posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 12:07 AM
Originally posted by Flavian
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw
So you are more concerned with animals than with your fellow man?
Fair enough, each to their own. Personally speaking, i would happily club a seal to death if it saved a person.
I wouldn't, Some people arn't worth even a baby seals life sadly. Like the people who made boxing matches out of a classroom of people who have
But even then clubing baby seals in of itself sounds silly, in comparison to how many cats, dogs. (pure breed or not) are euthanized a day and stuffed
in a freezer. Or the kennels they live in where if a dog or a cat is heard with so much of a sniffle they are put down instantly to prevent an
epidemic for the animals there. On average. An animal has pretty much up to 3 days if they are lucky once they walk through those doors.
So yeah, that cat. That dog you had that one time that you gave to the spca because you thought they were so nice someone would pick them up. Nope.
Pretty much sentenced to death the moment you drop it off. Yet people, Retarded people. Still buy puppies and support dog breeding when people can
barely handle one let alone a bunch of pups. Then a bunch of them end up abused and what not.
Thats just the SPCA. this isn't including whats going on with the wildlife like the wild horses that are being run to death so that reserve land gets
freed up for the use of pipe lines. The sad truth is. The meat that is recovered from the dead animals is often sold to pet food companies, where they
multch that together with the 4 Ds of pet food. Diseases Dead disabled and dying. All that stuff is sold in not all pet foods but most major brands.
And even an uglier truth is the turkey farms, Im sure south park made a good reference to what they sort of are like. But a turkey conveyer belt that
drowns the turkey in boiling water then defeathers them. Pretty gross. Or the peep grinder. How can people do that job. Picking apart which are the
males and females on a conveyor belt feeding to a peep grinding drill for all our of easter peep treats
But really. How could i sit there. Throwing
select peeps down a tube to another conveyor belt lol like. A lot of those animals don't even know what the sun looks like. The people who work
there, there are some really abusive people there. Who just kick them, Do cruel things for fun like smashing animals on the ground, Throwing them.
Ripping limbs apart and other things.
Like i was saying there are more evil things in this planet people don't bother mentioning. Even pedophilia is worse then this topic. Easily. Child
exploitation is also another explosively tragic topic. Scum of the earth. All of thee above iv mentioned are pretty much close to the lowest of lows
that humanity can get. Still thousands of more kids are being traumatized by that topic alone. Where as this topic only effected an estimated 250
people. assuming those 50 families are 5 people each.