posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by madmac5150
The Iraqi military that defeated Iran
When did the Iraqi army defeat the Iranian Army?
I wouldn't say Iran is the wounded animal either. That is most definitely the US in this circumstance. Iran deserves respect, they are an ancient
culture that predates almost every other culture. The bomb isn't about respect, Australia, Germany, Japan do not have the bomb, but they have
The bomb is about protection. Without the bomb, Iran is just another Iraq. Iraq barely had any kind of conventional weapon let alone a nuke. Imagine
if Iraq had of had a nuke? you think the US would have invaded for their oil?
If Iran can build a bomb, then they deserve to have a bomb. They are the middle eastern superpower and lets not beat around the bush....
the ONLY reason the Americas accuse Iran of being evil is because Iran do not see eye to eye with the US bankers and corporate entities.