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Is the Roman Catholic Church being thrown under the bus?

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posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by redoubt

Secondly, it would create physical stresses on (male) clergy as this lifelong abstinence runs counter to the very forces God installed in his human creation.

To be brutally honest, uninhibited heterosexual priests engage in guilt free oral sex with women.

I know two women who have engaged in this activity with Catholic priests so it must be fairly common.

The women downplayed their role so that the oral sex became essentially just backscratching. One clearly realized the priest did not want to waste emotional energy, time etc on a more meaningful intimate relationship.

The only stress comes from expectations and guilt where the woman involved is deceived.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 10:22 AM
One can only hope the Church is being thrown under a bus, its spent its lifetime destroying lives time and time again.

Religion POINT BLANK is the cause of so many wars and disputes its amazing any one has survived this long without being burned as being a witch etc (insert any disgusting torture used by men of the cloth to keep their religion in power).

Religion the supposed path of truth which is so ironic as almost every religion claimed to be the top dog which means that all the others are liars, the real truth is that almost every religion is a sampling of others and merely stories to enhance their grip on people.

Me, I'd rather believe the mathematically proven theory that there are other races out there and that maybe just maybe some have been here in the long past and these are the gods that people should believe in.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Slichter

The only stress comes from expectations and guilt where the woman involved is deceived.

I think we have to take each instance and reflect upon the individual involved. Different people react differently to things. In society, some people go postal, others engage in road rage or spousal abuse. The stresses placed upon people may vary little but our reaction to them is as unique as our personality.

If one considers a man who has devoted much of his life to the Church and forsaken his natural drives, the end result may be sordid behavior with females or even horribly conduct with children. I think its possible that the Church has willfully neglected this single subject for centuries based on the beliefs of its single, human founder. Of course, this is nothing more than theory based on various aspects that many dismiss out of hand.

In the end, did Christ intend for his church to demand this of its priests? I have my doubts.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 12:42 PM
Any time an organization sets out with the goal of controlling man, it is doomed to fail. The Catholic Church is corrupt to its core and always has been.
A better question would be "Is the Catholic Church FINALLY being thrown under the bus?" I truly hope so.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
Any time an organization sets out with the goal of controlling man, it is doomed to fail.

The Governments, Bankers and Businesses in this world would do well to remember this as well.
The religions are not the only organizations trying to control people.

On subject; Yes, the Catholic Church will be thrown under the bus, as will every religious system not in complete compliance with the secular agenda.

My belief is that the Catholic church more closely resembles the whore of revelations than any other organization in the world.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by RedmoonMWC

Eh. I mean sure. But what we are seeing is just another version of the same role tired story. Organization gains crazy amounts of power. Organization is openly corrupt. People get sick of it and the organization eventually collapses. To their credit though, the church made a heck of a run. 1,500 years ain't too shabby.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by incoserv

Why now?

Because the ruling body no longer needs it? Just needs it to get with the times.

Church and State have always been one hand washing the other. That part isn't changing. Well, not anytime soon.

They are simply updating the decor. Likely, many of the same tenets and rituals will apply. It's like the Great Schism or the Reformation. We're past due for another. (11th Century, 16th Century)

Organized religion must once again adapt it's facade to suit the "heathen" in order to maintain relevance. Which illustrates vividly that it is simply a tool for social engineering... (that more likely ascended from the depths of hell rather than descended from on high.)

Many protestant faiths still uphold and swear allegiance to the HRC as demonstrated by reciting the apostles creed every Sunday. By extension, they are almost all one in the same. So... it's not just Catholicism circling the drain.

Must say though... seems like a loaded question. Is the HRC being thrown under the bus?

Only in the way that crooks will sell each other out in order to cop a plea bargain.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by sealing
If the Church picks a pope named Peter, they are willingly
trying to destroy the world. What do they have to lose?

Technically ALL POPES are 'Peter'. They sit in the 'Chair of Peter'.
They 'wear the shoes of the fisherman' (Peter).
So no pope has to have the name peter or take the name peter
for this propehcy to be fulfilled.

