in which the government, agencies, corporations and criminals can obtain data on individuals.

It is possible that agents sit around scanning through profiles and identifying individuals if they wish to do so.

A method that would make this task much simpler when targeting specific personalities would be to compartmentalise members using a questionnaire and then individually scan through susceptible profiles.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah65
... I didn't see how the questions could arrive at a legitimate commonality that would be useful in extrapolating a "cause and effect" for the phenomena the original thread was discussing.

Agreed. Absolutely pointless beyond seeing who falls for woo with no objectivity whatsoever and who doesn't. Basically the 'do you feel it?' threads are nothing more than asking about whether people are feeling social anxiety, but when you leave it open-ended, ambigious in such a way that people are 'waiting for 'something' (cue ominious music) to happen', or do you sense 'something' (ominous music), the woo factor goes into high gear. Mental pareidolia.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by WhiteAlice
reply to post by toocoolnc

Believe it or not, I'm actually a huge privacy person. I actually make a point of searching and eliminating unauthorized information about me on a regular basis for personal safety reasons. Hazard of having had a rough life. I'm also an avid blogger on privacy issues as I recognize those to be, aside from being very personally important to me, a right that isn't a right really. Madison missed privacy when he wrote the Bill of Rights and any rights to privacy are found through other amendments. That's why we have privacy issues.

That said, I pondered the questions that were being asked and found no reason to be concerned that someone would be able to identify me from the billions of other people living on this planet based on those bits of information. Sure, it asks for my astrological sign but that only narrows down my actual month of birth to two months--not even one. Zodiac signs don't follow the months--they begin around the 20th of one month and run til the 20th of the next. Country of birth/residence--well, that just says what country I'm from. It's not asking me what city/state I live in or where in particular I was born. Blood type--everybody has one. Level of education doesn't equate to age. My grandmother is nearly 90 and her highest level of education is high school. 5-8 offer no personally identifying information still and 9 is a yes/no question that still doesn't tell anybody who I am.

If you want to be concerned about your privacy, then comprehend that google tracks everything you do through them. Cookies track your activities as you go from site to site. This stuff is big money to marketers that want to better understand you so they can figure out how to appeal to you and your interests. And really, at the end of the day, unless you're using a really good proxy, any entity that would be interested in who you are could probably either demand that information via a warrant or buy it. I'm more paranoid about that than anybody knowing that I'm an INTJ Leo living in the US with a couple degrees and O neg blood.

INTJ--nothing unless it was done by a shrink. Leo narrows it down to two months of the year. Couple degrees--I'm very likely over the age of 21. US resident. O neg blood is the most potentially identifying as it's rare--6.6% incidence. That means I'm one of 220.9 million US residents over the age of 21. 6.6% incidence means I'm one of 14.6 million. Times that by 1/6 (two months out of 12 in a year) and that narrows me down to 2,420,825 people.

Not worried. Even when you count the fact that I'm female and shave it in half.

As I read your response, I was reminded that in my Myers-Briggs assessment (which is the only thing I took from that thread) it indicated that I was a fiercely private person. Before I got to the end of reading your post I thought "Oh, another INTJ!".

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by jude11
Anyone who gives up that type of personal info on the net is asking for trouble down the line IMO.

Anyone giving up that type of info on ATS should just spanked, scolded and spanked again...


Oh really?? did you even look at the thread?? you have revealed just as much about yourself here:

Would You Support an Animals/Pets Forum?
Survival Bread Recipes...Add Yours!
Now 13 Pages of Members Phobias...Share Yours!
Who is NOT making Survival Preparations...and WHY?

now who's brainwash-able, Chicken little.....threaten your elders with violence?? Keep that fake "Peace" to yourself, bub.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by jheherrin

Originally posted by Jeremiah65
... I didn't see how the questions could arrive at a legitimate commonality that would be useful in extrapolating a "cause and effect" for the phenomena the original thread was discussing.

Agreed. Absolutely pointless beyond seeing who falls for woo with no objectivity whatsoever and who doesn't. Basically the 'do you feel it?' threads are nothing more than asking about whether people are feeling social anxiety, but when you leave it open-ended, ambigious in such a way that people are 'waiting for 'something' (cue ominious music) to happen', or do you sense 'something' (ominous music), the woo factor goes into high gear. Mental pareidolia.

Not necessarily. I think that many of the questions are probably without point entirely and do definitely fall under the woo category (ie zodiac sign, paranormal questions, lucid dreaming, and etc). The MBTI, however, could explain the phenomena or at least give a general psychological profile (know I'm going to be targeted for that lol) of what may be two of the most common personality types of someone who may use a conspiracy forum. It is a psychological personality test and therefore, does allow a generalization to be made in regards to how a person thinks. That's what I found very interesting. What I found was extremely high rates of introversion and intuition. Introverted intuitive personality types are the kind of people who basically take patterns of information and can develop a sense or prediction of the future off that information. You can look that up yourself and that definitely applies to what is being described outright on the originating thread. One of the mods also came up as IN** but not "waiting" and intuition was the highest segment of all of those who shared their MBTI. We all could be a bit of pattern seekers really and it's not hard to see how we could be drawn to conspiracy theory and the like.