As for the question 'Is the Roman Catholic Church' being thrown under the bus?
Yes and No. ... IMHO
Some of what is happening to the church is it's own fault.
Some of it is other powers trying to weaken it because it's position is a threat to them.
The NWO shadow bunch have to reign in the Catholic Church's influence.
And exposing the errors and sins .. while ignoring the good .. is an effective way to do it.

I have to agree with you on this post. Especially on the last line. I'm a cradle Catholic and am now a Fourth Degree Knight with the Knights of
The Knights of Columbus, for those who don't know what they are or do, are simply a Catholic Men's fraternity mostly made up of retired older gentleman, a lot are ex-military, that do good works for the community and seek no recognition for it. Good works being the raising of monies for handicap children, funding free health clinics for the poor, holding spelling bees and free throw competitions for school children. Scholarship money is awarded to deserving high school seniors. And some serve as honor guard at funerals and special events like the Special Olympics. We try to lead by quiet example which is why I'm a proud member of the KofC.
So you are right when you say "while ignoring the good". I surely hope and pray that the majority of people realize that there are a few bad apples in every bunch. But there is so much good that is done as well. For the most part we as Catholics are raised to be humble and to help others.
Frankly I wish there were more people in our nation that focused on helping others and less of themselves. What a wonderful world this would be.
May God Bless all those who read this. Christian, or not.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by sealing
If the Church picks a pope named Peter, they are willingly
trying to destroy the world. What do they have to lose?

Technically ALL POPES are 'Peter'. They sit in the 'Chair of Peter'.
They 'wear the shoes of the fisherman' (Peter).
So no pope has to have the name peter or take the name peter
for this propehcy to be fulfilled.

As for the question 'Is the Roman Catholic Church' being thrown under the bus?
Yes and No. ... IMHO
Some of what is happening to the church is it's own fault.
Some of it is other powers trying to weaken it because it's position is a threat to them.
The NWO shadow bunch have to reign in the Catholic Church's influence.
And exposing the errors and sins .. while ignoring the good .. is an effective way to do it.

obviously you were indoctrinated at an ear;ly age (as they do) that the church of satan is holy, and can't quite shake it yet. any good out of this roman hijack of christ for control and abuse of the masses is IN SPITE OF the organization, not because of it (think of the good nazi in nanking who saved chinese civilians).

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 04:13 PM
our 'holy father' is said to be specifically mentioned a couple of times in scripture--being god in heaven. jesus was emphatic that all men/women fall short of perfection, and that no man should be glorified and NO MAN should be called your spiritual father. i am not, btw, a member of any church etc. isn't it funny, it being so central to the cult, that peter is never mentioned as being near rome in bible?

man on a golden throne, people worshipping before dead 'saints' and statues--yeah, jesus would just adore all that, i'm sure!!

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by PMNOrlando

If by open admission or irrefutable evidence it's proven that funny business is going on, I fail to see how that can be construed as being "thrown under the bus".

The way a lot of people are responding, they do not tolerate all the scandals and corruption from their spiritual leaders - there seems to be a lot more tolerance of it from the government but that's another thread.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by fryether
reply to post by incoserv

This may shock you, but your post is darn near perfectly in line with the Jehovah's Witness viewpoint of the Harlot.
The difference being they believe that religion as a whole is going to be 'thrown under a bus'. I personally like Chapter 18 verse 11 in revelation.“Also, the traveling merchants of the earth are weeping and mourning over her, because there is no one to buy their full stock anymore." Think of all the holidays associated with Religion, and all the money that is made. I am sure many would weep if the harlot was killed.

If interested, a copy of Revelation It's Grand Climax at Hand is freely available.

the holidays would continue either way. I'm not christian but I enjoy Christmas with out any religious belief attached.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 05:02 AM
Well, I had typed up this long post, that basically outlined all the reasons that the Roman Catholic Church bloody well OUGHT to have been thrown under a bus, with passages quoted from the Bible, historical references, the whole works. I had less than eight hundred characters to go on my letter count. A security error of some sort prevented me from posting it, and the whole thing is gone, along with the half hour it took to formulate.

Never mind. Suffice to say however, the Roman Catholic Church is a perversion of Christs messege to his people, on so many levels that it makes me sick to contemplate it. I hope the entire power structure of that abominable organisation enjoy fire and sulphur, because thats pretty much all they can expect when the Alpha becomes the Omega.

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