I think the levels of woo vary on the original thread. One thing that I noticed was a very large difference between what people thought was coming. Some thought of something more metaphysical approaching, others, like myself, had socioeconomic concerns, some thought good things were coming, others bad. There was nothing definitive amongst everyone posting on that thread. Ergo, not all of it is necessarily "woo" but, at least for those who are concerned about the future, it could simply be just representative of worry.
edit on 28/2/13 by WhiteAlice because: (no reason given)

edit on 28/2/13 by WhiteAlice because: clarifying

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by jheherrin

Originally posted by Jeremiah65
... I didn't see how the questions could arrive at a legitimate commonality that would be useful in extrapolating a "cause and effect" for the phenomena the original thread was discussing.

Agreed. Absolutely pointless beyond seeing who falls for woo with no objectivity whatsoever and who doesn't. Basically the 'do you feel it?' threads are nothing more than asking about whether people are feeling social anxiety, but when you leave it open-ended, ambigious in such a way that people are 'waiting for 'something' (cue ominious music) to happen', or do you sense 'something' (ominous music), the woo factor goes into high gear. Mental pareidolia.

Probably, the questions won't arrive at any verifiable conclusion. But you know what? That's okay.

It's a subject that interests me, and based upon the responses in the other thread, it interests others as well. If you believe the questions are worthless (and you could very well be right)....just don't answer. It's that simple.

But there are folks here who believe in the paranormal....and they have the right to that belief.

So, that's that. Happy Thursday, all....

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 11:20 AM
Thank you for the thanks, Jeffrey (or do you prefer Jeff?
) I try to stay as rational as possible...which seems to be out of the ordinary these days when irrationalism is the norm.

Haha, the fear and paranoia of the Internet that people have these days is completely baffling to me. Maybe, it's just because I'm 24 and grew up with the technology or because my previous line of work was literally putting my images and name and information online for people to buy and enjoy and nothing ever happened because of it, but I just know, for a fact, that I'm safer on the Internet, in the endless chatter of billions, than I am in the real world walking down the street or sitting behind a table at a convention and signing my name for a bunch of dudes who are only getting my signature because they've bought my pics and I'm pretty and would gladly follow me home and break into my house and do whatever the Hell they felt like. I have a better chance of being robbed, beaten, murdered, and taken away in a black Suburban simply by walking out my front door than I do by BS'ing and talking about pointless stuff. The Internet is not a scary dark alley,'s just what Jeff called it, the greatest social tool of all time. Stay calm and don't be afraid...the fear of the Internet I see from some of you is one step above pointing at an iPad and yelling "Sorcery!" and smashing it. By the way, Jeff, thank you for thanking ME...I'm glad we're not just sparklyunicorngrl and BAMF2000 high fiving each other here, we're Jen and Jeff (AKA real people) thanking each other for our contributions. My screenname is my first initial and my last name (because my last name has been used as my nickname since middle school and I'm widely known by it) and my numbers are my birthday, which are listed on my profile anyway (I think).

I, too, use the same screen name for everything from my email to my Twitter to a million other things...because it's who I am and I'm not coming on here with a false representation of myself to either hide out of fear or deceive. I put my picture up as my avatar because it literally does NOT matter that some ATSers see my name and face when all they'd have to do is look up my Facebook and Twitter (both of which I've had for several years) or look up my work as a non-modified pin-up girl with Suicide Girls (which is what got the fame ball rolling for me) to see more pictures and info about me and to realize I have THOUSANDS of fans and followers who have known my name, face, and location for far longer than any of you have...and I have yet to be murdered. Surprise, surprise! And I have no problem coming on here and sharing my life story (cuz it might help someone else if they read it) and saying exactly what I think about EVERYTHING (cuz it might be thought-provoking and make a change in people).

Don't fall for the old lie, people...just because it's new and unfamiliar and you don't completely understand 100% how it works or know what the odds are for something to go wrong because of it doesn't mean you have to hide from it. The people you dislike so much for corrupting the way things should be WANT you to be afraid and in the dark and hide...take back everything you can from them and start right here... take back the Internet and make it yours and don't worry about who's watching, because you're going to be JUST FINE and you are not gonna let them rule and own and destroy what is possibly the greatest social tool of all time.

While Jeff packs his toothbrush in preparation for his impending "detainment" in a FEMA camp for using his real name to say such subversive things on a *gasp* open forum the government is totally watching and caring about what we have to say...I'm gonna finish up my law degree and masters (lest than a year and a half left on both!) and rest easy in the knowledge that not only am I pretty and intelligent, making me the perfect candidate to be abducted by the government when a natural catastrophe takes place and taken to an underground bunker to be forced to repopulate the world with all of the political scum and other pretty faces with smart brains, but that my father works with homeland security, has nearly top security clearance, and is a very wealthy man in the right social and politcal cirlces who is part of the so-called 1% "elite" that you all love to talk about so much and therefore, by proxy...I'll be quite safe from the government for a good long time, LOL!


posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by chasingbrahman
As I read your response, I was reminded that in my Myers-Briggs assessment (which is the only thing I took from that thread) it indicated that I was a fiercely private person. Before I got to the end of reading your post I thought "Oh, another INTJ!".

Yeah, always have been a private sort of person. I just became fiercely private because of someone wanting to murder me once upon a time. That kind of thing is a life sentence of being fiercely private unless I can ever find confirmation of his death. Should explain why I discuss privacy issues so avidly pretty readily. For me, it could very well be a matter of life and death.
edit on 28/2/13 by WhiteAlice because: more coffee please

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by jcutler12888
reply to post by Infi8nity

Good, cuz I sure deserve one!

Yes, that's me in my avatar. You like?

edit on 2/27/2013 by jcutler12888 because: (no reason given)

I can never resist a women in red.

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